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I thought this was pretty weak. There weren't really any jokes in it. We all have old shame. I guess it was at least something different for you. It needed more sound. It was just too bland.

I guess there were some okay details. It was also way too short. At least it was something. It probably is your weakest submission. Well, we all have our off days.

I liked this, but I'm sorry to bring the score down. It was especially nice to see some good early stuff you did. I really did like the character designs. They seemed relatively different than the newer ones you did. I liked the style. I admit it could have been funnier.

I do like the idea of the ants talking to them like that. I'm kind of reminded of "Rayman". You know, the video game? This was pretty interesting. I like that title.

This was probably my favorite in the series. It just had the most creativity. It was the most unpredictable. I really liked that long statement at the end. It was probably the funniest one you had. This wasn't that great of a series.

I actually like your live-action stuff more. It's a pity we don't encourage that anymore. I look both ways too. I don't want to be like that. I liked the colors.

Well, that was unpredictable. I was impressed at the animation. I mean, they really did seem to come forward in this. The movements were like a human's. That's impressive for stick figures! I had no idea what was going on.

The length was pretty good. I'm just more used to your other cartoons. This was still definitely decent. I've never seen a submission with ~ in the title. That's so unique.

Were those supposed to be lizard people? Or reptilian humanoids? I don't see little green men much. I admit the ending was kind of predictable. Then again, I didn't know he was in the wrong classroom. I thought he would legitimately want to be part of that class.

Maybe that would have been funnier? It was still pretty decent. I did like seeing your animation style. You seem to get rid of mouths later. This deserved its Daily 5th Place!

Why's the score so low? Glad to bump this up a little! I never had any pokemon cards. I'm still a huge "Pokémon" fan. I do admit that I lost count of them after the first 500. Well, probably better than most.

I wasn't into "Pokémon" at first either. Well, it grows on you. I have no cards. I wonder how much how holographic Charizards are worth? Must be a lot.

It's always great to see this stuff again. I admit I still can't keep up with the story. I especially like the artwork. You set up these unique personalities from the characters. I didn't see what this had to do with being burnt at the stake. Well, the titles are usually nonsensical.

Why isn't there a "No Evil" section? There's tons of sections here nobody has even heard of. I'm glad it wasn't violent. It's nice to credit everyone. Of course this will win an award.

This is another great animutation. Dang, I haven't heard of William Hung in a long time. Good! It's interesting to think where this stock footage comes from. Well, I recognized some of it. I see that Michelangelo face in some other places.

Is that a meme? It's nice to see DrunkMagiKoopa's original drawings. They contrast well. They really aren't too bad. I guess it was supposed to sound like "What 2".

Wow, that was quite interesting. I think it wasn't as good as the previous ones. Maybe not so much music. This should have become a collection. Well, it isn't that popular. Why would a monkey shit its pants?

Monkeys don't wear pants! No wonder it shit them! Anyway, this seemed a bit too short. It was still fairly unique. Hey, this was my dad's birthday!

I like "what if" scenarios. I imagine goldfish crackers wouldn't want to be eaten at all. The best part was the "fuck women" bit. That actually makes sense. Why is Tails so big? I knew Sonic was talking about rape.

Nice to see Scratch and Grounder too. I love jokes on wordplay. The handjob make sense. Hmmm, maybe you could put some color in. Well, that's really besides the point.

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