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Wow, that was freaking insane even by your standards. I thought you'd use the obvious joke of a beanstalk growing inside him. It turned out to be something far more insane! I have no idea what the last third of this cartoon even means. It was just so ridiculous!

I guess the animation wasn't bad. It was certainly creative. It was just hard to really make anything out of this. You have made a lot of better things. It's just hard to even comprehend.

I wasn't expecting this to be a music video. Then again, given the title, it should have been more apparent. I didn't like this because the animation seemed pretty choppy. There was little movement. There just didn't seem to be much point in this. A guy becomes Discoman.

That's it. I thought the subtitles were the Japanese text in English. Why is Discoman fighting a duck? I guess it's at least kind of unique. It just doesn't do much for me.

What the hell?! How does this not have a higher rating?! This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! It's mostly because everything is presented in such a funny way. I thought my computer might have been slow at first. How ironic!

I just loved all the metaphors in this. It seems like such obvious jokes. I've never heard of anything like it! The sounds were just perfect. At least this won some kind of award. The pacing was great too.

This was kind of short for a collab, but I still enjoyed it. It's mostly because of how creative the parts are. The music seemed too loud, though. I couldn't comprehend what was being said. Then again, maybe it's just because I lost hearing in one earbud.

I really like the name of this song. I thought there would be some central theme with the parts. It all seemed pretty random. My favorite was the clock parts. You had some original designs for them! Then again, I guess they'll all made by themselves.

That was a pretty cute little cartoon. I wouldn't recommend it, because it wasn't THAT good. It probably could have been a little longer. I still appreciated how it was pretty nice. I don't know why these things are fighting. It's cool to see melted crayons.

Yep, that happened to me before. There isn't really much of a parade in this. The music is pretty nice. It's not quite my thing. It's fine for what it is.

I am sorry, but I didn't care for this. There was just nothing too special about it. The animation was fairly good. It was fairly short for something labeled a "movie". I guess it's a bit unique. It was pretty clever how you started it.

You should have done more with it, though. I guess the voices were pretty good. At least this is the first in a part. I've never heard of the thing it's based on. It seems pretty standard.

Hmmm, this was good, but not enough to recommend. I think it's mostly because it's too cliché. It's not really anything too unique. I still love the animation in this. The violence was really cool. I just like the idea of people getting shot in the mouth.

Dang, I am messed up. He has a pretty weird name. Is it pronounced "Goneville"? That would be too silly. I didn't know that it would have dialogue at first.

Yep, I couldn't understand anything that was going on in this cartoon. Of course, I had no problem with that. The best thing, again, is the animation. I love the design of the mad scientist. I'm sorry that I haven't been following this story completely. It's just hard to keep up with.

The best part was probably when he said he wanted to go further. I like the idea of a squid sounding like a duck. No one has any idea what will happen next in this cartoon. Well, most of your cartoons are like that. I bet you'll respond to this, right?

Sexual-Lobster responds:

of course. its so long between episodes, i expect few to remember the story. in the long run people will be able to watch them all in a 20 minute marathon, that's what i'm working towards.

I admit that this was really strange. It seemed like it would be something really serious at first. It was instead something much more silly. I still enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting that ending. Then again, I think it went on a little too long.

It still achieved its purpose well. The voices weren't bad. The old bunny's voice was kind of annoying, though. It helps that the animation was great. Most of these guys had such distinctive designs.

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