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I loved this! Give this its own section! I missed Therapy Dog not appearing outside much. I do love that opening bit. How does she deal with other clients? There's probably other weird animals too. Elize is an enigma to me.

Is he supposed to be a jerk? Is he just stupid? Is he just sympathetic? The pacing is great too. I guess they're evil.

Wow, I actually liked this a lot. The best part is the song. I admit it's catchy. At least it's not the live-action Mario movie. The animation was quite good. I can see the manga influence.

I admit it makes no sense, but it's great for a brief cartoon. This was a great first submission! Well, everyone's done something with Mario nowadays. He can work as an interpretive character. It's fun.

I managed to play it when it just said 0.31%. It's really hard to believe this was one of the original "Joe Zombie" episodes. They got even better! It's simply great to see you put so much mythology in the series. I can see why this character is fairly recognizable. The lines are so gorgeous.

It's not often a cartoon wins all three main positive awards. That should be written down somewhere. It's not that colorful, but the colors it does have are beautiful. It works great as a serious cartoon. I'm glad the origins wasn't the bulk of the cartoon.

Dang, animutations were big back then. They certainly hold up! I love seeing how random it is. It does seem to be more coherent than usual. It features a moving character. It's probably the best drawings DrunkMagiKoopa has ever made.

It's a shame this died out. Well, here at least. Dang, was he prolific at this time. He seemed to make every other submission back then! Colors are always cool, but I did recently have a seizure.

I knew it got louder. I've never heard this song before. You hear all kinds of songs nowadays. Back in the earlier days of the Internet, this was one way to hear them. Maybe the images could have been better. You know, more random.

This is why I love animutations. They bring about endless creativity. Michael Jackson? Dude, he's extremely mild compared to the massive amounts of rape accusations nowadays! Boy, does he hold up!

Great to see this. mrsimon was always awesome. It's funny because "B" is a nickname for me. When I was born, it was said I sounded like a bear cub, which was shortened to "B". Maybe I would be BearClock? It's probably already taken.

The animation is great. This really is developing into a story arc. The voices do seem a bit distinct. Dang, was this a long time ago. It holds up!

I loved this! I take it you're a "Pokémon" fan. I did love how everything was so unpredictable. You just threw in everything you had ever worked on. It's like a demo reel, only more creative. Glad I found that "B" at the end.

Maybe the tune could be a bit nicer. It's still awesome. This is fairly good artwork. Maybe not the intention. I'm glad your great stuff is still here.

For a test, that was great. I remember a much older Robocop cartoon you did. This was very fun. It was really nice to see this animation. That music never gets old. It definitely had style.

It did look primitive. I think it mostly holds up. I can always appreciate that. Probably too short. Great for a quick watch.

I loved the animation. My only complaint is that it was too short. It wasn't as gory as I thought. It was still great. I loved seeing those faces on the monster. It was very creative.

The colors were nice and bright. I could see this becoming a series. It certainly has potential. You are a talented artist. You deserve your Daily Feature.

Wow, I wasn't impressed by this. The animation doesn't hold up at all. We all need to start somewhere. I especially love seeing how you've improved with animation. This probably needed dialogue. It was mostly too short.

Well, old stuff is usually short. It's nothing interesting. I guess it's nice to number your submissions. Knox did that too. Not good enough for the Eddsworld collection.

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