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This was just one joke, but it was really funny. I'm not sure which movie this is from. I'm going to say it's one of the John Wick movies. I never watched any of those. I can understand why they're so beloved, judging from stuff like this. I had heard about Reeves and Shadow.

Has he ever been a voice actor before? I think all celebrities have been by now. I believe this will be coming out next year. The first two and especially the second were good. I'll still miss Jim Carrey, though.

This wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't good. I appreciated the animation quite a bit. It was too late for 420. Why did the credits make up literally half the running time? That seems like too much. You still represented 420 quite well.

That's a weird way to credit the guy who made the thumbnail. The credits were still too long! Maybe if I was a stoner, I'd like this more. Well as I've said a million times before, everyone else seems to like it. I guess I wanted more of a story.

I'm sorry, but I didn't like this at all. It's just a CGI thing saying "Ribbit"! That looks nothing like a frog. It looks more like some blue cat. What's with the ears? Frogs don't have ears.

I'm so glad it wasn't porn. I mean, this "frog" had boobs. I've seen tons of short CGI porn like that. At least there was this other guy there. I assume he was a horse.

Yeah, I knew this wouldn't be too long. It did technically give us more action than usual. It helps that the animation is wonderful. You could still do more. I think there were some better cartoons today. That's some huge hair.

She kind of looks like she's covered in belts. It's kind of like Cloud's sword. The colors were especially gorgeous. I imagine that it would be really hard to make this longer. She does have some personality.

I thought the intro would be the whole thing. That's still like a third of the whole cartoon! Then I thought it wouldn't have any dialogue. I had no idea what was going to happen next here! The animation was indeed amazing. The funniest part was when she said she was dead on the inside.

How would he talk to the manager anyway? Oh yeah, I guess on the phone. Wait, if he's a ghost, wouldn't he be able to talk to the dead? I don't know ghosts work. For something into original characters, this was done fantastically. You had a ton of experience before.

I was impressed by the animation in this! I was amazed at how bizarre it got. Well, maybe a bit too bizarre. This was wonderfully done as this series always does. I'm glad you named all the characters in the end. I still couldn't remember all of them.

I guess I need to be more familiar with the Kirby games. This had some great action in it too. I notice how he says, "Boil!". He did that in the Kirby show too. I was waiting for her to show up and dang, was she cool!

Oh, it was a preview. I mean a trailer. I mean a teaser. There are a lot of words for those things, aren't there? That was just very nice to see. Happy 420!

I guess that doesn't have to do with the holiday. Well, maybe seeing all these monsters did. This was just amazing with the animation. 2025?! That's a long way off for just a game!

No bugs? I thought it was going to say no chickens were harmed in the making. Wait, you DID harm chickens?! The last joke was the best. Everyone had chips in them too of course. The artwork was really good.

That's one weird looking thumbnail. It fits the theme so well. Who who is actually a good example of wordplay. Ukraine has a comedian as their President. I guess this has worked before.

Yeah, this wasn't my thing. The animation was quite good. It just didn't add up to much. I needed more context for something with OneyPlays. It actually didn't seem that short. It still needed more action.

I know little about "Smiling Friends". Wow, a two day old cartoon to be Daily Feature! Well, it was submitted pretty late. I wanted to see something more interesting. Yes, it did need to be longer.

It sounds like they were talking about the Wii. I have to admit that this was probably your strangest cartoon ever. I thought it was a reference to "Attack On Titan". I haven't read or watched that actually. It wasn't in the tags, so I assume it wasn't. This was just bizarre.

I liked seeing all those other guys coming along. I don't know why his bones turned into those weird appendages. I enjoyed seeing something so weird from you. You deserve some credit. While by no means great, still pretty good.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Thanks! Yeah, I know, it's a bit out there. But I've been stuck in fish mode on Youtube for quite awhile and really, REALLY wanted to break the mold a bit. This is an idea I've been sitting on for like a year and a half. I'm glad I can finally say I've done it though.

Oh, and I've never seen Attack on Titan either. Though I know from ads that there's a character like this in it, the human anatomy display. It was just a convenient way of me showing what was happening in his body.

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