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That's Star Trek

I thought the animation and overall premise was very interesting, but it could have been executed a little better. I would have loved to see some more action or some jokes about "Star Trek" itself. The voices (?) are still done really well and fit the characters well. I think my favorite part would be when he was going past the clock/lock/digital lock. There were certainly some things going on around, so I will give you guys credit on detail. It just could have had some more things relevant to the franchise.

Very bad

This is easily the worst in the entire series. Yeah, I was not expecting something brilliant to come out of this, but it really seemed like you guys got lazy with this. In fact, why didn't it blur out to the "5" at the beginning of the cartoon like before? The noise at the end went on forever and it was just really annoying. I could also not understand what Tom Selleck was trying to say and he just had a single square head. The previous installments treated him better by fleshing out his body frame and legs.

Great stuff!

It is amazing to find out how many things you can do with just the same audio file. It is especially interesting to note that the source audio is pretty random and silly in itself. I think my favorite would have to be turtleco. It was also great to see work by some people I recognized, such as LazyMuffin who is as absurd as ever. Every cartoon was different and stylistic in its own right. I am just so glad you guys still managed to mix the styles together in such common ground as a clip without even any dialogue (though it probably would have been less creative if you had included dialogue).

Graeme responds:

I love reading reviews like this. From someone who truely appreciated the collab, and what we were trying to accomplish with it! Thanks for that!
Also, I asked everyone to not use any dialouge because that directs the storyline far too much

Awesome (of course)!

A work like the Awesome series is really good if imitations can be just as good as the source material. It really helps that two of the site's greatest contributors are part of it. Another thing I liked was the animation which actually worked better in not being that similar to Egoraptor's stuff. I loved the fast paced jokes, especially in the beginning. The fact that it has an explosion and a groin attack and still does not end shows how great it is. It was good as an imitation and something in its own right.

So funny!

I just go on all day about how every individual sketch was great in its own right. I could have sworn that it was Wonchop who made that one scene with Chaos. I think the best animation might have been the one that featured Silver trying to go up the ramp thing. You had no idea what was going on in the rest of the sketch. My favorite would probably be the one where Tails says that Eggman got fatter and he basically turned into a giant. The ending was a bit creepy, but at least that ended well.

Getting better

This one was funnier because you really learned to make fun of yourself on this. While the animation was still not that great, this series is starting to make fun of DBZ and itself. The onlly really annoying thing was how the credits music just kept going on. I was wondering as to what happened to Black Trunks. The funniest part was probably when the narrator just heaved over from the heavy voice as that was actually something that annoyed me. It seems to be getting more into the traditional DBZ feel, even if it is still disorganized.

Holy reused joke on a web toon!

It was amazing how you were able to keep up with so many jokes in such a lengthy cartoon. The animation was as good as ever, and I really like how the characters just move and everything. Everything is just a joke in itself like all the hands that reach over into the refridgerator. There are just so many random things going on, like the machine being powered by monkeys. I also like how dumb everyone is, even the director. The action scenes were good as there are no more worthy opponents for the characters to slay than themselves.

It all works

I am perplexed at how this did not get a spot in the Weekly Top 5 or a Review Crew Pick. It is one of the most popular submissions to be released this year! Anyway, this was really great first of all because the animation is so good. The main strong point is that there is simply no way to expect that punchline. You see ironic thing after ironic thing going on and you just wonder when it will all end. In the end of course, it does not matter as he managed to get that tux dirty after all and then some.

Great stuff

I love how you give recaps for the previous episodes. So much happens in one and they are often as long as a regular TV episode, they deserve it. It is great to hear Rina-chan as Princess Zelda. I love all this, if only because drunk Red Link is the funniest thing to ever appear in this series and how ridiculous he acts. It is just so fun to see him just squirm everywhere and talk in that silly drunken voice. I knew you were going to mention emos when you brought that song up and then another song!

Fairly bad

I like "Dragonball Z" as much as the next guy and this was not a good tribute. The most important factor was that the animation was pretty bad. I guess I have seen worse, but you really need to work with drawing tools to make more clear lines. I had no clue why Piccolo was there or why there was the Super Saiyan 5 Goku (I think). It is too bad you spent such a long time on this and got the turd of the week reward. I think next time you should work more on action scenes and a plot for that matter.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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