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This wasn't much at all. It was just zombies dancing. I guess the colors were pretty good. I do appreciate the music. It's easy to recognize Mario stuff. This was your first cartoon.

I believe we all have old shames. At least it wasn't awful. It was just rather pointless. The text reminded me of "The Matrix". We all get better.

Aww, I was disappointed by the lack of music. This only has 20,000 views. How could people notice it? Well, I guess we've had much fewer viewed things reviewed. I liked the cigarette joke at the beginning. It is kind of unique.

I do appreciate that. I think it was probably too short. Maybe it's just because of the lack of sound. It's at least nice to look at. I like the green color scheme.

I wasn't impressed by this, but it was still okay. I understand that it's something early. I especially like the animation. It's nice and goofy. I guess I wasn't expecting most of this. I think the music's alright.

I like the meta bits. That still doesn't make it good. Yeah, it was slightly gay. Hey, gay marriage is legal now. We don't have to say that!

I admit to not being into "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". I saw some episodes and the movie. I still loved this. I guess the animation could be better. Well, this was pretty early for you. I just think ATHF is okay.

I like this song. It might be the best thing I've ever seen with the ATHF name on it. Well, it technically doesn't have the name on it. It's good for a tribute. I understand that this is popular.

That looks great! Seeing as how it's coming in April, I assume it's an April Fool's Day gag. It was never made. Dang, so many dead animators here. RIP again Ben. How can Ben Spurgin have two accounts with the same name? I guess hyphens matter.

I appreciate the great animation. At least there was a Klay World movie. That should be here! "See? I'm not dead!!!". Yeah, you are.

Hmmm, that was more than 60 seconds. I think "Tiny Toon Adventures" did this better. They had the same title. This was still awesome. I loved the references to your other cartoons. I remember Bush from "The Secret Speech".

I remember the rednecks from "Redneck Gangsta Rap". Good thing we killed Bin Laden too. It's nice to look back at history. It all becomes history eventually. You're a good artist.

It was worth the wait! Wait, what am I saying? We have an infinite number of stuff to watch in the meantime! Anyway, this was awesome. I had no idea this show would get more serious. It actually does feature real character development.

Why would Gilgar want to get rid of a hot girl like that? It's great how everything builds up on itself. Nothing is just a throwaway gag. This series is so awesome even the April Fool's Day submission was fantastic! Everything just looks beautiful, especially the women! It's even better than "Madness Expurgation"!

Something seemed kind of off about the audio. It just seemed too loud. Well, this is a cheap laptop. I like that picture at the end. Matt wasn't well known at this time. He would be eventually.

Still, I do like the doll concept. It's nice satire. It does seem to be saying something. I like the crazy animation. It's set up pretty well.

This is probably the best in the series. Well, I didn't really follow it. Did this have continuity? "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" seems old now. It's probably a discredited meme. I loved that Team Rocket gag.

The name looks like "Bender". "Futurama"'s so funny. RIP Edd Gould. Dang, he left behind a legacy. He'll always be remembered.

I've never heard this song before. I don't think you made it up. This was Wonchop? I couldn't tell at all. Well, it was your first submission. The idea's kind of cool.

It's certainly an original concept. The art's kind of rough. You get better obviously. We all do. Well, at least I hope we do.

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