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I always love these cartoons. This was my favorite of the short cartoons. It's mostly because of how once again, Satina is so freaking adorable! I love how she brings this up. So I guess Satina does live with Dave? I loved those "Peanuts" characters too.

I grew up with "A Rugrats Hanukkah". Now THAT'S a Hanukkah special Dave should be watching! "Eight Crazy Nights" is so awful. The Christianity joke was wonderful too. Hey, Judaism's closer to Christianity than any other religion! I guess it's nice a know a little more about the characters.

I know the previous cartoons you've made. I was really expecting this to turn out to be pornographic. Well, no I mean it wasn't rated "A". Instead, you told something that was really deep. It helps that there was great action. I haven't seen all the other episodes of this series.

I can still say it's the best episode. You get a great setup for the mythology. We even get some great commentary on religion. I hope this gets recognized! This was just a flawless cartoon with dazzling animation. It reminds me of the "Paladin" series from JAZZA, only even better!

When I first heard the title, I thought it would be a reanimated collab. I mean, when I just hear "animated" here, I just think it's one of those collabs. I did love this animation. I will admit that it's kind of weird to hear Luigi's voice over this. It was weird. It's still an amazing cartoon.

I've seen "Luigi's Mansion" being played. You'd think I would know more about this scenario! Well, I'm just not familiar with the ending. That's what most important for most people anyway. Everything's just gorgeous.

I loved this animation! It was like the guys from "Madness Combat". I don't think that was intentional though. Those designs are common in the rough area. I love how they don't fight back. I'm glad he doesn't go too hard on the kid.

I hate NFTs too. I mostly learned about from the "South Park" episode, or uh, movie. I'm glad to live in a world where we can mock this things relentlessly. I tried to count all the sides. I'm more into octagons.

I have to admit that I wasn't following the plot that well. I thought it was just random stuff going on. I'm glad I understand it better. I can now appreciate how wonderful it is. It works great with its simplicity. It reminds me of "There She Is!!".

It's just something about rabbits. You can throw in cats too. Anyone can appreciate the gorgeous animation. You show off great colors too. I guess all silent cartoons like this are music videos.

9Hammer responds:

Kinda, yeah! I was contemplating on the idea of it being under an MV for a bit. And thank you!

Wow, that was incredible. I mean, I knew there would be something ironic. I thought he'd just like show her a normal pizza. That's probably been done too many times. I just lost it when he said, "Ma'am, did you know that's a federal offense?". That line ALONE made me give this a perfect score.

The animation was great. She needs to wear a bra. Those are some big boobs to keep up. I normally don't care that much for really short things are, but this was incredible. She really was hot. The music would have fooled me too! I'm not into Vines much, but this was great.

I have to admit I didn't think this was that good. It just wasn't that well animated. It's still a good cartoon! It just wasn't great for me. Stop making me feeling bad for not knowing the pokemon's names! I lost count after the first 500, okay!

I'm still a fan! 1:29 was easily the best part. I think it should have just ended before he was attacked. Well, maybe "attacked" into the best word in this scenario. Pokemon's done everything already.

What's with the big boobs? Then I saw a big butt. I was half expecting him to have boobs as we...damn it. Wow, that was a lot of jokes for something so short! My only complaint was that it was pretty disgusting. I don't what to know about caterpillar milk.

They don't have nipples! Dude, this should be a series. I loved the medium shifts. The animation was great too. This truly is a diamond in the rough.

Oh yeah, I looked on Google to find that out! I always keep up with those holidays! This year did seem to go in like a lion...or a tiger. I hope it goes out like a lamb. Wait, that's Spring, not the year. Whatever, this is great.

I liked your statue one better. That was mostly because the characters were hotter. Yes, that is indeed a factor in rating flashes like this. You're a great artist either way. 32 seconds is so long for something I've seen today!

Wow, that was one short clip to appear on the front page. Well, reanimated clips tend to be like that anyway. I admit I don't find the characters "that" attractive. I guess it was supposed to be distasteful anyway. Well, not in an "A" rated like way here. Most of my stuff goes to an "M" rating at the highest.

This did have great action though. I'm surprised it wasn't just erotica. It had actual action! That isn't easy in a four second clip. Good for you.

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