View Profile Ericho

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I think that farts can be pretty funny, but this wasn't really a time. Yeah, I know this was in 2000, and flash was barely developed at that time, but it didn't really look like much effort was put into it. How ironic that this was made on September 11th, 2000. Anyway, I'm sure that with the modern things in flash, you could do much better if you work harder. The stick figures need to be better animated. It was also pretty short.

Possibly your best yet!

I was very impressed by this! It's great to see how much you've improved after your previous animation! It helped that it was really nice to see the yellow paper for a change not to mention the blue ink by the pencil. I was also impressed at how this had much more of a story than a lot of the other ones. The gags were pretty funny as well. The best part was him taking control of the rain and lightning in the cloud.

Not your best, but good

I've watched really all of your recent Pencilmation submissions, so it's only natural to go back to the earlier ones! I can tell that you've really improved over time. While these didn't have much of a story to begin with, I do see story later. The animation and style was very nice, and it had lots of funny moments. I think my favorite part would be the hands that hurt or helped a guy. I think the gag is, that they help or hurt a person every other time they're pushed.

Great stuff!

I love how you say you don't want your videos on YouTube. That site really is taking away coverage from Newgrounds! Anyway, I was very impressed at the animation. It really came apart as being different than most stick flashes, especially with eyes and movement. The funniest part was probably the Britney Spears song parody. While I'm not your biggest fan (nor am I a fan of Counter Strike), I can definitley appreciate all of the work put into this.


Upon first seeing the preview icon, I thought it was going to be stop-motion because of how realistic the plant looked. It's very cool how you started with that background and gradually showed how you did it. It would've been a bit better if you had actually shown some movement, but still something great. You obviously put a lot of effort and creativity into this project! Thanks for bringing it here to Newgrounds, as normally it's something you'd expect to see on YouTube. The choice of music was nice as well.

Strip club?

Well, when I first heard it was called "Captain Planet Strip Club" I expected to see all the characters of the show strip, but I'm glad that didn't happen. The animation is nice as always, especially Captain Planet. It's nice how you did your research about how much of a pervert that Italian guy is. Yeah, I was expecting that to happen at the end, but it's still executed well. You just never stop coming up with this stuff. I hope the environment gets better.

Awesome stuff

The animation was great, and it's nice to see (what looks like to me) a totally new kind of animation that still works well. I noticed that some of the guys just came out of nowhere. I could've sworn it was going to end with the first cycle, but you took the extra step and made it even longer! It works great as a loop and I love the Carl Jung quote at the end. I'm into psychology, so that stuff really fascinates me. It was also funny how the one purple guy talked.

Nom nom nom nom!

This works great as a Halloween flash or simply a great flash in general. The music really made it all so funny in a really dark way. I'm a huge fan of zombies and I'm a huge fan of your work, so putting the two of them together are awesome! I really liked the designs of the zombies. You put in a lot of detail to all of the blood and gore. Sure, it didn't have a plot, but having zombies is all you need to make something cool.

A good departure

I've probably seen (and reviewed) most of these, but I think this is in fact my favorite. Yeah, it really helps that it's all in blue (one of my favorite colors) even if it doesn't always match the setting. I was expecting some sort of ironic bad thing to happen at the end, but I'm happy to say you just decided to leave it with a happy ending! The technique is great as always. I think the best animated part was when he hit against the rocketship. You never cease to come up with new ideas.

Woah, I'm very impressed

I know you best for your work on the EFN series and I appreciate it for its dark look and overall great animation. Now, you have given us a whole new story and a whole new cast of characters. This series appears to be more light-hearted, but it still has everything you could ever want from anything by you or anyone else!

As usual, the animation is fantastic, if not the best I have ever seen on this website. I couldn't help but think that you're being influenced by Egoraptor, as the character designs appear similar, especially Mini Mel. It's great to see you go onto new things!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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