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This was an awesome stick cartoon. The best part was the very end. You just had no idea that would happen. I guess it's just quite dreary in everything it does. The music was fairly good too. I was confused by how there was no blood at first.

Then I got it! I don't know what the purpose of the hypens was. This was quite well paced for its length. With no dialogue, I guess you could call it a music video! It was really creative.

I can tell this was your first animation. It's great to see where this series got its start. The quality of the whole video is pretty low. At least you showed us your first violence! I recognize those tearing sounds. I was surprised at how there was no blood.

The music at the credits was quite good too! You know how to show violence. It's still pretty subtle violence. I guess I'm just looking for more of a story. It's great for the nostalgia, though.

Wow, this was really amazing! It is easily the best in the entire series. What makes it so great is that you really keep putting more plot and story into it. There has never been an entry with so much dialogue. We're getting a lot more story now. The animation is as good as ever.

It's great to see all those zombie designs again. It's even nice to see the outside of the city. It all makes more sense now. It's also great to see the other guy back, even if its only at the end. It's the most unique entry.

It's nice to see an early cartoon from you. I love the poster showing your first submission. It really does show how far you've come. I even heard that Matrix sound effect from last time. I love how this sets up "Super Mario Reloaded". Yeah, a lot of people won't get that from this.

All this over a cookie. The animation wasn't bad. It seemed to be a bit slow at times. It was a fairly unique cartoon. These are some pretty original designs.

It was great to see all this stuff going on. The best music video had to be with Eminem and M&M's. It's a pretty obvious joke, but it works. The Peanuts one was great too. Yeah, we've all made fun of MTV at one point. Then again, we've also all made fun of Barney. The fake commercials were great too.

It shows how willing you are to detail everything. It was nice to see all those pop culture references. Your animation style is really nice too. I think I may have watched this at one point. I just now most of what the music videos were.

When I first came across this title, I thought it would be something sprite related. I guess I'm glad it wasn't. It really came off as unique in comparison to other stuff at this time. I appreciate how it has a good story going for it. You don't even have them meet yet. I'm glad you are building yourself up.

You have a pretty funny author name. It's great how you set the characters up. It's weird to see stick figures like that. I can recognize most of these robot designs. It's just a nice old cartoon.

I thought this song was great! My only complaint was that I do wish it wasn't the audio with the crowd noise. It was a little hard to listen. I still appreciate how the colors and designs are so good! I'm not used to hearing a "We Didn't Start The Fire" parody that isn't a list. I'm always eager to look at something new.

I'm glad I was able to learn about Singapore. I assume you got your facts right. Some of them at least seem familiar. I guess this is how the people there say the name. It was quite unpredictable.

NCH responds:

the source of the audio came from here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_SnTcGXDQ0

and its the only audio out there. I tried contacting the folks that did this but they never get back to me at all so yeah. I have to use back the old one.

I didn't think this was that bad. I mean, it isn't quite good, but it's by no means terrible. I guess it's because it came off as creative to me. It was nice to see those fairly good graphics. I think the sounds aren't bad either. It seems pretty ambitious.

I have seen a lot worse. It seems to exist in its own world. As a prologue, there's still not that much to it. I appreciated some of it. It wasn't bad.

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