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That was a pretty nice little cartoon. I admit it wasn't great for me. It still had very nice animation. We get a great reaction from Amy here. The details are very good. We get it, Sonic's fast.

For some reason, the preview thumbnails showed through the cartoon the third time I played it! That's the first time that's ever happened! What a unique experience! It's nice to see the plane too. While overrated or me, still nice.

Aww, another new video game? There's so many games out there! This was pretty funny, but not one of my favorites. It reminded me of "Team Fortress 2". You know, with how they looked like the Pyro. Well, thinner of course.

It was pretty unpredictable. They were killed in pretty creative ways. I appreciate how well everything syncs up. You never know what video game is going to come up next. The title's pretty funny too.

Oh man this was so funny! I love how this joke just went on. It's less than a minute, so it's not that bad. It was great to have that twist too. You even added up to it well! I appreciate the animation as always.

You can make these so quickly. They're still very nicely animated. Will Pebbles ever take his helmet off? He must be exhausted in that! It's cool to see the title thing in the cartoon itself.

I loved this, because it perfectly captured the Salad Fingers character! The best part is probably how it seemed like a gay romance. I mean, I'm not one to judge his sexuality. He's rather perverse in his own way. Still no Valentine's Day section? You guys made it a great one!

The best part was probably how authentic it seemed to the style. I think this is the first time I've seen Salad Fingers as an anime. It's an odd fit. This might be our best Valentine's Day ever! We know it's not your character, silly!

Wow, this is really impressive for the trailer of a pilot! I will admit that it is kind of deja vu when you've already made submissions for previews. This is still nice to watch. It kind of reminds me of "Tokyo Godfathers". Uh, Happy Valentine's Day! This was indeed about love.

I mean, about love. It was cool to see this beautiful animation. I still think that's enough previews. The colors are done wonderfully. Yeah, the final product should be great.

Wait, that gelato is real?! I must say that I'm impressed! Mountain Dew's awesome! I'm glad Miku is still around! That's a lot of exclamation marks I'm making! This was pretty well animated.

It was just one joke, albeit a good one. I realize that she's mostly hair. It is a pretty unique design for her. Yes, I think it was worth it. It was an interesting use of stop motion.

This was wonderful! My only complaint was that it was a little too short. Otherwise, it was amazing. It's always great to see such cute little pokemon. They still have that fighting spirit! Aww yes, back in the days when I could remember all of their names.

It gets harder all the time. It seems more like an intro than a music video. Well, music videos can be short, I guess. It's not an AMV. I guess I got those definitions mixed up.

LuckoDaStars responds:

An intro can still be an animated music video. It doesn't discriminate.

I love how silly their arms look. I mean, this guy looks like he only has bones and no actual limbs. I know about the gameplay of "Dungeons And Dragons" pretty well. I've just seen so many parodies of it! The animation made it so funny. It just came off as so personal.

I'm glad to have come by this. I noticed it's always DND, not DAD. I guess "Dungeons 'N Dragons" is just a cooler name. It's nice you put all that text up. Still can't beat "8 Bit D&D".

ZedrinBot responds:

For me it's also cause typing an ampersand takes 5% more brain processing power and gives me a head hurty
i gotta look down and remember "wait it's shift + what number?"

This was pretty good. I guess a lot of the joke was how lame it was. You can draw dicks on anything. That's actually a pretty good dick drawing. Well, it's not that hard to make a good one. I appreciate the animation the most. I can recognize your animation style.

Well, that's only because of the thumbnails I saw at the end. I guess I was expecting a better joke. This still ended up working out pretty well. Happy Super Bowl Sunday! We don't have many sports submissions here.

I thought this was going to be you showing off shorts that were already submitted here. I'm glad it was all new material! I truly appreciate how this has a story to it. It isn't even really a compilation. It built on itself well. It must be cool for Hobo to be able to duplicate himself. Aww see, he is weird indeed!

He's still confused by what's going on. I noticed a lot of the jellybean colors seemed repeated. Well, at least by their appearance. Oh, so that's what Hobo is, a jellybean! I'm surprised this doesn't have its own series page.

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