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Noisette sounds like a lot like "Noid". Yeah, I was indeed reminded of the Noid. She also reminds me of Louise Belcher. I do like this animation. The best was probably the end with the big cloud of violence. Why is that called Big Ball of Violence?

I loved the voices too. Maybe I've just seen too many "Pizza Tower" cartoons. This just wasn't great to me. It's still as good as most of these. I wish you'd show the actual gameplay.

Wow, this must be the longest author's comments ever! It was weird how they're usually just credited on the side. Anyway, this was indeed great. I have never even heard of this cartoon before. I thought the end was the live-action Popeye movie. I never knew there was a live-action Japanese Popeye.

This was like three submissions in one! It was weird to see a reanimated collab of something I've never seen before. Some of these looked cheap enough to be made by me! I'm just kidding, I could never even make one of them like that. I'm glad the last part wasn't just nothing but credits.

Wow, this was really nice. The best parts were probably when he showed the good cartoons at the beginning. The AI looked like Aang! It was extremely nice to see this style again. I'm glad we have a (semi) live-action series here. This was even itself about making cartoons.

It's quite appropriate. AI generated stuff should die out. Well, I guess it's better than GoAnimate! Good thing that never took off here at all. There will always be haters and trolls.

This was very enjoyable! Here I was thinking we had no great cartoons released this week. Instead, we ended up with some amazing ones! I know enough about "Splatoon" to love this. Well, anyone can love this. I mean, we see movies based on books we've never read and can love this!

The animation was so stylistic. I have realized that I review everything with a minimum score of 4.20 here. 420, that marijuana! Anyway, the lack of color was a great choice as well. The sketches made it look so good.

It was fun to watch the cameos. I will admit it was cut too short. I wanted to see the climax! Well, maybe that wouldn't have worked with the joke. I didn't know they were attached to each other at first. The animation was so deranged.

I liked the cameos from other underwater characters. I was sooo hoping for Aquaman to appear as well. I guess we can't have it all. I've heard the movie's actually good. We're really into Disney live-action remake parodies lately.

I honestly thought they looked more like smurfs. You know, with the blue bodies. Their bodies were thicker than usual. They were more like noodle people. Yeah, that's a trope. She looked like Smurfette.

Wait, was that a girl? It's hard to tell with stick figures. You just have to put boobs on them. I wish it was longer! That was it's biggest fault!

I thought this was decent. I didn't know what was going on. The animation was so awkward. That ended up working well. It was nice to see Tom Fulp. Well, not hear him exactly.

He wasn't a girl himself! I could tell from his nipple rings. How hypocritical! John Smith is indeed a lame name. Hey, that rhymes.

DannyGoodShirt responds:

Yeah this was definitely not suppose to be smart. It was dumb.

Thanks for watching though!

I loved this! I had no idea the actual submission would be here so soon! I was wondering how she knew how to fight like that. I'm glad the cartoon explained. It was nice to see the omission of black lines. This was just so perfectly animated.

I knew it was going to be amazing! I really liked her! The voices were so fitting as well. The unexpected ending was great too. It really does make sense, though. You deserved Weekly User's Choice.

I thought this would be a reference to "Frogger". Instead, it was apparently just about frogs. We don't need another frog-themed game. I loved the animation too. I really had no idea what would happen next. I thought it would end at 1:18.

I just assume everything is a video game reference nowadays. I though the boxer was a "Punch-Out!!" reference. With good movies based on video games being made, this makes more sense. The credits were too long, though. Well, percentage wise.

I will admit that I liked this. It had good animation throughout the entire time. I will just say that I didn't love it. It felt like it was building up to something more. I still liked seeing these two completely different looking characters together. You know how to create contrasting designs.

You have to be a hero here. I liked seeing all these colors too. I'm not used to seeing pilots from you. This looks like something great. I'm glad it got recognition, though the series itself will be much better.

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