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I did kind of like that Alzheimer's joke at the end. Wait, my grandparents died of that! What am I saying?! Anyway, this was still pretty bad. It's so weird how I grew up thinking Ronald Reagan was one of the best Presidents. Now everyone hates him.

Well, everyone hates everyone nowadays. Christopher Hitchens taught us a lot. Except Mr. Rogers. Nice of you to apologize to Regis. I'm kind of neutral to him.

How did this not win an award of some kind? This is the best submission I've seen for 2000 so far! I guess most people thought it was too short. It was still enjoyable for me. You were one of the first people here. It's great to see where everyone started.

The animation is great! I wish this had in fact become a series. Wait, did it? It's hard to keep track of everything. Well, a 3.42 is still a fairly high score for 2000.

MindChamber responds:

Haha I love you man,.. but this is very corny and pretty terrible.. though the oulines for the actual series could've been something.. ahh well

Dang it! This was so close to winning every single positive award! The Daily Feature is usually the easiest to win of them all! Anyway, this was still a lot of fun. It reminded me of the Fleischer brother cartoons. The music was like it too.

That guy looked like the Iron Giant. I can see a lot of influences. The colors or lack thereof was done very well here. I always love classic cartoons. You did a lot in only two minutes.

Well, that was a rather odd film. Well, an odd cartoon. I think it deserved these awards. Weird how it only won Daily 3rd Place. The best part was probably the animation. It was kind of a weird story.

I did feel sorry for her. I know what it's like to feed ducks. Well, birds in general. It was a very quaint cartoon. I expected cakewalks to be more exciting.

This was quite refreshing. You seemed to get better at this time. I mean, it is just a bunch of people being shot, but it's fairly creative. This was before "Madness Combat". I'm always interested in early Daily Feature winners. We've just gotten better as the site ages.

Sadly, we're less popular now. I love how they bleed. It's like little blood fountains or explosions. The music's pretty nice. You are talented for this time.

That was quite funny. Please change your thumbnail avatar. This is common knowledge by now. I admit the drawings were kind of crude. Then again, the whole thing was crude! We need more Scooby-Doo here.

You were one of the earliest animators here. You're still around today! I loved the white stuff gag. I'm glad it wasn't too graphic. It's mild compared to what other people have done.

The artwork in this really was very impressive. I'm not into this sort of thing. Then again, I do consider "The Ultimate Orgy" to be one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Well, I still love it. I have to appreciate artwork that is this good. It wasn't as long as the "Take On Me" song.

It probably didn't need to be. It still sounded great. There was obviously a lot of effort put into it. Everyone can still enjoy this. It has no plot, but that's okay.

It's so hard to keep up with this series. There's so many characters and so many complicated plots! I'd have to follow you. Well, I've seen all the episodes already, so that wouldn't make much difference. This was still great. You'll never stop with your great animation and voice acting.

It's nice to have aliens. I always want something new. Oh, they were probably there before. Again, it's so hard to keep up with everything. While it's playing, I enjoy it.

It's always great to see stuff from you, Krinkels. I am disappointed there's no more episodes. Well, there may be one day. I'm so glad you're still here. The artwork is as good as ever. This really is a surreal world that you've created.

The best part is that giant claw. I don't know how that thing works. I love the chains that seem to be just flying around everywhere. I guess this are affects of the Improbability Drive. I remember a guy who theorized that it wasn't turned off at the end of "Madness Redeemer" and he was right!

I waste my time with everything. It's easy to tell that this is an old shame. Those are the actual lyrics? Wow, what a weird band. Well, they had a weird name already. It's just too cheap.

This was your first submission. It must have been, right? It was too short. I can understand why you don't care for this anymore. We all have to start somewhere, bud.

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