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This is the first time I've seen a submission based on the IDW Sonic comics. I admit to never having read them. I never really started with them given I didn't start with the first issues. I was too busy keeping up with the Archie stuff! I'm not too familiar with "Arcane" either. This was a wonderful tribute.

Weird how "Re-Animated" isn't in the tags. The animation is just fantastic. Wow, isn't this too early to appear on the Weekly Top 10? Yeah, I get those e-mails. I even loved seeing those previews at the end.

gamerguyd responds:

Oh you should definitely watch the Sonic Rebound series then, since you haven't read the IDW comics yet. I'm sure you'll love them! :)

Don't take away ideas from the Clock Crew! You know, B and everything. While surreal, it wasn't quite experimental. This really is evolving into lore. I wonder if we'll ever get a series based on !,@,# or $? There's a lot of symbols on the keyboard.

Why oh Y? At least 1 and 2 didn't make a bathroom joke. These characters really have evolved. Look, I made a review entirely up of words! It's just like the cartoon itself!

Aww, I kind of thought this was too short. I would have liked to see Spongebob. It was great to see this animation. I think a "Steamed Hams" parody did this better. Well, they've done everything. Why is he the size of the other characters?

Anyone would act that way with a burger that had a bite taken out of it. I wanted the other characters to talk in their voices. He looks funny in that hat. It would have been funny to have Mr. Krabs there too. He would only care about the money.

Well, that was good, but it was indeed rather strange. "Family Guy" is his religion? That's an anti-religious show. Well, I guess Brian is the only one who really hates religion. Stewie's British? His parents aren't.

There's probably some cutaway gag that shows he really is. They've made every joke in those cutaway gags. Hey, this score's at 4.20. It's about grass! Well, I've been saying "Well" a lot in this review.

Wait, no one's done this before? It is a rather obvious idea. I will admit that it isn't great. It's still nicely animated. Maybe I've just been annoyed by Pizza Tower submissions. Of course it's appropriate.

You'd think we'd get a pasta game from Mario. We use Italian cuisine in games a lot. The irony is that it still doesn't come off as that unique anymore. I guess I want to see it more like the game. You rarely see that here!

I love "Blade Runner 2049", but not so much "Berserk". I initially mistook this for a tribute to "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". Then again, I also mistook it for "Fist Of The North Star". Wow, those three things are all similar, aren't they? I don't remember this scene. It's been too long since I saw that movie.

This was just too short. It was at least well animated. It wasn't really a parody. It was more like a straight tribute. Either way, it was fine.

I was surprised that this didn't have a higher score at first. When watching the cartoon, I realized it was just decent. I was just hoping for more action. It was still great to see these characters. Yeah, I have forgotten most of them. I remember the protagonist and her at least.

It was still nice to look at. It was nice and organized. You probably could have just put this as one submission. Well, I know it can take a long time to make a single cartoon. Happy Mother's Day if that means anything.

Dude, I loved this! This is my favorite cartoon of yours! You have no idea what's going to happen next. The best part was probably how unpredictable it was. I truly thought the guy was going to get really hurt at the end. It turned out that the ballerina was the hurt one!

Maybe she was sad over the fact of what was happening to the guy. He was a bigger puppet than she was! That's true empathy! It truly was a dark and twisted cartoon. At least the audience liked it. I wonder what those other ballerinas thought?

BoyPorcelain responds:

Thanks Enricho! I always like to make something that goes in a direction that's weird and fun to know when rewatching with my loops so I'm glad that it worked on you!

I loved being abstract and weird with this and I love seeing what people think this all means (when even I don't) so I'm glad to hear you liked it!

Well, I have to admit that was rather odd. I mean, I really didn't care for the designs of the characters. Why weren't they colored in? It seemed too rough. The story wasn't anything too good. It needed to be more finished.

I do like the "Oxenfree" title. Wow, I brought this down a lot. I guess I'm sorry about that. It did have a great thing at the end. It was just not for me at all.

VoicesByCorey responds:

Well, it is an animatic pilot.

Wow, this was quite good! I really had no idea what was going on at first. I thought it would end after just a minute. I'm glad you kept it up all that time. I truly wonder what was going on. I know what a neckbeard is.

It does seem like an overused term. Noir parodies are always good. It's never played straight nowadays. It hasn't been for decades! It's great for a cartoon.

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