View Profile Ericho

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I thought this was better than the original. I love how it didn't end abruptly. There really was some good animation in this. I can always appreciate that. I know you're fond of these specific sprites. They hold up.

This had a lot more action. I'm impressed at how much you improved. It's great for a short cartoon. Well, really great for anything. I could appreciate it all.

This was fine, but it was weird. Why was it called this? The boy was a sprite too. It got more violent than I thought. That was a male he was fighting? He seemed way too feminine.

Well, maybe he couldn't tell either. It was a bit too short. That's a funny way to spell "lewt". It's fine for a quick watch. Yes, I've heard of "The World Of Mana" before.

Wait, this got Weekly User's Choice, but not Daily Feature? How is this even possible? Well, stranger things have happened. I did love the animation. Dang, it was too short! I did love the anticipation.

The opening was too long. I don't want to be reminded of "Alone In The Dark". The music was really good. I'm glad you've been on this website for so long. It's so hard to keep up with everybody.

Your name is Zac Cook? Kind of an odd name. Anyway, I was wondering why he didn't shoot Bush at first. Good thing he was shot eventually! If it was done today, it would obviously be Trump. I guess we have a good or bad president every other time.

The voices were kind of annoying. Well, that was probably the point. I don't shoot stuff at all. Your other cartoons are much better. I wish old people like you were back.

This was pretty impressive. It's mostly because it's just a walk cycle. The animation is absolutely gorgeous! This really is a unique creature. I also love all the colors. It's hard to go into detail in a review for something so short.

Was the title intentionally meant to say, "fo"? It does seem cooler that way. The music works great too. I can see why it has these awards. Love to see a full fledged cartoon out of it.

A-Patrick responds:

"Was the title intentionally meant to say, "fo"?"
Ahaha I haven't noticed my mistake until I read your comment !
The original title was "Une petite balade", but I translated it(and forgot an "r") for Newgrounds.
And thank you for your review :)

How strange. When it said "Press Button Against Violence", I thought it meant it wouldn't be violent. Hitting someone on the head was kind of violent. It was also pretty funny. Don't take candy from a baby! The animation was pretty good.

Superzwuck's clothes said SZ. I guess that makes sense. The colors are really good. This series seemed to have potential. A pity it only had two episodes.

This was pretty good. I even like the menu. I had no idea that red person would appear. I want to know what his role is. The remakes are much better. Well, should I say remake?

Anyway, I liked how he used a gun. You rarely see zombies do that. The animation still looks dated. It's still fine for its day. It needed music.

There was too much inactivity here. I mean, I thought I had to click something. This still wasn't bad. I remember your website. Congratulations on your Daily Feature! I don't watch every flash ever made. Wait, I pretty much do.

I just wanted more action. It's still a cool concept. Did the baby get his powers from radioactivity? No, that would be hypocritical. That's a funny name.

That was an enjoyable movie. The best part is probably the unique kinds of animation. Linda-mota is a really good animator. Her stuff is quite unique. I didn't really know what was going on in this video. I didn't need to!

We have a nice variety of colors. That often helps. It's just something done in good fun. It may not make sense, but it's enjoyable. I even like the title.

Why is this hated so much? I seriously think this is your lowest rated submission ever. I didn't think it was that bad! I mean, it's true that it's not good. It at least has some creative movements. I always want to see how good or bad someone can be.

Oh, the CS was for "Counter-Strike". I thought it was missing a letter and was supposed to be like CSI. I just know more about that. Spoofs aren't ripoffs! Well, I guess it's how you look at it.

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