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This was hilarious! I really had no idea what would happen next! It was strange how this isn't in any collection. Then again, I can't really think of what collection it would be in. Isn't there a "Funny Cartoons" thing here? The animation was great.

It was great how unexpected the injuries were. You didn't know who'd get hurt. The thing at the end was pretty funny too. I like how you randomly threw in genital stuff at the end. It always works.

That was really good! What I appreciate the most was how great the color was! It reminded me of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"! More specifically, it was a fan made episode I saw. Whatever it is, this is really good. I admit that I was looking for some backstory.

Of course, it doesn't really need it. The colors were certainly good. I like the generic title. The sounds seem to sync up well. It's quite nicely done.

This wasn't that innovative, but was still good. It was easy to tell what this would be about from the thumbnail. It certainly had slapstick. It was just a more realistic depiction. I appreciate the little things going on. The old timey style was great too.

I just want a tad more wit. I don't think it was that unique. There's still nothing wrong with it. I like the use of no capitalization in this. It made it unique.

The artwork was great in this! I'm surprised I didn't come by this sooner. I thought it was going to end really silly. Instead, it was quite serious! I admit that was quite unpredictable. I guess we can't always be funny.

You chose a pretty generic title. This guy looked like Red from "Pokémon". Everything moves very smoothly. It's great to talk about all the people who worked on this. It really paid off!

I admit that this wasn't quite as good as I thought. It's still quite enjoyable. I feel like I just have to tell you what I've gone through in this situation. Well, I haven't quite been in it. I'm not going to tell you. I like the stuff about the rainbows.

You're just so honest in this. Most of us can associate with this. I had no idea it would be that depressing. I assume most people move on! I guess I can't really vouch for them.

This is so old it doesn't matter what kind of laptop I have anyway. It still seemed kind of slow, though. I really did appreciate how good the animation was. It was more of the designs themselves that were so good. It was great to see how each zombie was different. I really like that intro.

I think those are permanent and baby teeth shown at the beginning. That's something that fascinates me. You learn a lot about human anatomy with this! I'm glad that you made something pretty unique. Are there newer versions of this?

SickDeathFiend responds:

There were quite a few Dead Rain projects that never saw completion back in the day, including a game. Started to remake the series back in 2006 but canceled that project. But one day I plan to bring this series back in some capacity, the latest idea being a game so we shall see! Check this out if your curious of those canceled projects http://www.sickdeathfiend.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=77

I think this was a tad better than the original one. I guess it's because it focused more on violence. Yeah, I'm pretty sick. Judging by your name, you're even worse! Were zombies always this popular? It was just cool to see all those innards.

I guess I'm just fascinated by human anatomy like that. His intestines still have poop in them. That must taste awful! Anyway, I do think it was a little slow. The animation wasn't bad.

Seeing as how it said, "Old vers", I didn't expect this to be good. I was surprised at how cool it was! The designs were freaking awesome. You put so much detail into every little part of their bodies. This is why I love zombies. It's great to see old stuff by you.

The guy with the long hair looked like a girl. He wasn't a girl, right? It's amazing how many shots these things can take. It has a lot for its length. It's great at setting this up.

While not that great, this was still quite good. It was mostly because of how fast paced it was! I was afraid it might be an infinite loop at the end. Instead, it's just another battle being fought. I think it was a little too loud, though. I couldn't quite get into it that way.

I'm glad I can just turn down the volume. The animation was pretty slick. The designs were kind of unique. It was hard to tell what was going on. It was certainly creative.

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