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It may have been short, but it was still quite good! I think the best part is probably how unexpected it was. Okay, I could tell what was going on, but it was so well done! I never thought of rabbits like that. With a title so generic, I thought this couldn't have been good. I'm glad that I was wrong.

I'm surprised at how dark it was. It's just really an original idea. That's what you get for having a real magician! You got a good perspective. I do wish it was a tad longer.

That was lots of fun! It's great to see something more peaceful with this guy. I'm so used to seeing him in violent stuff. Then again, those people may have been injured in this. I still appreciate the slick animation. It holds up fairly well.

The loading screen is still cool. I guess this is kind of weird now that he's dead. Wait, that was too long ago. Then again, this whole cartoon could be too long ago.

This was in no way bad. I just didn't care for it because it didn't make much sense to me. I thought it was too short. I still appreciate how it's fairly unique. I guess I just need to be more familiar with the "Earthbound" games. I had to left click a few times.

I must not be playing it correctly. I think the music is quite nice. I also liked seeing those little ghosts. There just should have been more to it. A pity how you were late for Halloween this year (2002).

I'm surprised this didn't win an award. It has lots of views! Anyway, why was Eminem there? He isn't a cartoon character! I don't think Santa Claus is either. I thought it was going to be the red M&M that would die.

I love how Sylvester didn't die. That's the biggest break he's ever received! I love Snoopy, but had no problem seeing him die. Hey, people have killed lots of pokemon too! The Ramones really like sniffing glue.

This was a great cartoon! I'm confused as to why the chicken was called a man. Well, it makes as much sense as anything else. I couldn't get quite into the satire, but it was still awesome. It's mostly because of this fantastic animation! Everything moves around perfectly!

I'm not against Obama. Then again, I'm not sure you are either. So RicePirate wasn't a voice, just a sound? The title was weird. This was great nonsensical fun.

OrganizedApeShape responds:

RicePirate is the sound of a rainbow, He's the voice of our soul, he's the joy on our backs he has the eyes of a doll. He did all the voices and everything sound related to RicePirates picture I have just masturbated.

I think Obama is a pretty good president

I didn't care much for this. It just didn't seem like anything that special. The animation was actually quite good. I appreciate how you did the voices too. I guess I just need to be more of a fan of "Resident Evil" to understand this. You'd think I would from all these flash spoofs.

Obviously, most people like this. I'm fine with that. I felt like it also could have been longer. It's harmless the way it is. It's at least passable for me.

I ended up liking this. I think my favorite part is when they mention sex with God. Haruhi Suzumiya is actually really hot. It made me think of her. Anyway, I was impressed with the music in the beginning. I thought the whole thing would just be a music video.

I was thinking of AMC, the TV channel. It was interesting to have those different endings. I didn't understand most of them, though. A pity you were late for Halloween. Well, Happy Veteran's Day!

This is actually quite impressive for being your first submission. The animation is quite good. I especially like the part with how his neck stretches. I admit to not knowing much about the whole thing. It doesn't matter, because this is just awesome. It's great to see the little details.

I loved when he came out as a giant fat blob. The Pac-Man thing was a great effect. It's nice and colorful. I really am used to this website being about video games. Then again, MOST websites are like that.

This is one of the best things you've ever worked on, RicePirate. Seeing as how you're so prolific, that's REALLY saying something. I don't know how I missed this when it first came on the main page. Maybe I just wasn't a fan of you at the time. I love the animation as well.

I knew they were eventually going to get beat up. They deserve it! They're such clichéd bullies. I do like the Wii U. I don't own one, but I've played some great ones in stores. That's mostly how I play video games nowadays.

I admit that this didn't seem that good at first. I was wondering why it had such a high rating. The ending made it all work out perfectly. I do wish the guy at the end would be talking about how he wasn't real either. At least you did something cool with him. The voices were great.

Looking at the title, I thought this was a reference to "Ted 2". You know, the Seth Macfarlane movie? The animation was great in this. You had so many cool designs. I'll always appreciate that.

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