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I admit that it was fairly short, but it did get its message across. That message of course being funny and silly. I cracked up at seeing the actual gameplay. Sonucais, I haven't heard from you in awhile! Well, I have too many favorite artists to list. The animation was nice and goofy.

I'm familiar enough with "Super Smash Bros". Well, I never played Ultimate obviously. I loved seeing the goofy effects. I think it's fine for its score. It's nice for a quick laugh.

Sonucais responds:

And believe me I am still alive
I'm doing life and I'm still alive
I feel fantastic and I'm still alive

I thought this was just okay. How was this not featured on the front page? It featured Tom Fulp! Well, it isn't that good. I loved how you mentioned aluminum. That is indeed the most recyclable substance ever made.

I remember watching Penn and Teller. The animation looked too crude. It was probably also too short. I can appreciate how it was kind of unique. Still not worth recommending, though.

TerrorByte responds:

Well, I am still trying to get my bearings with animation. I don’t mind, not being on the front page because, of this animation not being the greatest, I’d rather have an animation on the front page that has a lot more time an effort put into it anyway, not just because Tom is apart of it.

Very nice! My only complaint was that it was too short. This was still quite fun. The animation is just amazing! It does seem more like a trailer. It delivered exactly what it should.

The bright colors work so well. A lot does manage to go on. You even had credits! How odd for something so short. Well, not that much to say on something so brief.

You never fail to amuse me! I didn't go in when my cat was neutered. Wait. I've had two cats and both of them were neutered before I got them. That really was an experience. Do cats and dogs really have that much of a rivalry?

You should be glad they got along at all. Why is it called getting your pet fixed when afterwards it won't work anymore? Yeah, that's a common joke. I do still wonder it. It was gross, but I'm glad you included that scar picture.

Yeah, Sonic! I like this series. They work fine with how long they are. I especially enjoy the sprite work. You just don't see this anymore. Well, it's old by now.

Kind of like how theatrical released movies are all CGI. The sound effects are nice. Maybe it would have worked better as a compilation. Where are you, KrankZinnigStudio? Or Paul ter voorde, whoever you are?

Damn, I'll never stop getting nostalgic for animutations. No one makes them anymore! I wish it wasn't a loop at the end. I guess "Vote five" doesn't mean anything anymore. I remember Bob Dole. That does kind of date this.

Well, everything can become dated. I still loved it. The cow babies were cute. I liked the random encounter. Where are you, DrunkMagiKoopa?

You really made this game? So this is a trailer? Whatever, it's awesome! This was so funny. I love how fast everything moves. We always need that in cartoons.

It was short, but got its message across perfectly. Hard to believe this was 2003! You were great from the get go! That's what we need! The voice was hilarious too.

Hey, I know you guys! You were the most subscribed people on YT! Dang, have you made a lot of progress. I didn't know this would be good. The voice acting was great. Poop can be funny.

There was a nice amount of action in this. I wish they'd finish the song in the end. Who's Lewis Mocker? It's "Dew Haast". The running time was good too. It's a fun little cartoon.

That was one of the oddest flash cartoons I've ever come across in my life. The weirdest part was the animation. It was hard to even describe it. Was it supposed to be intentionally cheesy? Was it purposely done? Or was it meant to be original?

I will admit it was funny. I loved the joke about him not knowing what Canada is. Even the title is odd. It was certainly surreal. Happy belated Thanksgiving!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Actually, not flash at all. I'm not sure how good flash's ability to handle 3D has gotten, but it seemed headache inducing last time I looked into it. Actually using a mixture of blender and Unity. And cheesy, huh? I usually get comments on it being creepy. That's a fun change of pace. I'm glad you liked the humor of it,though, as I'm still trying to perfect all that. Though the animation quality right now is where I get the most complaints, so it's what I'm focusing most on currently. Thanksgiving for watching!

I thought this was okay. It didn't seem to be anything unique. It was just fine for what it was. It was probably too short. I did like the logo joke. This should have an individual section here!

The sprite work looks great. What happened to Paul ter Voode? This isn't his profile anymore. Well, I always want to learn about other authors. It's just forgettable.

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