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I thought it was very interesting to get a glimpse into your personal life. I envy you. While it's true I have a job myself, I am not paying rent or anything and still living with my parents. My brother's even worse, but I don't think I'll get into personal details too much. The animation was as good as ever. I like how you randomly break into a rap.

It sort of fits your random cartoons. I think I can remember the other birthday cartoons you made. I myself am 24, and hope to be as successful as you in whatever way I can. One of your paintings looks like a swatiska. I doubt it, because of where you're from.

Woah, I had no clue this was going to be so awesome! It just seemed like typical stuff at first, but got better so quickly! I think the best thing about this is the ending. You just keep thinking that the guards are going to be punished. It actually makes more sense. Why wouldn't they just spear this guy?

I just love characters who are rebellious like that. The way everything was drawn was perfect too. I especially love the ostriches. I can see you going a long way with this series. It vaguely reminded me of Starbarians. It's something about how it has these two guys who just get away with everything.

Okay, my main complaint with this is that it goes on too long. I think it's the longest thing I've ever watched on the website since this new format was made. I appreicate you wanting to pay tribute to so many talented people. It's just that there should have been more motion. I know it's not about animation, but it would have been more entertaining. The voices are of course wonderful.

My favorite presenter was of course RicePirate. Speaking of prolific people, why wasn't Rina-chan involved in any of this? I don't see TomAto either (or however you say his name). I couldn't remember most of these flashes. As I have reviewed so many, I thought I would.

JaShinYa responds:

Yeah the video was actually a very last minute decision so the artist really pushed it out as fast as she could. We're planning on doing this again for the next contest, but will have a lot more prep time and therefore better stuff! Rina and Tomamoto weren't asked to do this because they never were involved with the contests (at least not since I've been doing them). Ricepirate entered in VAC7 and is obviously a great talent and all around cool guy as well which is why he was in this. Thanks for the review and I hope you like it better next time around!

The only complaint I have with this is that the CGI does look a bit bad at times. I still have to say this is an awesome cartoon. You really have no idea where it's going. I had no clue it was going to take such a dark turn given the title. Why would this guy give sentience to a robot body he would take over? I especially love the end where he just falls out like that.

I suspected that this would not end well. The robot's head kind of looked like C-3PO. I just freaking love spider legs. It's a kind of design that I've been fascinated with my entire life. I can see why this is on the front page before passing judgement.

Marcomatic responds:

I am sorry the CGI looks bad at times. I promise to make the 'CGI' gooder next time...

I admit that I was in no way expecting Mr. Peanut to come out like that. I thought it was just going to be the same image of the poorly drawn peanut singing about peanuts. I am so glad it was anything but. This should have won an award. It's mostly because it subverts what some Clock flashes usually do. The graphics are really nice.

I kind of doubt this took a year. Then again, how would I know anything about Flash, especially with what looks like CGI? You guys have done your fellow crew members good. I thought it would be an infinite loop, but it wasn't. Another unexpected thing!

It's been awhile, so I don't think I need to vote 5. It's nice how you guys had all these members even back then. This was also probably one of the first submissions to use voices instead of the speakaphone thing. Maybe you guys started out like that? Doubt it. You probably should have had a background in this.

It seems to be mostly typical Clock Crew stuff. Not that special, although it is kind of cool to see SBC grow arms like that. He could do some damage. I now remember that fruit and vegetable clocks were against each other. It seems like we've come a long way since then.

It's not hard to find out why this movie won an award. Seeing as how many clock movies there were made in those days, this is a pretty big accomplishment. I also think it's so cool how RupeeClock reappears at the end. I imagine you would have to be someone writing a review to get that one down. The animation was really good in this. I keep seeing Simon show up in all these Clock flashes.

I'm surprised he never actually had a Clock name. He's done so much for you guys. It was great to have all these cartoonish things going on. It's also one of the rare occasions where you guys use actual voices. Even people who aren't fans of the Clock Crew should like this!

Wow, that was really weird. I was thinking there was going to be some ironic twist, but it never happened. I have no idea you can even do that with eggs. This is still a great submission because of how deranged it is. I couldn't help but think it might not really belong on this website. It's just a wonderfully edited video. I will admit the blood effects aren't that good.

The blood seems to really stick out from everything else. Maybe I should try doing this with eggs? I like how you have such a different impression on this than from the preview image. You could have maybe made it a bit shorter. Seeing as how it's right up on the main page, I can only imagine it will get a high rating.

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