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Aww, I knew Krystal would appear eventually. I'm not a furry, except for Rouge of course. I recognize all these characters and it was nice to include Wuya! The alien bits did kind of turn me off, though. Well, the slugs were the worst. I wouldn't be that turned on by them.

Some of these girls were just unappealing. I wish they just looked like they normally did. Instead of Rosie O'Donnell, it should have been Whoopi Goldberg. She's the most hideous creature of all. Look up how insane she is.

Is that a pokemon? It's impossible for me to keep up with them all. I guess every weird animal I see on the Internet is a pokemon. This was indeed cute. I was bothered by the hole with the tail coming out. It was red all around!

Was that blood? Eh, who cares? It's a cute little cat. Well, a cute little cat-like thing. I like how happy the little guy is.

Oh, it was about declawing. It's sad I needed to look into that further to understand it. I didn't want my second cat declawed. He just scratched me bad once and my parents did it. I would never declaw a cat again. This is good animation.

There's an X cat for everything. I noticed it really was the same cat over and over at the end. That was indeed scary. I noticed the same mug, so it must have been the same cat. I pay attention to details like that.

You should do one on Kevin MacLeod. I mean, he rules over the Internet anyway. I loved seeing an entire parody from you. Not as good as the "Robot Chicken" one. This wasn't even a cartoon talking about your life. It was just a straight up parody.

I never thought of the story that way. I just noticed your initials are BS. I shouldn't believe everything you tell me! I think we've all imagined stories like this. Mine was snakes and Snickers. Snakes deserve to die.

Well, that was longer and it had more depth. I still wish it was just one larger cartoon. This was a good little joke. I'd like to see their faces. Where'd that giant gumball come from? I re-watched it and didn't see it falling.

I guess it was just something I had to look for in the previous installments. It must have been something she was holding in hammerspace. It certainly looks like a gumball. Gumball is such a great cat. She is a thief after all.

I'm seriously surprised this wasn't rated "A". I mean, you can see visible genitals in it and they're relevant to the story! I'm not used to a cartoon from you without NOX. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of Knox. It's a pity he stopped coming here. Disney still couldn't take over Twitter.

The animation was beautiful. I did hear NOX's voice in this. Maybe that's just your normal speaking voice. It's a shame Iron Man died. May his spirit still live on.

Yeah, this was just okay for me. I found it to be too short. At least it was well animated. I do indeed know about that episode. While I haven't seen all of "Breaking Bad", I'm familiar enough to understand this. The ending was pretty unexpected.

Of course it would be something cartoonish. I just wish there was more to it. Please just put them together so we can all enjoy them at once. This was just average for me. I'm glad we have "Breaking Bad" parodies here.

Yeah, I guess it's best not knowing what that was being censored.

I had a feeling this would win Daily Feature. The sad thing is that I don't think it's great. Actually, it did deserve this for the day. Who knew something so short and simple could be crafted well? It sure is easy to notice the fraction of seconds with really short cartoons. It's shorter than 5 second films!

Those videos are nine seconds long! I understand the frog/fly analogy. It was like catching something within catching something. I think "Inception" memes are old. Nice hair.

Jremby responds:

Appreciate the feedback Ericho, wanted to post it here as a gif originally, but I wanted people here to hear the sfx I added too much. Also the fly thing is just because I hate big flies and wanted to punch one lol

Yeah, I'm getting used to these short cartoons winning Daily Feature. It was at least unpredictable. I was hoping there'd be more like "Mario's Castle Calamity". This was nicely animated. I appreciate the animation. This was very nicely done!

It was just one note. That was of course the point. I'd like to play as Yoshi. There's probably already a game for that. The Mario franchise has done everything.

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