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That was very unexpected

I was surprised at how this didn't win an award (of any sort) itself as it is very high-ranked. At first, I thought it was going to be a satire telling about the perils of people on this website trying to win awards. It turned out to be more of a crude joke regarding oral sex. I'm not saying that I'm against that sort of thing, but it just seemed to come off as too easy a joke for me. The animation was pretty funny and I guess the song was fine. I just think you should add in more satire to make something like this more popular.

Little-Rena responds:

This flash was just a joke in itself, lol.

Merry be-lated, or early Christmas to you too!

I was fascinated by the first flash you submitted here, and I wasn't even aware you made more! This was fantastic, simply because of the great animation used. I especially love the faces and the ways the character's eyes move and such. This is the first time I've seen other Kirby "people" and I didn't even know there were people like him around. Then again, I haven't really played the games to know the history well. It worked very well in its light-hearted and fun attitude.

Better than I thought!

When I saw the loading screen, at first I thought it was going to be some artsy film about heroes in, say, WWII or something and how they fell. I was a bit disappointed to find out it was apparently just about stick figures and an eating contest. Then, I went back to being amazed at how well the story worked! You were definitly right, this was a great use of music. It really puts a lot of emotion into a story that might otherwise seem kind of silly. You came up with something pretty original and I congradulate you for that.


I thought this was pretty nicely done. At first, I thought the guy was talking in a different language, but then I was able to read the subtitles and (of course) understand what he was saying. "Lost" is one of my favorite shows and it's nice to make fun of its craziness. Seeing as how the island was on a ship, it was like "Lost in Space". Oh, wait a minute. There was already a show called "Lost in Space", which I don't think you were referencing anyway.

Get down!

I really didn't find that as being particularly gay. While admittedly it could've been a lot longer, I just have to recommend this for the fantastic animation. You have given Newgrounds some of the most authentic and nicely done stuff out there. It also helps that I liked this song. Otacon himself was pretty funny in this, and the screen at the end was nice too. You're simply a guy who can't go wrong on this website or in anything else!


I believe there's one for every letter of the alphabet and this may in fact be the last, seeing as how it's, well "Z". I really liked the loading screen. Zelda is drawn very well, and I was disappointed that we didn't see more of that in the actual movie. Still, the animation was goofy enough to be likeable. I especially like how you drew the fire. I guess you could say I'm a fan of the Clock Crew and it was nice at least to take a look into their history.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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