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Just in time for Earth Day! I loved seeing the imagery. The credits might have been too long. Well, my lyrics didn't make it. Never mind, this was still great. I don't know what lyrics to suggest.

I would need a starting point. You responded to my post, which was good enough. I liked seeing everyone depicted like that in the end. I wasn't expecting the song to only be half of it. Here, people were obsessed with 420.

Damn, how many great collabs are there going to be here? I didn't think "Pokemon" was a part of Toonami. I know it aired on Cartoon Network. Well, every network's aired "Pokemon" at one point. I wasn't aware of "Astro Boy" being there either. Whatever, this looks awesome.

If only I could animate. Tom easily looked the best here. Even for something short, it was awesome. I guess we're not into re-animated collabs at this point in time. Any collab can be awesome.

I couldn't understand the speech at first. I then realized this must have been part of the joke, seeing as how that one girl spoke high. Oh, high I get it. I appreciate the animation. I was sooo waiting for something for 420. Hey, now it's Earth Day!

I guess marijuana is part of nature. That is a good message! It reminds me of that Lil Dicky song. Well, anything that shows a baboon's anus can't be that good. I didn't think this was that good, but maybe I needed to be high.

arkoirisangel responds:

smoke green if u love mother earth

That was...disturbing. I couldn't even tell if it was anti-religious. It was so grotesque it was hard to tell if it was sending any kind of message. Well, everyone hates religion nowadays. I can still appreciate the animation. That was still disturbing.

It was just very weird. That was BEFORE the demon showed up. I'm glad I wasn't baptized that way. Maybe I was too young to remember it. At least they're bathing people.

This was a very unique cartoon for you. I especially enjoyed how utterly quaint it was. I mean, it really wasn't sexual or anything. These characters don't have much design to them. The woman especially is more like the Powerpuff Girls. Don't make me think of them and breeding.

I actually liked this couple. I don't use that many apps. This would be a great option. I'm glad you won some (positive) award for this. I can tell it's made for a phone because of the format.

I love that thumbnail. It's mostly because of how hilariously misleading it is. Okay, it was kind of a disappointment. Then again, I've never seen the consoles being used like sprites. It's still an original idea. I knew Crash Bandicoot would appear.

Wow, I just thought he'd be 3D. Well, maybe I need to look back at those graphics. It still looks better. A mascot with attitude that survived! Sonic doesn't count.

Wow, what a delightfully cartoonish cartoon! I just love this unique little world you've created for yourself! The colors are so vibrant. I would love to see a longer cartoon like this. I don't know how robot birds would work. You just make it work well.

I always like finding new tags. "Lamp Dude" could be a new character. It's a very nicely detailed cartoon. It's great for a quick laugh. Well, I've said all I can say.

Nox? Have I ever noticed that's just like Knox? I must have before. Anyway, I hear a lot about this game recently. I'm really not that much into modern video games. I always love your movements. I hope that isn't what you really look like.

It's great to have a live-action series there. Come on, we can bring "Numa Numa Dance" back. I should stop saying that. Happy Easter! I wish I could review an Easter-related thing here today, but then again, this is about coming back!

Oh, you already used that joke before. Nonetheless, this was still hilarious. I'm surprised the rating isn't higher! You're so popular here anyway. That fat joke was great too. At least it wasn't the FATAL game.

You...might not want to look that up. I'm glad you didn't just stop with that joke. The animation was awesome. There was so much wonderful emotion put into this. You deserved this Daily Feature.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Thank you! And the Hue Manatee joke is one I've done, yes, but not with this game. Gave me a chance to try using Hue in a longer skit. Been trying to figure out ways to make an actual character out of him, he's got a bit of potential. He'll be popping back up in spots in the future. And thanks for checking it out! Trying to produce more worthwhile content on a regular basis. Here and elsewhere.

Wow, it's wonderful you put so much effort into this. I was amazed at how beautiful it turned out. At first, I thought it would end with just the first kid. I had no idea it would take this surreal stance. Everyone knows what it's like to lose at the claw machine. It actually reminds me of a funny story.

A movie theater here in Panama City was destroyed in Hurricane Michael. That included the claw machine, with all the toys scattered around. I knew it would be wrong to just take one of those toys as my brother would go nuts from me bringing in dirty stuff. The temptation was still there. This makes sense, seeing as how this game always felt like such a sham.

mukpuddy responds:

Thank you so much... and thanks for sharing that story.

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