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Hmm, I don't know if I ever noticed this before. I mean, the other characters do indeed have fur on their bodies. Then again, I think many characters lack visible nipples. It would be inappropriate for kids, maybe? This was animated wonderfully. Tails was especially done quite well.

He still lacked nipples. That was just areolas. Well, it was marker anyway. Sonic really does look depressed. Well, hedgehogs aren't blue either.

I have to admit that was really funny. I had no idea what was even going on. It seemed to just be a cartoon of someone playing a game. I was expecting something with tons of action going on. It had its only real action out of the game at the very end. I still don't think it's as great as most people say.

A simple gag goes a long way. I can believe this is a real game. I did notice that little thing coming up. I'm glad it didn't go on too long. I still think "DYSTOPIA" is way better.

You know, I sometimes think there are probably more important terms to learn in other languages than sexual ones. Well, this is the Internet after all. The Japanese language is the second most common. It's easy to recognize Bennett's voice. At least, he didn't cover up sexual assault like Doug Walker. I...don't think he did at least.

The animation was as good as ever. I sometimes wonder if you'll do a "Teen Titans Go!" cartoon. I know you'd never stoop that low. You're not TheShadling after all. He got busted, you know.

Well, like most people say I believe this to be a flawless cartoon. The animation kind of reminded me of "Hazbin Hotel". I loved it from the very first few seconds. This was so unique, I mistook you for someone who had never submitted anything here before. The design kind of reminded me of "Kill La Kill". It was vaguely like "Madness Combat".

Damn, I could watch this constantly and always find new stuff. You know how impressive that is for something only a minute and a half long? If there's one thing the Internet taught us, it's that we don't need to know the lyrics in a song. Any language will do! Please have this win awards! Cats are always cool.

Dude, this is your longest cartoon ever! It's over 7 minutes long, a new record for you! I mean, you might as well call this "Brewstew: The Movie". It's the closest you'll get to making a movie. This was really funny. I feel bad you quit your job.

Well, then you wouldn't be here! There's so many of these they need a section. I don't think they're all accurate. Well, you don't have stick arms and legs in real life. I get tips all the time at my job and much better too.

This was pretty good, but not great. I thought you couldn't insult the Wiggles! Well, I don't know much about them anyway. I do love how they talk. It's great to see how everything turns out. Yeah, it was easy to tell the dog cut the brakes.

I especially love that ending. The animation was kind of like "Rugrats". It was something about the big noses. The jokes about product placement were good. I guess it could have been shorter.

That one guy looked like Spike from "Cowboy Bebop". It even had a style like "Cowboy Bebop".
I haven't even watched much of that show. This was so well animated. I even loved the author's comments. It is pretty different than what I've seen here before.

I wish this was part of a series. Then again, it's so awesome, it doesn't even need more installments. The violence was so creative. You just had no idea what kinds of weapons would be used and where. The dialogue was hilarious too. It just hit every note perfectly.

I thought his head would sincerely be a butt. I remember a character like that in "The Amazing World Of Gumball". The best part was the beginning. You got a great glimpse of this wonderful world. It's probably the best cartoon you've ever made. Even the title was cool.

I knew the woman wouldn't care he had two heads. She knows she lives in a surreal world. Well, he almost had three heads. It was more like two and a half heads. A new idea for a sitcom?

Wow, that was incredible! I was so impressed at how great the animation was. I didn't think the B-Team would be that good. You know, like a B-Movie. I had no idea she was a lesbian. I'm glad we know how to make gay relationships work.

Yes, the erotic content helped it. It wasn't hardcore porn, which is always impressive. I thought the last third would just be credits. That was a very appropriate tonal shift. Damn, I feel bad I missed this when it first came out. I can imagine pizza deliveries can be too fast for comfort.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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