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For the record, Stephen Hawking has a wife. They made a movie about them. Then again, I doubt this was meant to accurate in any way. I guess the voices make sense. Was this the first Clock Crew submission? I mean, besides StrawberryClock.

It's certainly the earliest I've ever seen. It doesn't even feature the clocks! Well, it does have them at the ending screen. Well, Stephen Hawking deserves to be acknowledged. I appreciate the strange praise.

Krinkels may be based under influence here more so than anyone else. I don't know why it was so slow for me. My laptop's been working just fine. The music stopped after awhile. It's still a great cartoon. While not one of the best, it still has all the action of the others.

I wish I could pause the video. I want to see what those signs say! I guess they're not meant to be that easy to look at. Congratulations on currently being the highest rated thing for Madness Day 2016! It might change but still, Happy Madness Day!

Yeah, this was nothing interesting. I can see why it has such a low rating here. Then again, it's a lot higher than other lowly rated stuff. I actually do like this voice. It is something unique for a Madness cartoon. It probably should have had more violence.

Everyone looks for those! It just doesn't quite work as a Madness cartoon. The length isn't bad. There are just many better ones out there. I like the list of killers.

Crazymonkey154 responds:

I like the list of killers too :). 3.00/5.00 rating (what the score roughly appears to be at the time I write this) actually isn't such a low score. More violence would've probably made this better, but I couldn't think of much else to add while making this.

It's great to see another take on the Madness mythos! It's kind of hard to explain why I didn't like this more. Was it a bit too short? Did I miss the guns? I still liked it, of course. I am just confused as to why this is the highest rated one for this year.

I like the idea of these guys with six packs. It's so original! I did like the swordplay. I do think "Gladiator" is a great movie. Of course, I would have remembered it more to compare this to the film.

When I first came across this, I wasn't expecting anything good. It does, after all, have the lowest rating of anything for this year's Madness Day. I was very pleasantly surprised to find something great here! It certainly got better. I believe this is a reference to "Touhou". I've never played those games, but I know how popular they are.

I don't see a pie. It was great to include all these great characters and moments from the series. Oh, and the music is nice too. It's more pleasant than most Madness flashes. Again, Happy Madness Day 2016!

I was very impressed by this! I always love huge collabs such as this. I am glad to say Happy Madness Day 2016! We don't have as many of them here, but we still have some great ones! My favorite one is MAN_TICORE. I wish that guy was credited on the side!

They were all pretty unique. Chaos had a great one too. You guys really did try to make the characters unique. It's hard to do that when they're all literally faceless. I wish the original series would come back. Kelzad's was very creative too!

GabrielBarsch responds:

well...we did credited him on the side, but he didnt accepted yet
btw thanks for your feedback

oh wait, now he did, MANtikora

It's amazing to see where such a massive cartoon started out! I really love every single detail. It would be almost impossible for me to watch every chapter. I love how the styles are so unique. My only complaint is that some of the drawings aren't that good. What does matter is how it's setting up the story.

Oh yeah, I knew it was something like "Introitus" that the title was saying. It was hard to see. The music was amazing too! Oh, for some reason I thought this was twenty four hours long. 12 is still incredible!

It's great to see another animutation from you! You easily made the most in 2001. Well, it was the year you invented it. Most of these are in fact from "Pokémon". You MUST be a fan! I liked all the different characters here.

I liked seeing Carrot Top. Tigger is great too. It's been too long since I've seen Bazooka Joe. The characters are probably the best things of these. I love the usage of so many strange figures.

Congrats on your Daily Feature! This is probably one of the best stick flashes of its time. I had no idea what would happen next. I just love to see these sticks screaming. I've heard most of these screams before. No Wilhelm scream, though.

The artwork was pretty good. There would always be some creative way for these guys to die next. Yeah, that's morbid, but they're sticks. Was the Replay Menu supposed to be a coin? It's like I was inserting one to continue.

What a coincidence. I was just watching Game Grumps with Yoshi's Island yesterday! I'll briefly review each one seperately.

Death #1 - I liked Yoshi's middle finger. That star is pretty cool. 8/10.
Death #2 - That one was probably the most creative. And funniest. 9/10.
Death #3 - This one was labeled wrong with the star. It's still pretty good. 7/10.

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