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Wow, that was awesome! I wasn't expecting it to be that good. There seems to be something wrong with this website for me. The cartoons won't start sometimes recently. It was amazing to see Fright Knight get destroyed so graphically. Dang, I'm a psychopath!

I did kind of want to see Lord Deathguise. That was still an epic battle or killing in itself. You always have to save cats. The animation is as fantastic as ever. This was seriously amazing.

That was quite awesome. He mentioned an evil monster, but I thought he was referring to the animator. Indeed, he was! I liked how the quality went down. They did something similar in "The Amazing World Of Gumball". The second "Phineas And Ferb" movie did that too.

This animation reminded me of Eddsworld. That was quite influential. The animation was uh, good. Dang, have there been some high rated stuff I haven't seen lately. Almost everything here is a short film.

haytendo responds:

thank you so much!

Wow, that was amazing! I had no idea the whole thing would be them falling through the air! I thought it would just be an opening gag for the cartoon. Boy, am I glad this hilarious thing lasted the whole time! Well, technically three fourths of the cartoon, but close enough. I thought that was Seth Rogen doing the voice!

I mean, he's done a ton of voices before! Given how high quality this is, I wouldn't be surprised if someone as talented as you got him. Great explanation for how he survived that fall. I'm glad he got all his stuff back at the end. I've never even seen these characters before, but boy are they awesome! This should have won Weekly User's Choice.

This reminds me of the Chibi Tales from Disney. I don't see what this had to do with Blockhead that much. It was still nice to see a single crossover from two Newgrounds characters. Have we even had that before? It seems like a pretty obvious idea. It's been awhile since I've seen Bitey.

I haven't seen Blockhead in a long time too. The animation's still nice. This just seemed too short and didn't have much point. It was still well animated. It just didn't seem to have nearly as much of a point as most of these shorts.

Wow, what a great cartoon! It's amazing how beautiful the animation is, even though it can look a little off. My only complaint was that it should have been longer. It's just great to see a standard pokemon battle like this. I love the movement of the Pokeballs. Yeah, it's a minor detail, but everything counts.

The music is quite stylized too. The punching scene was probably the best. Even in a short, a moment can stand out well. I wonder why she switched pokemon. "Pokemon" shouldn't really be autocorrected by now.

I knew this was a collection. There's so many of these! I just loved the animation. It was cool to hear that dial-up too. It may have been short, but it delivered the message very well. I love seeing that intro.

I forget that character's name. I'll try to remember Moonie. I love the Moon face too. It reminds me of the Collector from "The Owl House". I'm pretty sure it's been done before.

That was a pretty good little cartoon. I appreciate how great the animation is. I'm not that familiar with the GameCube. I think this has been done better before. It's still fine for what it is. It probably could have used more action.

The wizard kind of looks like an owl. That was probably intentional. It looked like a commercial at the end. I liked the startup menu. It's just well put together.

This didn't work the first time I tried. I had to refresh the page. Never mind, it was an enjoyable cartoon. I was not expecting that ending at all. I'm such a big Looney Tunes fan! I still managed to get a lot out of this.

You know how to build things up. I frequently get "Graffiti" mixed up with "Confetti". It got a good little chuckle out of me. The credits were pretty creative too. It took me awhile to get the joke.

This was quite nice, but it had kind of a big flaw. Half of it wasn't the main part! It was still quite nice. Whenever I think of "Plants Vs. Zombies", I think of ZackScottGames. He has a world record for longest Let's Play of a series with that! Well, "Plants Vs. Zombies 2", I guess.

The animation was top notch. It was especially fun to see everyone look so silly. It's still faithful to their original designs. I can definitely believe this series has been going on for ten years. This is just very well detailed. It definitely took effort, even if I don't think it's the best.

Wow, I loved this! I guess it will just be forgotten, but you still have me around. The best part was probably how morbid it all was. These designs were just so ridiculous. Everyone had their dicks out. It was rather casual.

I guess it was all just a dream. The music is great too. The lack of color worked quite well here. I've never seen your work before, but I'm glad to be introduced to it. The sketchy details worked wonderfully.

SquidSacksArt responds:

Wow, thanks for the glowing review! Whist you're probably right that it'll get lost in the sea of the internet, I'm glad I could at least provide you with a couple minutes of enjoyment for you. Thank you and have a good night!

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