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Quite confusing

I admit that this was a very strange thing to watch and to understand. I kept thinking that Jared sounded like South Park's Towelie. I have no idea why anything was happening, but I guess it did kind of make sense when you really thought about the Dig-Dug game. The alligator (your voice) sounds just like the title character of "Charlie The Unicorn". It was certainly unique in its own right. I guess I could recommend this, simply because the voices are great and it is pretty unpredictable.

It was surprising

Whenever I hear the word "emo" being used on Newgrounds (or for that matter, the entire Internet) it usually makes fun of these people. This was pretty nice for a change of pace. I kept thinking about that line from the movie "Chicago" in regards to the title. You portrayed the main character as heroic as most characters. While it was a little short, it did have good animation and it is interesting to know that it was based on a comic. The fight scene itself is well done, especially with the pocket knife.

Pretty catchy

I have seen that guy's Washington animation and this was a nice tribute indeed. As I know little about sports, I have no idea who this Ron Washington guy is. The best thing is that it is made in nearly the exact same way as the original so it is a good tribute. While the original was not one of my favorites, I liked this for all the jokes. The funniest would probably be the one about Coke Zero or really anything about the coke really. You had no idea what crazy thing was going to pop up next, like Spongebob boxers.

Quite inane!

I really liked that intro which said that the Clock Crew ran everything, which is pretty much true. It was great to see such good animation although I feel the voices needed some better quality. I had never heard of you before, and what better way to be introduced than by seeing a flash featuring yourself at the end? The clocks themselves are also well designed in this. It could have used some more jokes, but incomprehensibility is what the Clock Crew is all about. You obviously have a good fanbase.

Short episode

This was good to watch if only because it had your great animation as usual. Okay, it was also fun to watch because it had all of those beautiful animated women in it. I am almost disappointed the episode (whatever it was) did not focus more on that. As I learned with "Saturday Morning Watchmen" you can make great things even if it is also an intro or a teaser. It even manages to be something original you made. If I was seriously invited to orgies like that for a month, I would not care for fighting any monsters either.

It never ends!

It simply amazes me how this series manages to never have a bad entry after all these entries. Buzz is of course the real highlight here, voiced by none other than the great Egoraptor. I love how this hedgehog just moves around with his little feet and shoes. I think the funniest part may have been when he tried to get a copyright over his hairstyle. It was also cool to see the games being played in all their insanity. I would think they would power the electricity by using the money people wasted on gambling, but your punchline was better.

So freaking hilarious

This is probably the most fun I ever had watching a Halloween cartoon. The animation is as insane as ever, and I like the little things like the keyboard parts just jumping around everywhere. "Homeward Bound" is one of my favorite underrated nostalgic movies, and I am so glad you referenced it. When in doubt, throw in cats. The funniest part was probably when he was calling the woman a bovine with his neck stretching. This stuff is gut bustingly hilarious and may in fact be the best thing you (LazyMuffin) ever made, and it was awesome you got Tomamoto and Egoraptor too.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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