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This was a great cartoon! I admit that it didn't seem to have much to do with scientists. I mean yeah, there were chemicals and stuff. There just wasn't much of a laboratory. I do love the music, though. The best thing about it is probably the animation.

I didn't know it would be so good! I guess I'm just not used to seeing your art style. You should submit more stuff recently. It was so nicely paced. I'm surprised you had scene select for something relatively short.

This is probably the best Christmas flash I've seen this year! The voices were awesome. The best part was easily when Mrs. Claus was listing the other people who have helped Santa. Yeah, he is pretty lazy. Then again, that is a lot of houses to go through. Of course, the Flintstones took place before Christmas so that must have been really desperate.

I guess I was hoping for a more optimistic ending. It's still quite funny. The music worked well. The animation came off as really unique to me too. Merry Christmas of course!

rubberonion responds:

Wow, reading this honestly made my night... thanks for the awesome comment! Sorry I didn't give you a more optimistic ending but glad you enjoyed it just the same... and I appreciate the comment about my animation being unique, seriously this was a really positive read, thank you and Merry Christmas!!

I guess this is kind of original. I don't think I've heard this song here before. I thought it was part of "T'was The Night Before Christmas". The animation seemed really off in this. I guess it also shouldn't have been an infinite loop. Granted, I don't know how to fix it.

Is this guy supposed to be a Christmas present? That seems to make sense to me. Was he just some generic block? Well, Merry Christmas! I'm glad to, uh, watch some Christmas stuff at this time.

It seems like the series is in fact getting better. I admit that they're still too short. I just really like the way this villain is designed. The voice fits perfectly too. You get a lot more of a story here. I think there is more characterization.

I don't see why they're labeled as being in space. They were always in space! Maybe I just don't know how that works. I like the name Xylus. Dexter is too generic.

I'm glad to see the Weekly User's Choice! It wasn't one of my favorites, but was definitely great. My favorite part is probably the animation with the fighters. It's weird, because the animation with the humans could have been better. I still fully appreciated this. It's quite ambiguous.

It works so well as a pilot. It's hard to get a good understanding of what's going on. You really don't need to. Everything is nice nicely put together and so well constructed. I guess they go hand in hand.

FrameFreak2D responds:

Thanks a lot Ericho :D

I think I liked this, if only because of one thing. I was JUST reading up about "Inspector Gadget" on the Internet and heard this joke about it here! What a funny coincidence! With that said, I didn't like this that much. It's mostly because the animation is pretty bad. Everything just looks pretty stilted.

There isn't that much good movement. I recognize that "Law And Order" music. It doesn't have much to do with the actual cartoon, though. There are some genuinely funny moments. It just wasn't very unique for me.

I found this to be pretty funny. I admit that it could have had more...style? I like what you're doing. The best part is when you mention how punk has become mainstream. It's not very rebellious is everybody else is doing it! I really hate it when people think they're doing something new and unique.

The animation was really good. You seem to have been inspired by Jhonen Vasquez. He's such a great artist. I liked the little details in this. You could maybe use a better voice. It just seemed a bit off here.

This was good, but I didn't understand why it was a parody. It seemed pretty straightforward to me. There was nothing cynical about it. Granted, that's probably a good thing. I'm just so glad to listen to that song the whole way through. It was even nice seeing you at the end as well.

I'm so glad to be watching Christmas stuff this December! The animation in this could be better though. I guess it wasn't meant to be that good. Maybe that's why it's a parody? It's still a good cartoon.

I really feel that you need to have more going on. It's weird how inactive this series can be. I do like how it is in fact advancing. I just wish that it would go faster. I appreciate all the animation. It's pretty good and moves fluidly.

It just comes off as too boring. You need to have more interesting personalities for these guys. They seem too generic. The sound effects are pretty cool, though. It doesn't seem to be getting much better IMHO.

Again, the main flaw was that it was too short. I'm thinking you could have just made the first two episodes into one. A four part series would be better. The voice acting seemed off in this. I think there might have been something wrong the mike(s). Then again, I'm no expert at this stuff myself.

The voices ARE pretty authentic. It's weird to hear about something abridged before "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series". It also could have had more jokes. At least the names are creative. It just isn't for me.

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