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I did in fact like this. It's just that it was really weird. I know I've seen animation like this before. Something about a dragon or whatever. Hey, there's no one listed under credits. Maybe those werethe other ZDs?

I had no clue what was going on. The animation was so weird. It was funny to see those bouncing boobies. It ended kind of abruptly. I guess it deserved its, uh, Daily 5th place.

Wow, I was in no way expecting that. I really am surprised that happened. Then again, I probably should realize we all hate religion here. It's still a great cartoon. I think it probably would have worked better if it was serious. It does work fine as a Christmas cartoon.

I especially love the animation. Again, kind of negated by the end, but still. This was enjoyable to watch. It IS Sunday now, after all. I knew Jesus looked too cartoonish.

The layout made it look like it was a game at first. I guess it just seems like evolution is something better expressed there. I still love this. I was very impressed by how good the animation was. You do fantastic transitional scenes. The music was really good too.

This isn't how evolution works. Well, the part with the alien made that apparent. Aliens in pop culture actually are depicted as evolved humans. You know, with the lack of hair. Of course, it didn't really show evolution as these guys kept dying.

I'm sorry, but I did not like this. It was just a donkey drinking tea. I am glad something happened where he threw the tea at the doll. Or is it coffee? It just seemed kind of pointless. The animation wasn't that good either.

I'm glad you appreciate how it's fairly popular. I just do not understand it myself. The music wasn't bad. I thought it was an infinite loop at first. It's not my, pardon the pun, cup of tea, lol.

Wow, that was really strange. It seems like there were so many times this could have ended. I guess I'm probably glad that it did not. I don't know why Big Bird's a woman. I guess it makes as much sense as anything else here. I think the animation is quite good.

I thought at first that it would be about Mountain Mouse. One insane thing just led to one other insane thing. I like how there IS a mini-movie at the end. It's not much, but I'm glad it's not just a link. Yeah, I would still recommend this.

I really liked this fast and spunky video! I had no idea what to expect out of it at first. It really was great to have such a good melody to it. I also love the animation. It is a little dated, but it's still great to look at. You have a lot of good expressions here and there.

The main character in this seems so passionate. It's great to have characters do that. She seems quite appropriate for the song. Is this based on what any of the band's performers look like? I'm sure they'd be honored.

It was too short, but I did like it. It's really hard not to. You really have created a very interesting environment. From the title, I thought it would be a Mario parody. You know, with the "land" thing? It was truly anything but.

In fact, there were lots of weird things in this that I had no understanding of. I like how you're doing something different. The music is quite nice too. I don't know what the period means. Then again, I don't know what any of this means.

This wasn't bad. I still couldn't quite understand it, though. This kid looks like he could be Freakazoid's son. I admit that the basketball analogy was really funny. The animation is quite good. I will give this cartoon credit for being unpredictable.

It was quite creative. I guess it kind of had a theme of technology. The voices were pretty funny. A platypus is a strange enough animal to use that name. Not quite for me, but not bad.

Wow, this was really good! I just had no idea where it was going. The ending is probably the best part. I was wondering if it was just in the kid's head. Instead, it appeared to be real as the wife got shot. It's so weird, which is why I love it.

My favorite part was probably the cat being petted. I knew something bad would happen to that cat eventually. I just love the voices and animation. You have such a funny style. Superhouse would make a good superhero.

Yeah, this didn't do that much for me. It would have been better if it wasn't so long. Maybe I need watch "Batman Begins" again. The main running gag got pretty annoying. It probably shouldn't be done more than three times. It did kind of clarify some things in the movie.

I wasn't quite sure who was Rha As Ghul was and who was Ducard. It does make more sense. It's still not enough to save this. The stinger was actually pretty good. It just isn't for me.

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