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The funniest part of this was the punchline. It made sense. I mean, if he could pay rent, why wouldn't he? I appreciate the animation as always. The voices are really funny too. I wanted to see more of the manager and the customer.

It still worked out. Nice to know these cartoons are still around to lift my spirits. I haven't bought a video game in...maybe never. They'll all go bankrupt to the coronavirus sooner or later. I like the animation joke at the end too with the blank space.

Well, this certainly looks like a great series! I thought it was going to be scary at first. It works great as a comedy! The voice acting was just amazing! I appreciated all the animation styles. The paper effects were great too.

I guess the overworking dad was right! This is definitely setting up a story. Modern cartoons just do better with those. I'm glad it wasn't too graphic or anything. I love the name Kevil too.

I think you actually make some good points. Or rather Foamy does. I guess her life is pretty meh. The voices are as good as ever. I liked the joke about her almost getting a compliment. The running time's pretty good.

You really do get a lot of Daily Features. I think some of this series is good. Yeah, there's always movies to watch. You can really never run out of things to do. Unless you're depressed.

Looking at the thumbnail, I knew this was going to have a high score. Weird, I could have sworn you had a Daily Feature before. How odd to get one for a cartoon only 5 seconds long. Yeah, hard to recommend this. It's way too short. The animation's great at least.

More about the coronavirus. Well, it wasn't explictly mentioned. I know what it's about. I'm...not that aroused. The voice was good.

I feel bad for only giving this 4 stars. I mean, it was beautifully animated. Don't get me wrong. It's just that Toad's voice was so annoying! I don't think he talked much in the games. He did in the cartoons.

Still, it was a very unique cartoon. The colors were absolutely gorgeous. I appreciate the lyrics and everything. Wow, a year?! I didn't know a short cartoon could take that long to make.

I admit I'm not a fan of "Animal Crossing". It's a shame I couldn't understand most of the jokes! Still, this was funny. You really have to just appreciate animation. The art work was great. I appreciated how much activity there was.

There was just so much going on. You'd probably have to watch it over to catch everything. The voices were really good too. It's a shame I missed it when it first appeared on the frontpage. Good thing it stayed on!

This was pretty good, but it wasn't great. The animation was great. I do like the title. We all know about having a spot of tea. It's great that at least still active. The facial expressions are great.

It's just too short to be great. Still, that was the point. It kind of reminded me of Wonchop. I wish he was here too. It was pretty different too.

Cat humor is always awesome. Pooter IS a good name! I knew that would happen in the end. I mean, it's in the title. Hmm, what does Tiffany think of this new Pooter? That would be a good indicator.

I love how you used real video footage. Cat videos are what the Internet is for! It made it seem so realistic. Well, these are real stories. Except for that ghost one.

Wow, it was great to see the Disney cameos. You know, the ones you already made parodies of! Will there be a live-action Bambi? Or an all CGI Bambi? Don't give them ideas. I personally liked the new Lion King.

The credits went on a bit too long, but they're still funny. I remember that movie. It's been a long time since I saw it, but I think you got the plot down. It was funny how psychotic Stitch was. He did get better, just like the movie.

Wow, I wasn't expecting something so informative. We're usually known for being much more cynical here. I appreciate how nice this is. These are indeed good lessons. Wait, being stuck inside? We have the Internet now!

We can do anything inside! A pity this isn't much of a punishment nowadays. I'm doing it right now! The animation was amazing. It's a very fun little cartoon.

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