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I found this to be quite good. The best part was probably when he was talking about Optimus Prime. It was nice to see that goofy artwork in his head. At the same time, it could have been better. The animation for the most part wasn't that good. It kind of reminds me of the "Waterman" series.

It's nice to have something I can relate to. Yeah, I've been paying rent for the first time recently. Then again, this was made a long time ago. At least it has something. The music is pretty good too.

I thought this was quite good. I appreciate the animation. The music was also good. I think these guys look like the Moogles from "Final Fantasy". A bit too many cutaway gags. I'm not fond of those.

I do like most of the humor. It's kind of unique. I don't know what the title means. I guess it's just meant to be silly. Much like this cartoon.

Wow, that was insane even by the standards of most stuff on this website. I just had no idea what was going on. At first, I thought it was really dumb. I admit that it did get better as it went along. I still wouldn't recommend it. I like the animation.

I knew that was Al Gore at first. He suddenly stopped using Pokémon Speak. Anyway, it's funny how there would be an actual popular cartoon with a guy named Mordecai. You know, "Regular Show"? This is fairly good, if really weird.

Yep, this is certainly a great cartoon! I guess some animation doesn't quite hold up, but it's still awesome. It's mostly because of how well you treat the mythos. This really does seem like the perspective taken from the actual game. Granted, it would never get this bloody. It's loyal to its design.

The bosses don't have that much personality to a lot of people. You showed the expressions so well in this. It was quite unpredictable. My favorite part was when he was changing colors. The tension is built up so well there.

It's great to see the epic conclusion! Well, I guess it's not a conclusion to the actual series, right? The music is as good as ever. I admit not remembering a lot of these characters' names. It's still great to look at. I like how they all look so distinct.

The voicework is great too. These are really some nice, original ideas you put forward. It is kind of hard to understand. At least you can look at it well enough. It is fairly unique.

robfeldman responds:

Ah, thanks! After more than 10 years, I'm glad to see people enjoying it!

It looks like the series is going backwards with progress. Then again, it wasn't getting that better. I really do appreciate how the one joke is pretty funny. It's still just one joke. The music and animation are as good as ever. It's still nothing special.

I guess I can see why this never got its own page under Series. There's so little to it. It's still not terrible. It's completely harmless. It's just nothing worth remembering.

I admit that this doesn't seem that unique. I still think that you are getting better with each submission. It's nice to see these episodes get longer. They obviously have more depth. It didn't look like much of a birthday cake at first. Well, the candles fit well.

The colors are nice here. The characters move fairly well. It just isn't quite for me. The music is fairly pleasant. It's quite mediocre, I suppose.

It's a shame that this has so view views. I really enjoyed it! It was just great to see this new style from you. I'm rather glad you made this. I just liked the bright colors in this. You didn't need any spoken words.

Then again, I guess most trailers here don't have them. I especially like the snake enemies. Well, they'll probably be too hard in the actual games. It's nice to know that you're still here. We need more prolific people like you.

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