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I just seem to always miss the good cartoons. My only complaint was that it should have shown the battle. I would love to know what pokemon Billy had. Or rather, what weird animal he had. It's great to make jokes of people who think pokemon are real. The Nostalgia Critic doesn't even like them!

The animation was great. I would think knifing the tumor would help him. Well, I'm not a doctor. He really does look like Ash. I at least recognize the thumbnail.

Aw yes, this looks so much better today. This was before Bill Cosby was outed as a rapist. I guess he's not really represented as evil in this. I do like how colorful it is. It reminded me of Catoblepas. Or maybe I'm thinking of W-P-S.

I guess this is about the urban legend of drugs in Halloween candy. I thought it was razor blades. To be fair, razor blades would hurt someone more. It's a little too redundant at time. It's still worth looking at.

Oh, it's a loop. I am glad you mentioned these countries. I really thought that guy was George W. Bush at first! I guess I'm so used to seeing him mocked. Boy, does that seem like a long time ago. I don't think the animation is that good. It needed more of a song.

I do like topical stuff. It's still pretty relevant today. Well, Libya's pretty much old news. Obama just doesn't look black at all in this. Well, I guess he's technically only half black.

This wasn't bad. I just thought it was a bit too short. The final joke in it wasn't that funny. I do like how it's set up. You really do have no idea that it's going to be an old man in a nursing home. I'm guessing the main character in this is just crazy.

He probably DOES think he's at the beach. I do like the colors in this. It seems like you went without color for a long time. The voice was fine. It just wasn't much by itself.

Aww yes, very happy Madness Day! It was weird to see a cartoon in the genre with no violence. It was still really witty satire. I admit that I was confused as to why none of the people he was talking to had faces. It's still very clever. The beginning was also really good.

I know some official Madness cartoons had guys with faces on them. Then again, they were just goofy cartoons. The characters wear glasses and stuff. They must just not have a visible face. It's still great to make fun of racism/anti-gay stuff like this.

This was a great cartoon, especially with all the great voice actors. It was great to see this joke just go on and on. The best part was of course with Sonic. You just had no idea what was going to happen next. The fast paced animation really helped. I'm not that familiar with Fandango.

I don't need to, to realize how good the voice acting is. Well, you just need to know at least SOME of the many things you reference. At first, I thought they were characters from the same game. Then, they started to get more and more ridiculous. It was nice that you remembered "Home Movies".

Wow, that was a cool and creative cartoon! It was weird to win Review Crew Pick and nothing else. Then again, that happened to the Star Syndicate like three times. I just loved the music in this. The white puffy guy reminds me of the robot from "Big Hero 6". This was YEARS before the movie, of course.

Well maybe, there was a comic of him? Anyway, it was great to see it all come together at the end. There's a lot of travel in this. I just love the idea of using your dreams like this. It's nice and innovative.

I couldn't really understand this. It didn't help that the animation was subpar. The voice wasn't that bad, I guess. It just seemed pointless. Well, I'm glad Almightyhans liked this. I thought I knew enough about him.

I don't know if this is a particularly good satire on his life or anything. The lines could have been much better. I would have liked to see more of his stuff. I appreciate how you honored him. It's just too dull to me.

I loved this because of how genuine it is. Are these all stuff you guys drew? I'm thinking it's stuff other kids did. I think it's wonderful that you're bringing their work to life. I appreciate the great sounds. The quotes are always wonderful.

It's great to see how our work evolves over time. We shall always have creativity. Drawings are a wonderful way to express that. We need pleasant stuff like this. I'm glad so many people worked on it, too.

This was a great, short cartoon. It mostly works because of how subtle the animation is. Cat screams are always funny. I love the guy who falls out with his broken arms. I mean, you can REALLY see that they're broken. He just looks so happy.

I knew poo would come in this eventually. At least there were no descriptions of dog genitalia. The voice is so good in this. I knew this was from someone who was high. The artwork kind of reminds me of LazyMuffin.

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