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I liked this one better. Granted, that was probably only because I'm more used to it. I knew what to expect. It was great to have those themes from the first movie. The sounds were pretty good. Well, they were ear bleeding in a fun way.

The colors were really nice. My favorite part was probably the rain drops. Or were those tear drops? You certainly had no idea what was coming up. I have always loved surrealism.

I was expecting something weird, but not THIS weird. I thought it would at least have some narrative. It did get repetitive after awhile. I still liked this. It might be just because I'm such a fan of surreal stuff. The title made as much sense as anything else.

The animation was for the most part, good. You certainly had no idea what would come up next! It worked well for what it strangely was. The description fits it perfectly. It's more like a demo reel.

This just seemed so unfocused. I didn't understand how these guys had superhuman strength. It doesn't make sense within the world it sets out for itself. Is it supposed to be realistic? It just doesn't work for me. There should have been more action with the police.

We didn't get to see them do anything. You should have shown them fighting the bullies. The dialogue just seemed out of place. I am sorry, but I don't like this series. The animation isn't even that good.

The 3D was obviously the selling point here. I am so glad that you did something so cool with it! I just loved the length of this cartoon. I felt it worked out perfectly. There was the right amount of time for everything to be going on. I am so glad you used that music.

You got a great feel for what was going on. I could totally understand the action here. It was quite intense. You even did use a few 3D effects. I'm glad this won these awards.

I found this to be a rather enjoyable cartoon. I am actually surprised that more people don't like it. It's not great, but it's perfectly serviceable. I just find it fun to watch these blobs. I like how the water is distributed. It shows how the battlefield changes.

It's fun for a short little cartoon. I like big bazookas. That sounds kind of dirty. It's nice to hear that music. It's just a fun little cartoon.

I was amazed at how good this was! I wasn't expecting that much. The animation was just amazing in this! My only complaint was that it didn't make much sense. It mattered little, but it was still tons of fun. I just love how much movement is in this.

Yeah, I'm afraid of needles too. Or maybe you're not. I just like how it resembles CGI. This guy just moves around in such a three dimensional way. It's a great technique.

This was a lot of fun! I just really liked the idea of the red guy splitting in two and then making one big monster out of himself! I had no idea he would actually lose! Then again, the other guy did win all the other fights. I like how it has a story. It's just fun to see how it flows so well.

The CGI effects were really good! I wasn't expecting them at all. The music was great too. It was just cute how they talked with signs. It's weird I find something cute in this.

I was weirded out by this at first. I thought it was weird how it turned out to be a trailer, more or less. I wish the game would be available here. I still liked this cartoon. It was great how you tried something different. You show some strong emotions here.

I especially like how the blurg has so much personality. I had no idea this would be a game. I noticed that there was something off about this. It makes more sense now. The colors are nice and bright.

D-SuN responds:

Hi Ericho, thanks for the feedback! It's possible to get a web version of the game onto NewGrounds. I'll talk to the guys at work about it :)

That was a good cartoon. It seems like most of these kind were inspired by "Rise Of The MK". I admit that the outtakes weren't that good. The rest of it was decent. It was great to have that music. I knew Luigi wasn't dead.

I didn't know they would ever even pretend that he was dead. It's great to see all the characters in action. You can never go wrong with these designs. There's definitely a lot going on. It was nice how they honored their dead.

I didn't care for this. I don't know why you used a squirrel. Then again, the nuts are a funny image. I like how it's at least something unique. It's just a singing squirrel. I guess the image itself is kind of funny.

Then again, that just isn't enough for a full cartoon. You should have had more movement. I think the voice is pretty funny. This just isn't for me. It isn't terrible, the one joke is kind of funny.

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