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It's great to see where this all started out! I wish you would make more episodes. It's only great because of the bomb at the end. When something's too cute, you really do need to blow everything up. The sounds were fantastic. It was great to see all this movement.

There was always something new going on. Maybe I'm now too old for it. It doesn't matter, this is great entertainment for anyone! I'm glad this lasted as long as it did. I don't know why there's a giant strawberry there.

I'm not a fan of these kinds of games. I really did enjoy this, though. It's mostly because you managed to make something that looks kind of dumb, into something really cool! There's a lot of great action scenes in this. You can really feel the tension build up. The music is great too.

I also love how you reveal where the guns came from. That's an interesting question. You made balloons really badass! Then again, I haven't played the original games. Maybe they're as good as this!

I was confused as to why this went on so long. It did get better with the endings. My favorite is the fourth one. It's just great to see a different option being taken. I also love to see how the website looked back in 2002! We'll always have that screenshot to look at it!

The sprite work was quite good. I admit that a baby committing suicide is pretty funny. That's what you call a dead baby comedy! There was definitely style in this. RIP Randy.

Randy-Solem responds:

Thank u,rand's mom

It was kind of hard to follow this. I just wish that it had more animation. I couldn't quite get the joke. I wish you'd go back to making serious stuff. At least this is an interesting experiment. Most of us know what it's like to call people like this.

I guess I haven't been following the series well. Then again, you could have used that in the title. It just didn't seem like it built up to much. I guess it's nice to hear your voice. If you like doing these, then fine.

Affinitia responds:

This is about the website Voat.co and how PayPal froze their donation money. It's just a parody of a real life situation that not many are aware of.

I really liked this and it's actually kind of hard for me to say why. I think it's just because the animation is so good. It was great to see sprite work with the standard 2D stuff. Then again, maybe that was just low resolution. The two can overlap. The voices were quite good.

It just seemed to fit the Kirby games. Granted, I've never played any of those. Well, I think I've played as him in "Super Smash Bros". I just appreciate how authentic it seems. It's nice to see all these characters.

This wasn't good. It just had so little focus. It should have been a bit more colorful. It just didn't seem to have any point. The artwork hasn't held up well. I do still appreciate how you put all this stuff together.

It seems like an original design. It was fairly unpredictable. I can see why it didn't get popular. You could have used better effects. The "Home" button at the end didn't do anything.

I actually found this to be pretty good. The best part was probably the Wile E. Coyote bit. I thought he'd be the one to die. I like how they're drawn. You can tell it's not by the same creator obviously. I guess it's just a simple concept I liked.

We're all a bit morbid like that. I wasn't expecting Mario to appear, but it was a nice surprise. The music wasn't bad. No, you certainly don't have a life. It was nice to see more of this.

It's great that you have such great animation. I was turned off by the toplessness. Why didn't the rabbit have breasts? I'm pretty sure she was female. The funniest bit was probably the credits with how he had the hole in his body. Both types are nicely done.

I liked how it was just one style and then another. It didn't change much, like I believe the last one. The colors are wonderful too. You can just imagine the other style in your head. It's quite creative again.

While not as good as the first one, it's still really good. I probably only like it so much because of this awesome song. I admit it's disturbing to see those old woman breasts. I still think it's worthy of the first installment. It adds a lot of neat new things in. Misato looks so good.

That gif with Itchy and Scratchy is so awesome. It's nice to see those colors. I don't miss the days Bush was President. This is just from a great movie. The cat's nice too.

This was quite funny, because it was so unexpected. I guess Mentos just aren't popular anymore. Seriously, it's been so long since I've heard about those things. It's just a discredited meme. This pales in comparison to Sam T's Incredibly Messed Up Bible Stories series. This is still pretty funny.

Goliath looks like Genghis Khan. I seriously thought that's what this cartoon would be about. This was good for something short. The animation isn't bad. I think it deserved Daily 2nd Place.

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