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Not bad

It helps that I'm a big fan of that Super Mario World music. Yes it is true this was fairly short but it helps that it is a good subject matter. I thought it was cool to use another pixel version of Mario in contrast to the land pixels (the environment). How the screen was used was also pretty impressive. The icing on the cake was him still shooting Mario after the credits. It does still need work with a longer time and some more action, but it works alright for what it is supposed to be.

And even better!

I don't think it's any coincidence that this stuff is getting higher ratings from me as it goes on. Now we're starting to get some even better music with better suitings. You are attempting to give your character a more emotional side now with the introduction of more interaction with human characters. The orange was done so well it was hard to tell it wasn't flesh colored! I'm glad you got a big award and recognition for this. It also helps that you're putting in more action which I'm a big fan of, of course (?).

Better already!

It's great to take a look back and see the progress you were able to make in this cartoon with a much more serious story. While the animation may look a little cheap, I do have to remember this is 2003. I can still see changes in the glare and shadows of the color. The aliens are also designed pretty well, although I think the humans are better. It's also great to see your first attempt at a really full series with a beginning and end. That music played when he first gets his costume just never gets old.

It was good

I will say that I am surprised this got Daily Feature, but it is still a decent piece of work. I was expecting some cheesy animation as the preview icon showed that. It was very unexpected to see stop-motion effects. While I'm not the biggest fan of stop-motion using candy this was still enjoyable to watch with all the gummy bears, candied corn (why didn't I get any of that for Halloween?) and other stuff. The best part was probably the snakes eating the bears. Another good part was the red salmon eating them.


Of all the stuff in the "Foamy Confession" series, this may in fact be my favorite, not that that says much. I mean, it was nice how it was pretty short. I couldn't really understand what Foamy was trying to say even. The part of this that interested me the most was what Foamy's genitals would look like, as they seem to be different in every episode. I would really suggest working harder with voice work and animation. It's okay to make fun of a series, but this needs more to make it truly funny.

Happy Clock Day, I guess

I enjoy the Clock Crew as much as the next guy, but I'm really not impressed by animations that are just one frame. I mean, I have the Clock Crew to thank for having the one day I could submit my crappy stuff to this website. I will say that while I'm no Egyptian scholar, it was nice of you to do your research. I'm going to assume that is the Egyptian letter for "B" and it is different than the standard "B". What doesn't work is that this doesn't have much significane. Now if you tried putting in two letter in Egyptian, that'd be nicer.

ChandlerThompson responds:

Thanks for the review.

Prank call?

It's a bit difficult to judge a prank call submission to Newgrounds. No offense, but if you're just going to use plain audio, you should probably send this over to audio submissions. It doesn't look too attractive when it's really just one frame. Still, I should judge this of course more by the content and not any politics or whatever behind it. I was impressed how you kept talking about having sex with the chicken. I really had no idea where this was going or what it was even for but throwing in chickens is always a good idea.

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