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I loved seeing the pictures of Linkara and the Nostalgia Critic in the background. I know how much they get mentioned. I loved seeing the Nostalgia Critic covered in blood. I just noticed Knuckles putting the tinfoil hat on. I bet you're awaiting the Sonic movie. Damn, is that sprite work done well.

Looking at from a distance, it looks better. I've heard of "American Movie", but never seen it. They have holes in their noses! I'd love to see a standard Sonic flash with action in this sprite work. It's beautiful any way.

I feel like we might need a "Parappa The Rapper" collection eventually! Maybe a Batman collection? I loved how these characters were so authentic to the game. I just wished there was more rapping. Well, that isn't the point. The point is that it's great seeing all these characters together.

I don't recognize most of them. I guess I'm not that familiar with Parappa. I certainly don't recognize Lammy. The green guy looks like Yoshi. I just now noticed the chalk outlines.

tscoct responds:

Most of the characters belong to fellow newgrounders, all the credits are in the description of the animation! Lammy is actually from Parappa universe, she was featured in a spinoff psx title "Um Jammer Lammy" as a main character and as background character in later parappa titles

Wow, this got surprisingly deep in the end. I did at least like this for the beautiful animation. I had no idea it would get like that. Pixel Day has brought us some great animations too! Damn, that's one hideous nose. It seems like a cutscene from a game submitted here.

It probably will be one day. These guys' fingers look like spider limbs. I've just always loved spider legs. Happy Pixel Day! I've never seen such high rated stuff since FNF submissions.

MaxJohnsonINK responds:

Thanks for the kind words!

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be that good. It certainly looked amateurish. This was amazing if only because of the ending. Congratulations for creating the "Uhhh what do i tag this" tag. Bees? I mean, there's "Captain Bees" cartoons here.

The animation worked pretty well for what it was. It really could go on forever. Loops like that work great here. He couldn't even hit the bee! Well, he wasn't aiming for it, or was he?

This makes me sad. You know why? It didn't win Daily Feature! That's a crying shame! Anyway, this cartoon was absolutely fantastic. I think it may have the best animation I've ever seen from you! Damn, they had sex fast.

I really feel for these characters. I really sorry it had to end like this. It's always great to see those representations of the sponsors at the end. In the very first scene, it kind of looked like he was masturbating. Well, things get dirtier. At least the rating is still amazingly high.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

Glad you enjoyed it, Ericho.

Well, this was indeed a cool looking OC. I just don't know anything about the context at all. Well, it's still wonderfully detailed. It just doesn't make any sense. It worked have better as an art submission. Again, everyone else loves it.

It's certainly creative. I'm not attracted to it, though. That's usually a big factor in these. You still have good music. That's always easy to appreciate.

I liked this, but I just didn't love it. I guess the "Giant Enemy Crab" meme has died out. This could replace it. This does get better the more times I watch it. I mean, it is quite short. Still, it gets a good fight across.

Oh, and uh thanks for including the lyrics. I think I could understand them well enough. You didn't include the "Giant Enemy" part. At 0:01, they looked more like ants. They still had eight legs though.

Now that was awesome! It was easily the best submission for Pixel Day! I was so impressed at how good the action was. It looked like it was going to end around the one minute mark. Boy, am I glad it didn't! It was just oozing with creativity.

That sounds dirty. It's usually more about saving the day. Well, not always literally. I'd love to see this as an actual game! This is more like Sprite Day.

gatekid3 responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate it.

I have to admit that was pretty odd. I mean, it was more like a game than a cartoon. I loved seeing the Devil monster appear. It was just great seeing this animation. It was still pretty boring. Well, everyone loves it.

Cats are always cute. I had no idea we'd get such high rated cartoons lately. Someone's upvoting! Oh, it's Pixel Day. I thought I kept better track of these holidays.

Wow, those guys were friends at 911?! I'm glad you remember it well. It's sad to see Game Grumps decline. They have had some controversies. It's still nowhere near as bad as Doug Walker. Thanks for including the awesome video! This animation was unbelievable!

These are characters that know how to emote. There should be a OneyPlays section here. They come off as so real here. Well, with the audio they always do. I love that character you keep drawing.

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