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"I'm Mr. Meseeks! Look at me!" Anyway, this was wonderful. That guy has one big butt. Honestly, I feel bad for him. I love how he's just as confused as the viewer. It makes him more relatable!

I was afraid the whole thing would be blurry. Luckily, it wasn't. Oh yeah, this is the same animation style as that Grimace ad. You are really talented. He's not much of a hobo.

It's nice to see where this series started. I can tell that Ed is based on a Dalek. Well, he's very similar to one. I can now see that this takes place on another planet. I somehow missed this after all these years. It's great to see this animation.

I still find Kyra as a more interesting character. Well, this does technically focus on her. I like the colors a lot too. I see more potential for this series. I'm glad to know the episodes aren't the same.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

So glad you liked it : D

There were a lot of challenges with that first episode, like working around the fact Kyra did not have a voice casted yet.

This was a very nice little cartoon. It was relatively mundane. Well, as mundane as a cartoon about talking animals can be. I appreciate the beautiful animation. This is something I bet most people in the cafe industry can associate with. I do work in food service.

I don't actually serve or prepare the food. I just wash dishes. I loved that hypnotizing guy. These characters had such cool designs. Oh, they're aliens!

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

Glad you enjoyed it~

This episode pretty much was an excuse for me to have some fun and cut loose on alien designs, so had a lot of fun there x3

That was quite good. The animation was what sold it. Those masks will never stop being scary. I thought those were supposed to be crow people. They were just masks. It's still pretty terrifying to look at.

The Black Death was indeed a dark time. I was always terrified of leeches. Hey, if he had blood clots, it would have worked! It was right for the right reason. It probably didn't need to be longer.

Hey, I remember that music at the end! It's from the Pony.mov series! Dang, that was a long time ago! Anyway, this was pretty awesome. I always love seeing Chiyo's father. Oh, I saw that tag.

I loved seeing that game. I don't know if it's real or not. These characters are just so much fun. They act like they should. I liked seeing those real images of them too.

Wow, that was hilarious! I had no idea what was going on at the end. I loved when you cut to a live-action part of the game being shown. We need more "Marvel Vs. Capcom" parodies. That's such a great series of games. I love different takes on Morrigan.

Damn, is she hot. I still might say Black Cat is hotter. She does look a bit off here, but is still hot. I was wondering if the "Mega Man" franchise was indeed 37 years old. It certainly was.

Oh, that's a piece of meat in the name. I don't know what that has to do with the cartoon. This looks more like a giant brain. Well, more like Krang from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Wait, he is a brain. He's kind of like a giant piece of gum too.

I liked how bizarre this was. I mean, I had no idea how Pebbles was even beating this thing. Everything was so random. That's what this series should be about, though. You know how to be unpredictable.

Wow, "Mean Girls" is getting a collab now? I loved the animation in this. It's been a long time since I saw that movie. I did see it, right? It was great to see so much movement everywhere. The colors were nice and bright too.

That white joke was great. I don't know if this is the exact audio used. It sounds too cartoonish. Again, it has been awhile since I saw that movie. There was just so much going on.

HisCoconutGun responds:

The audio is all original, it was not that aggressive X3

Well, that was...unexpected. I don't think one scene counts as a re-animated bit. Then again, it wasn't said to be a collab. The text was hard to read. I really couldn't get into it because of that. Still, it's nice to see Chiyo.

It needed to be longer. It works better as part of well, a collab. I've read all of "Azumanga Daioh". I never really watched the anime, though. Violence can be funny.

This was fantastic because of the animation. I remember when Sam T submitted something with a character he made up called Wapeach. He was right! It's such a shame his animations are no longer here. You get these expressions down perfectly. They almost look like puppets.

Are they? The voices were perfect too. Now we can make jokes about other Wa characters that might come true someday. Wayoshi? Watoad?

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