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Wow, that had very little going on at all. I'm actually surprised this was featured in the collection. Was this the first "Invader Zim" submission? It certainly seems old. It was just Zim and Gir laughing. There was nothing entertaining about it.

I guess the animation wasn't bad. It's at least nice to see these characters again. Yep, we all miss this show. I can tell it's your first flash. I'm sure you got better.

It's wonderful to see where such a great series started! I admit this isn't as good as the later episodes. This is still fun of course. I just love the way this is animated. Its all done in a really goofy manner. Yeah, we started to forget about 911 at this time!

I don't know why the Pope is in this. I like where Beebo stabs him with the cigarette. It's weird, because my parents used to call me by this name! It's also the name of a company. I guess it's just a standard game.

It's great to see Weebl again! I really do like the Salvonic series. I was really impressed by the animation. I'm used to music videos from you being goofy. I guess the lyrics weren't that organized here. Everything looks so wonderfully slick.

The red shadings might be the best. That voice is great too. I think the falling scene is probably the most memorable. I hope you guys remain on this website. I can always count on unique stuff from you!

The credits were probably the most entertaining part. It just seemed like this didn't amount to much. He goes crazy and that's about it. It's still put together fine. It's just too predictable. Maybe there should have been dialogue.

The animation could probably be better too. How is this Action? It was more Horror than anything else. At least you're making fun of Windows. This is just okay.

Wow, this was the first flash submission to win all three main awards! Well, I'm fairly sure it is. It's hard to keep track of all those. The quality seemed really low at first. Then I realized I was watching it on Low, duh! This was just so fun to look at.

Obviously, the action was great. The music set the tone perfectly. My favorite part is probably when the victim fights back. You have such unique colors here. I dare say it even helped inspire "Madness Combat".

I admit this wasn't the greatest. It was at least enjoyable in some way. You actually used the audio clips pretty well. There have been a lot of Powerpuff Girls flashes around this time. Most of them aren't really that good. I especially like the beginning.

I like how you show Miss Bellum's face. Why would the Mayor says, "Boys"? They're obviously girls! Well, maybe you couldn't get the right audio. Let freedom ring!

I actually found this to be pretty entertaining. I will admit that it seemed like a lot of the pop culture references seemed forced. It’s at least nice to see these guys. I like all the different options. I think my favorite would be the OJ one. Good thing he got arrested eventually!

I thought there might be something wrong with my computer when the words showed up. I like how you reverse everything. It’s pretty cute. The animation is pretty decent. For the most part, it’s rather funny.

I can't give this anything less than 4.5 stars. I am simply so happy that people rushed to make tribute flashes. It really is a piece of history now. I do think this should have been longer. I'm glad so many great artists here paid tribute. Well, more of a memorial.

I am glad you put in music. There really was something going on with this. It's all coming back to me now. I can still remember what happened. I don't exactly remember this story.

I did think this was too short. It didn't really matter, because it's a powerful message. I guess we didn't have much time to create flashes. I am so glad people have reacted to it like this. The sounds were great. Yes, I know they wouldn't have wanted it this way.

I guess they didn't get what we wanted. We went to war and killed our enemies. This is still a unique message. I wish there was music, though. We've come a long way, for better or for worse.

Wow, does this mean the series is really ending? Well, we had a lot of episodes so far. My favorite joke might be the last one. It's just the fact that it's so sudden. I liked the weird way of flashing back. I liked the "Modern Warfare" joke.

I really do feel more for Nwar. That's his name, right? I think this could have used more metaphors. It's still quite funny. I do feel more for this guy.

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