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It was so weird to see Therapy Dog talking. It was even weirder how it was a woman's voice! This was as funny as ever. I love how it has continuity. The voices and animation are as slick as ever. I do wish Therapy Dog was more of the focus.

I loved his cameo in the car. Wait, should I call Therapy Dog her now? It's hard to tell the difference between animal genders. Is that offensive to animals? You just never know who this poor guy will run into next.

That was something quite different from you. It wasn't really anime like at all. Still, there's nothing wrong with that. It was just really strange. I never really thought of food as becoming my blood. The animation was still nice.

I appreciated how it was supposed to be educational. It was still pretty weird. Of course, I always like it when people experiment. We can all associate with eating food. At least you didn't get into poop.

SpikeVallentine responds:

Hmm yeah I guess it was. But hey, didn't that apple girl look anime?

"I never really thought of food as becoming my blood. The animation was still nice."YAY! I'm happy you learned something! Woo!

Wow, this has possibly the highest rating of any cartoon I've ever seen here! It really does deserve it, though. Right from the preview I knew it would be awesome. This has some of the best animation ever created in Flash! It's always great to see a series start. This is one of the longest cartoons I've ever seen here.

At 22 minutes, it is the length of the episode of a TV show. That makes it look so professional. I just love these unique designs. All this for a pilot episode? They're usually shorter than a regular one. I haven't given a perfect score to something in a long time.

It seems like most of these cartoons were played for laughs. This one was a lot more serious. How did the girl die? I guess the other guy just killed her with the scythe. Was Crono made by the same guy who did the "Dragonball" franchise? I know he at least did character designs.

I thought the action was better than average. This had pretty good sprite work. Yeah, most of your VS movies aren't that good. I'm glad you learned. We all do.

Dang, you had a rough childhood. My favorite part was when he said that cats go to Hell. Did "All Dogs Go To Heaven" make that phrase up? It's not really that popular of a movie. That cat really did look evil. Bob actually died?

At least his cat didn't outlive him. You could have just said he ran away (or she) or died of natural causes. I love cats. I used to think handling goldfish would be better. They die too easily.

PokemonSucks? It's produced more revenue than "Star Wars". Still, this was a pretty good cartoon. I don't know why it was submitted before the sequel. This was by a couple days too. The sprite work was quite good.

I didn't even know Super Sonic was real. I though that was some fan tribute to "Dragonball Z". Come on, they do look similar. I was expecting "Mortal Kombat" characters. Well, this still got the style down well.

Congratulations on winning Daily Feature! I believe this was your first submission. You have to admit it's impressive to get a winner like that. This still isn't that great. I mean, it's just a bunch of purple sparkles. It still isn't terrible.

Screensavers shouldn't be whole submissions. I wish there were more colors. Purple's still a fancy color. It needs different kinds of things. I do like how you're honest about it.

Yeah, this is pretty bad. It's amazing how far you've come. We all have our old shames. Seriously, every one of us! It needed more sound. It needed music.

It needed not to be a loop. I can see why "Madness Combat" is so much more popular. At least this has violence. I love bread! I'm glad it doesn't cause cancer.

I admitted it was a little cheap. I mean, it's just a random sex joke. Still, it was well laid out. The best part is probably the Pikachu and Mewtwo fight. That really was well done. Beavis was pretty funny.

This was made at a time when we seemed to hate Pokémon on this website. Why the transition? It seems hypocritical. Oh wait, it does say "Pokémon Sucks". You need to love it now.

I thought this was just okay. I mean, it was just a brief battle. I've never played "Final Fantasy". I am familiar with "8-bit Theater". I do find the concept entertaining. You make better stuff later.

"Super Mario Blitz" is your magnum opus. You could have used a background. The music was pretty good. I like seeing CGI characters here. We'll probably never make that transition.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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