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I didn't know it would be like that. It took me awhile to understand the joke. I realize he meant "NEW Tron" movie. Hmmm, a bit dated, huh? Well, it can take a long time to make a cartoon. The voices were great. I really liked the animation.

I just wish it was longer! You should make this into a series! Granted, it would have to have a lot more jokes of course. It's quite professional. I'm glad it won something.

This was good, mostly because of how unpredictable it was. I really don't think it was THAT good, though. I don't understand the title. I guess it was just meant to be ironic. The animation was still great. It looked like Batman was going to rape him.

Was it done willingly at the end? It was certainly unlike any Batman I've seen before. It was nice to hear that voice coming from him. He actually kind of reminds me of Baman. You know, it used to be here?

That was anti-climatic, but brilliant! It's just so nice that you went back to something from such a long time ago. You went about as far back as you literally could. The voices were great. I was in no way expecting that at the end. Then again, it wasn't very long cartoon.

Oh, and another "To be continued". This has to be a record for longest time between a sequel on this website. At least it's not a gap between you making anything. It's cool to see how the animation has gotten better. Yes, it is.

This was a great entry in the series. It's so nice to see Tifa again. Granted, that's probably because I can just recognize her the most easily. Oh, and she's also hot, lol. You did some great effects with this dragon. You get a great sense of being in on a big adventure.

It's great to see a battle in the air. That canyon part was great too. I should see more of those. The sprite work holds up well. Then again, we don't use sprites anymore. Even the title's nice.

SplashKhat responds:

If I had the time/budget this is one episode I'd really like to remake. My programming skills were barely passing when I first did this. Flash can draw so much better now as well.

This was certainly something different for you. I knew the animals would appear in this eventually. It's great to see you draw humans. I mean, we're all humans, right? The voices weren't bad. I felt the narrator went on a little too long.

It's still great in setting up the mythology. It's nice to see how it relates to our human world. Wow, these guys have awesome names. It's always good to see something different, especially from someone as loved as you. I'm glad you made this!

This was a great sequel to Suzukisan. I guess that's pretty much what it is, right? There's a freeze frame bonus that reads "who says American cartoon characters cant have spiky hair". It's when Nicholas is shown. I remember that kid from the Care Bears movie. The Nostalgia Critic reviewed it!

I assume this is a song from "Love Hina". I never watched that anime. It was great to see these characters again. The music is great! It was fun just to try to recognize what all these things came from.

It's simply impossible to go wrong with this. I love how adorable these eggs are. You have no clue whatsoever will happen next. The music is great too. I don't know how superheroes showed up in this. All I know is that it was awesome!

I even love the little sounds as they are transforming. I guess these guys have access to Hammerspace. He could just put the money away into nothing. I didn't know they'd both go to Heaven. Well, that's what I believe anyway.

Seeing as how the Earth is two thirds covered in water, it only makes sense there would be an episode like this. I was in no way expecting that to happen with the shark. Then again, I wasn't expecting really anything that happened in this. I especially like the duck egg. Well, not literally a duck egg.

It's weird how these guys can just change species. Wait, what species of egg were they laid to begin with? The sounds are once again, very cute. It's great to see them move differently, being in the water. It shows good variance.

That was really funny. I thought you might have had too many jokes about the finger gun. It was still lots of fun to watch. The animation was really stylistic. I knew it would be great from the first joke. I just love that one about the dumpster.

A lot of us are scared of homeless people too. It's nice to see a series from you. It seems like this was the first stuff made by you with an ongoing storyline. Well, maybe I don't remember all your stuff. It's been awhile since I've heard of mayors giving keys to the city.

I knew that guy was going to be the soccer ball. Well, I knew SOMEONE was. I appreciate how good the animation is. It was lots of fun just waiting for new eggs to show up. I was wondering what the guy in the middle would do. I wish the ending was different.

I guess being knocked around would make you want to explode. It didn't seem to even kill him. It was great to just see everything fall into place. The sounds were as good as ever. I'm glad this won Daily Feature.

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