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Well, that was odd. First, I thought it was too short. Then I thought it was too long! What a strange turn of events! Anyway, the sprite work was great. Those are old hat nowadays.

I don't know why Mario would think of the plunger when thinking of Yoshi. He's the plumber! Or rather, he will be. I thought Paul Ter Voorde made this? Well, it was at least different.

Yeah, I should have seen those coming. This was still a fun little thing. What a funny coincidence! I was just reading about the Presidents myself! Small world, huh? I loved the Grover Cleveland joke.

Aww, just missed the fourth of July. I love the JFK part. Yeah, those facts are exaggerated and some aren't even real. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Well, we can't update everything.

That was awesome. I'm glad it has a 4.44. It reminded me of stop motion. I think that's what this is, isn't it? Making frames like this. Bananas are usually funny.

Your voices are funny too. It's great to see some live-action stuff here. Damn the loss of "Numa Numa Dance"! How many fps were those? It must have been high.

I admit that was nicely animated. It's still really nothing. I mean, there's a bunch of blank space. Was that supposed to show the signs? It didn't really mean anything. It's too repetitive.

Well, at least it's not complete spam. Oh, you crazy DrunkMagiKoopa. Thank you for not deleting your submissions with the loss of your profile. Where are you? It is some of the best animation you've probably ever seen.

I'd love to see the other entries in this series. There's really up to 776. I love "South Park". It was great to hear that theme song in any language. It's so creative. It can be expected of any animutations.

I thought it was just you saying random words. I believe it was the actual Japanese audio. Dang, Pikachu has seen better years. I'm glad it doesn't go on forever. It's as funny as ever.

Pikachu looks so cute. I imagine this was anti-Pokémon. I've heard that "Pokémon" is the most influential thing ever created. Dude, you're worse than the creators of the "Cat In The Hat" movie! I do like the premise. It does seem too bland.

It was at least nice to see those old games. I didn't even play those and I know about them! The later stuff you guys make is better. I remember when this website was anti-Pokémon. Now it's like the most beloved thing ever!

I admit that this seemed amateurish. The best part is that it is good with how goofy it is. Is that why it's called "Goof Troop"? I remember that as a Disney show. It's also a loop. There seem to be too many pixels.

It seems to have been made in 1999. There were live-action videos back then? Well, they don't hold up. At least it was video game related. RIP again Randy.

Dude, this was awesome! The animation was gorgeous. Let's just say that wasn't the only thing that was gorgeous here. It's amazing how far you can go with boob jokes. Never thought of Jill as being that attractive. This is so good anyone can enjoy it, not just "Resident Evil" fans.

I was literally thinking that I would give this a perfect score if we got to see Jill in a bikini. Look at 3:59! The colors were amazing. It just has everything I could want in a flash. I am so glad it didn't show her naked. I'm not that much of a pervert.

It's great to know this website has more traffic thanks to its porn. Yeah, you should know about that. Anyway, this was freaking awesome! I've heard of nearly every video game known to man. I know "Persona", but never even saw a video of it being played. Your name sounds like Derpy.

The colors and action were just gorgeous! Seriously, every character was so unique! That's always a big plus. While it was short, there was enough action for me to love it. Enough action for anyone to! I don't know how I missed this on the front page before.

I guess I would have loved this if I was into "Fallout". There's so many damn games there it's hard to keep up with them. They probably had a character in "Super Smash Bros." at one point. I did love the goofy animation. The live-action face was funny. I think it was long enough.

The voices were funny. It's not often we get a cartoon that wins all three main awards! I've been trying to chronicle those down. Anyone should be able to enjoy this. I liked the style.

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