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This was great, but it was still short! It did of seemed more like a trailer! I just loved the changes in animation. It was mostly the color that did it. I guess it was about writer's block. It was just illustrated in such a great manner.

By "illustrated", I mean how it tried to tell a narrative. I don't mean how it was drawn. Both are done very well. It's quite an entertaining little cartoon. I've written (or at least tried to) several stories, so the struggle is relatable.

D-slick responds:

Best of luck on your writing! Nothing to it but to do it. and thank you.

I liked this. I just didn't think it was amazing. I was saddened to find out it was only a trailer for a graphic novel! This should be an actual flash! Well, it's something at least. The animation is really good.

I guess I just wish there was more action. I do, or at least have, read comic books. You rarely see advertisements for those here. Even as one, it's perfectly decent. It certainly looks interesting.

I have to admit that it got monotonous after awhile. That was always the point. I'm glad to have come by a video that shows gameplay like this. It does seem to work better with like a platformer. This was certainly unique. You rarely see CGI games here.

I'm glad you're making a regular cartoon. People that started on this website pre-2005 don't often make videos anymore. Dang, that makes us all feel old. The music is fairly appropriate. It's just weird to see this labeled a love story.

I love this if only to honor Gilbert Gottfried. He was one of the few comedians who told jokes like this in his standup. I mean, classical jokes in this format. We were all introduced to him through "Aladdin". I loved him at Comedy Central roasts. I didn't know when it would end.

Iago appearing always makes it funnier. People described Iago as basically a kid version of Gilbert Gottfried. I guess we all want to do stuff for kids sooner or later. "Problem Child" might have a 0% on RottenTomatoes, but at least he wasn't in "Staying Alive", "Look Who's Talking Now" and "Gotti". That was John Travolta! That Aladdin movie might be the best use of comedians in voice acting.

This was such an adorable music video! It's ironic I love these cartoons much more than the actual game! I especially love the first half of it. It was easily the most unique part. Hey, these characters are named Boyfriend and Girlfriend. They're made for each other!

Yeah, it does go Bopeebo! I'm glad I can remember that exact note now. I really have learned to admire these characters. It's amazing how many great cartoons you've submitted since you came here. I knew that dad was a demon. It's hard to keep up as I barely even play the game.

This was surprisingly good. I mean, it seemed too simple at first. The part at the end was what sold me. 0:36 was pretty gross. I love seeing Sprigatito. It just helps everyone loves cats.

No cat pokemon will ever surpass Meowth! He's the freaking best! I now know how to cook rice! I'm not that big a fan of it anyway. I appreciated how quaint this was.

I loved how unpredictable it was. I thought it was going to turn into a giant hair monster. I remember this one time when I went to the barbershop and had a haircut with my brother. The hair was all clumped together into a pile. I thought it looked like a furry animal! I had no idea they'd eat it.

I'm glad it didn't get too disgusting. I...might be tempted to eat hair one of those days. I mean, some hair does look like chocolate. I have brown hair. We all like chocolate.

Wow, that was quite good! I especially appreciate how cartoonish it was as expected. I was wondering why he'd try it again. It's good to know he learned his lesson. He still didn't win the end, though. This is great as a short joke.

That's what many of these cartoons are here anyway. The colors were another very strong point. Fin? None of these characters had fins! You'd think I would have made that joke earlier in my life.

I had no idea where this was going. Thank God it was unpredictable! Yeah, I've seen that movie and it was awesome! It's nice to know we can make parodies of it so quickly. I know it takes a long time to make a single cartoon. Was this with CGI or stop-motion?

Either way, it was hilarious. Yeah, that bulletproof vest couldn't help him forever. He'd be hit in the mouth sooner or later. I think Marvel's Black Cat is way hotter. One of the few times Marvel has hotter women in my opinion.

The funniest part was easily when he said the Laws of Robotics are fictional. I believe they are. I also loved how evil the guy was at the end. I mean, someone who allows products like that to exist is clearly sinister. I had no idea it would be this awesome! The buildup was fantastic.

I was really rooting for these guys. I guess there's some magenta in a Pop Tart. Paper cuts really do hurt like Hell. I love how it's just joke after joke for awhile. I don't even have a working printer. Maybe this is why...

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