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This was, for the most part, a mixed bag. I guess the good outweighed the bad. I just couldn't understand most of this. I've never seen a clay video that was this strange. I'm more used to animutations. There weren't that many lyrics in this song.

It still had more than Daft Punk's "Around The World". It fit the surreal mood well. I guess the artwork was fairly good. It was just too incomprehensible to like that much. It's still something different.

Alright, this was better. I just didn't understand why it wasn't in one part again. I think it was a little bit longer than the first one. I liked how it had more of a story. It's nice how there's another character here. The colors are fairly nice.

The preloader screen is kind of interesting. I'm glad it wasn't completely black and white. The sounds seemed fine. It's just so underwhelming. I can not recommend this.

I'm sorry, but why was this released in two parts? I'm pretty sure you could have just put one part up. There was almost nothing going on here. Well, I guess the animation isn't that bad. It's just not enough for a full submission. The sounds were fine.

I think this should be in a collection. It's not that popular, but it's something. I guess the character's name is nice. It really isn't for me. At least there's nothing offensive in it.

I'm glad to be the first person this year to review this! This is more of the same and is just as awesome. My favorite parts were probably when it showed that one guy dancing around. It's always great to have some comedy in your cartoon. It's labeled as purely action. Things move a mile per minute here.

I felt it was just the right length too. You do such a great job of putting up perspective. That's important in 2D animation. Hey, that crazy guy looks like your avatar! No wonder he was so much fun.

I didn't care for this much. I guess it just didn't make sense to me. It didn't seem to have much of a point. I will say that I liked the animation. It was pretty unique. I thought this would ask me to subscribe to a YT channel.

I then remembered this was made before YT even existed! Boy, has the definition of "sub" changed. The music was pretty good. It was a bit too short as well. It isn't unique.

I loved this. The only downside was that I was weirded out how there was no intro or anything. It's the first in a series! I do appreciate how great these jokes are. It's just great to see how dumb people are about not wanting a gas substitute. The animation is fairly good.

I love the lava jokes at the beginning. It's nice to know so many people did that. It could have used music. It's still hilarious. I remember a lot of these jokes from the last time I saw this.

I must say I was disappointed that there was no music in this. The series is known for that! I still appreciated this cartoon. It was amazing how short the fight with the Asian boss was. His henchmen put up a better fight! It's great how you have an ongoing story.

These are some of the most authentic Madness cartoons I've ever seen. This maximum ninja at least lets one guy live. He has a pretty good personality. I liked how you showed the model for 2045. They all look the same!

I would probably enjoy this more if I saw a lot of Let's Plays. Then again, they were never my thing. It's probably all for the better. I appreciate how good the animation is, as always. I've played a little bit of these games. I know that Ripto character.

Then again, I don't think I've seen him. You do come off as real in this. It may be a bit too short. It still gets its joke across well. I've seen more parodies than actual Let's Plays.

This was quite fun. I admit that the animation could be better. For the most part, it's decent. It just comes off as uneven in many scenes. I do still like seeing all these people together. I'm not a "Final Fantasy" fan, but am still familiar with it. Tifa is still the hottest one.

It seemed like the students changed. There were always some new characters. I have at least heard of Squall Leonhart. I've never heard of Quistis, though. The different styles were pretty nice. I just love those Catcuar flashes.

This was a great cartoon! It was strange, because it seemed to have a really sad tune to it. It got more pleasant at the very end. It helps that the animation was gorgeous. You managed to put a lot of life in these toys. You really feel bad for these guys.

I am glad this won Daily Feature. It is a fairly unique cartoon. I guess it was meant to say this is what's supposed to happen to toys? Well, you can't really feel sympathy for them. Danny Elfman makes such great music.

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