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Uh, what was that? It was just a cat being annoying. What's so great about that? I mean, the animation is good. It just has so little going on. I like cats.

I don't want to see them get hurt. I like your Beebo cartoons a lot better. Well, it does have a 4.02. It wasn't submitted for Clock Day or anything. Hey, that's tomorrow!

I admit this wasn't that good for me. I thought it was mostly because it was just some dirty jokes. It still wasn't too bad. I never got into He-Man. We're into "My Little Pony" now! Still, it was some effort.

It was a little creative. I like your Scooby-Doo stuff more. Rainbow Animations? Again with the gay jokes? Eh, I don't care if he's gay or not.

How did this not win Daily Feature? Far worse cartoons have gotten that award in these times! I admit I don't remember the original commercial. It was cool to see the octopus there. I thought this would be a bigger crossover. It was still a lot of fun.

I love to see Joe Zombie in all these things. It shows good variety for him. Stick figures don't hold up as well. Do they ever make them anymore? Well, no one comes here anyway.

This wasn't that bad. It was just nothing special. I like the butterfly effect idea. It's especially great to see how far you've come with stick figures since this time. It's too bland. I do think squirrels are pretty funny.

Don't worry, I don't litter. Explosions are always cool. Well, when they're taken in small dosages like this. Your "Joe Zombie" series is much better. This is still at least tolerable.

How was this a parody? I remember the game being reviewed by the Angry Video Game Nerd. This was just nothing but Jason appearing and killing a guy. I believe this was AntiClockClock's first submission. He got better later. How was this a spoof?

It was way too short. I guess it was at least harmless. It does look like the game. It doesn't make me want to play it, though. You probably have to have played it.

I thought this was pretty dumb. I mean, it was just a guy eating himself. I'm sorry that I can't give you any tips on clay mation. I know nothing about flash myself. My only submission was some clip show. I know when I'm not talented.

It was too small. Well, you seem to stop this later. You did make "Jack - The Chalkboard", which was great. Your other stuff wasn't that great. Everyone has to start somewhere.

I didn't care for this. It's mostly because it's just nothing but a man being eaten. Well, the title was honest. It was just too bland. I believe this was your first submission. Everyone has to start somewhere of course.

The animation wasn't that good. It was just too crude. I believe you abandon Claymation later. You didn't seem good at it. You've still done some great stuff.

I'm glad this wasn't too long. I could tell that Ben didn't come up with the audio. It seems too professional. Not that I'm criticizing him. He made so many unique cartoons. It's a pretty funny setup.

I'm glad it's short because it would be too gross any other way. Even the text is cool looking. Well, this never became a series. It's been eight years since Ben died? Dang, he was talented.

My previous review was a short trailer just like this. This managed to be better. It's longer, even if it's not by that much. I could recognize Ben's style! He really was a prolific artist. I remember when he died and people made tributes.

The animation was great. I loved the head flying at the audience. That's a pretty good name too. Could never be as good as Stick Slayer though. I love "Mad Max".

That was one short trailer. Even then, I will admit that it's really not bad. It's mostly because of that great music. I don't even remember the game. I do love Joe Zombie. Well, the remakes are much better.

Yeah, it did need to be longer. Joe's a pretty cool name. There should be a game based on the later versions. Or is there? It wasn't too bad at all.

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