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It's amazing how you made this more popular than the original. It wasn't really a porn flash at all. It really did have an interesting story. I appreciate all the character development. Well, maybe not that much. How can Samus have sex with her suit on?

Anyway, the sprite work was nice. It was a bit too long, though. I thought you actually played the "Final Fantasy" bits. Well, this certainly had a lot of variety. I remember these sprites!

Now this was better than the first one, but not quite good. I would have liked to see him get attacked. Maybe it would have taken too much time. I really do like the loading screen. Randy did a good use with CGI. It's a pity he never used that more.

I appreciate the use of Pac-Man. Everything looks authentic. Its just not long enough. It would have worked better as a compilation. That would make more sense.

What was this?! I really pretty bad for not giving this a higher rating. Everyone loves it and it's hard to see why. It just made so little sense. I guess the animation wasn't bad. Even that seemed really off.

I don't know why no one questions why the vampire is naked. Why is the vampire naked anyway? I liked the giant spider. It made as much sense as anything else here. Merpeople are also featured for seeimingly no reason.

This was probably too short, but I still liked it a lot. It's probably because of how good the animation is. I mean, this is so adorable! So that's what H. P. Lovecraft's full name was! It didn't make him literally roll in his grave, but it was close. The animation is so good.

This was one of the first times I think I hear of Cthluhu. I pronounced his name wrong at first. I just love how happy it is. Yeah, it's kind of dopey, but great for a short cartoon. These voices are so adorable too!

As the first entry in this series, I admit that this is a tad boring. The animation doesn't hold up. I still enjoyed it of course! It's probably because of the music. I also like to see such a nice series start. Everything is just so tender.

It's quite realistic for something about a bipedal blue bunny. I live in Florida, so I know what it's like to be near water. This is just a very sweet cartoon. A little short, but still good. I always want to watch good wholesome stuff.

I love how you use different photos for everyone. It shows great variety. Of course, it's hard to go wrong with this at all. You just never know what weird thing will happen next. I thought that was Whoopi Goldberg at first. It's actually Howard Stern!

It was great to see everyone contribute. We get to see all the characters duke it out. It did seem like there was room for a Part III. I like the use of audio clips. It's hard to go wrong with something voiced by Orson Welles.

I actually ended up enjoying this. I think it's because I do still like hearing that song. So this is when the meme started to get end? I agree with XwaynecoltX that it is too small. It's still fine for itself. I always like the variety of pictures.

I was afraid it would just be people saying that in the actual song. Instead, you stuck with the original! While not new, it was still better. I like the one with the big black guy. Is that racist?

I'm really impressed at how much can happen in such a short cartoon! It's great that you got even better later! The music was so suiting. I also loved how you keep the action up all the time. It's hard to believe this was animated in 2003. It looks way more like something from recent times!

It's always great to see artwork that holds up. I also like how unpredictable this is. There's so much going on. It's great to watch anytime. I wasn't expecting this much wacky action.

I have to admit this was pretty childish. It was just Alucard farting. At first, it didn't even seem like this was a parody. It was more like something played straight. The voice mixing was pretty good, though. I don't know that much about Castlevania.

Everyone knows about farts of course! It was nice for a quick little thing. The sprite work was great! I like how it's built up. While technically dumb, it was fun.

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