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That was better than I thought. It was great to see these sticks get better. You really have improved! Well, I guess "Cyanide And Happiness" does have stick figures. I loved the music. The CGI was pretty good.

It's good for a quick gag. The later Joe Zombie cartoons are better. I never liked golf. There should be a sports section here. Maybe just golf.

Yeah, I'm tired of these cartoons. It was nothing but a clay guy stabbing himself. I mean, was else was there? Even the image was too small. I guess the artwork wasn't bad. It was way too short.

I love your "Jack - the Chalkboard" cartoon the most. You did make a lot of clay stuff. I'm glad you went away from it. Well, you weren't so prolific. I still like you.

I just felt this went on too long. Did it really need to have separate scenes like that? They were too short. At least the concept is original. I like how he has "PORN" written on his shirt. He does have a porn stache!

Not to be confused with porn stash. I took Spanish but forgot nearly everything. It feels like such a waste of time. The animation could be better. Well, it was an early cartoon.

It kind of makes you wonder why this wasn't just the alternate ending. I mean, you already submitted the first part. I do enjoy seeing the sprite work. I had no idea this video game was that well known. Well, it was reviewed by the Angry Video Game Nerd. Of course, that wasn't until much later.

AntiClockClock's work gets a lot better. It's always interesting to see early stuff on the Internet. You forgot the "th" in the title. It seemed very authentic to the game. You die either way.

No sound? This had great music in it! That's enough sound for me! RIP Ben. I'm so impressed at how prolific he was. The "Stick Slayer" series was the best.

While short, this summed up his talents pretty well. He seems to have gone through some transitions even in this short time. It shows how many cartoons he made. I believe games count as well. He was talented.

How is there not a section for this series? It's hilarious! I really hope it gets one. I just love this main character. He's so shy, yet also so demanding. I love how it develops.

I wish that Therapy Dog had appeared at the end. I wanted to know how he'd react to this. I kept thinking he looks like Toffee from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil". I think there's a Trump joke in there somewhere. Happy 10th episode!

Yeah, this probably is the best submission for this year's Clock Day. I was impressed at how good the animation was. I thought it would just be some joke flash. Hell if I know how to make flash of course. There was good satire here. We do need to restore power to this website.

Well, porn still gets out the most views. That'll never die out! The colors were really nice. Why isn't your name Pop-TartClock? Or would it be Pop-Tart Clock?

Pop-Tart responds:

Thanks, dude. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I didn't have time to put everything in there I wanted to, but it seems people got it.

I dunno why I just picked Pop-Tart. So I would have the autonomy to do other stuff if I chose to, maybe?

The team just call me Pop anyway. :)

You should be proud of yourself for creating both the most viewed submission and the highest ranked submission for this year's Clock Day. It's very nice. I especially love the animation. Is the Kirby Krew a new thing? It feels like it shouldn't be. You've honored the Clocks.

I love all the inane references. I'm glad I could get most of them. I think the length is just perfect too. I always hesitate to say that. It sounds dirty.

PinClock responds:

Kirby Krew is my newgrounds account (named after stories I wrote as a kid) and I didn't feel like making a new one when becoming Pin Clock. I wish I could change it. On Youtube and Tumblr and everywhere else I'm known as Pin Clock.

If this film was any longer it would have dragged (and there are more things that happen on August 15th I'm sure) so yeah this length is just right I feel.

Thank you for the comment and compliments!

I believe this was your first submission. For a first submission, this was really good! You show off a nice animation style. You don't have the series that you are known for. I really do love your voice. It's nice to hear it so calm.

Ninjas are always cool. It's been awhile since I've heard about stopping a sword. Ninja stars are cool too. I guess it could have used more jokes. Still, for a first submission, this is a great score.

Matzerath responds:


Happy Clock Day 2018! Well, nobody celebrates this anymore. Well, nobody comes to this website anymore but me. This was pretty bland. It was just a clock dancing. At least it wasn't completely horrible.

This has the lowest rating of anything for Clock Day 2018. Too bad. Honestly, it's at least not as bad as a lot of other worst submissions. That might just be because there's so few of them. I thought it was a game at first.

Ushnor responds:

I was thinking of making a "Sword Quest II" with interactive dabbing mechanics. Maybe I'll make it later. Look forward to it!

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