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I thought this was good, but not great. The animation was just amazing. It just got a little tedious. Still, there was some variety with the different people there. I can understand why it was ranked high on this jam. I admit to not being your biggest fan, JohnnyUtah.

I love how you mention his hatred of vaccines. Everyone should get shamed for that! Eh, could be worse. Some of these images were pretty scary. Don't put such scary stuff in these comedies!

Yeah, I couldn't get into this at all. I can see why the rating's so high. At least three people faved it! It was far too short. I mean, the animation wasn't good either. It did get into the collection.

It wasn't satirical or anything. Hey, this was submitted on my birthday! Elon Musk sounds like a perfume. I'm glad he didn't do anything amazingly awful to warrant this jam. Well, he always does.

Castle-Cartoon responds:

Yup, i don’t know why everyone rate my animation good. It’s just a kind of cheap animation just made for fun if even my animation get a prize

How was this a comedy? It seemed like a straight up horror cartoon! It was still great. I keep hearing about Elon Musk everywhere here. Hmm, I can't seem to find anything in the news about him that's THAT significant. Oh, there's an actual Musk Jam.

There should be a Coronavirus jam! Anyway, this was unpredictable, even at the end! The dark colors were really scary. It truly is an effective cartoon. Hopefully, the virus will get to him.

Stradomyre responds:

Maybe HE IS the virus...

Aye I'm glad it affected you in that way >:D I love horror comedy and I'm glad we could deliver. Thanks for watching!

I thought this was really funny. I've been hearing a lot about Elon Musk lately. I admit it wasn't that great at first. It quickly got funnier. I thought you'd make a joke about the pill being drugged. Well, everyone's already made that joke.

Loved the Miss Piggy bit. The animation was great too. People are talking more about Mars. Well, the Earth is pretty much in ruins now anyway. Even the last second has a joke!

I thought this was great! Hey, no mention of the corona virus! That was surprisingly uplifting! I had no idea this was going on in the news. Well, I knew about the riots. They only focus on negative stuff!

Well, most entertainers do. Weird how it isn't consistent which episodes you submit here. I don't really care. I love the real footage shown. This may be your longest episode yet.

That was short, but boy was it funny! Geez, this has to be some sort of holiday! Every single thing for the Daily winners has a rating of over 4.20! I loved how there were so many twists. That's hard to do in something so short! I knew it would be short.

I admit that it's hard to find a lot of great stuff in something like that. You instead made it work very well. I'm...not into the whole furry thing. Except for Rouge. Happy High Score Day!

Hey, great! I was really impressed by the story. I admit I would have liked to see more art styles in the actual cartoon. The End credits appear halfway through? I knew there was more! I admit to not having studied this series closely.

Hey, I saw a character from Satina! I do hope that becomes a series. It's always amazing how many people come together for a collab. It got better as it went along. Surely the action did!

That was quite funny. I just didn't think it deserved this high a score. The animation was really funny. I could indeed see some of JohnnyUtah's work in there. Dang, what's with the high ratings? I love how it ends with such violence.

The pacing was really nice in this. Everything was set up so well. The funniest bit may have been when they were on the sofa. I love how they blamed her on everything. At least the guy got punished eventually.

Dude, I think this like the highest score I've ever seen on a cartoon! I simply HAVE to give it a perfect score! It's definitely the best episode in the series. Katie's hilarious in this. Still, it's great to see this subject matter being taken seriously. The animation is amazing.

The characters aren't that well detailed, but they still show a lot of great movements in this. Is this Clock Day or something? Everything has a rating of over 4.00 today! I'm starting to feel more for these characters. I love how down to earth it is. Eh, you'll probably throw in supernatural stuff sooner or later.

Aaron-Long responds:

Well the Halloween episode (#7) definitely had some supernatural stuff! Glad you liked it, and yeah there's a lot of great stuff on Newgrounds!

This was really funny! It was so impressive how you kept this joke up for so long. The best part was seeing the block with boobs. We'll make anything sexual, right? That's the power of Rule 34. Even the joke at the end was great.

I personally thought this was better than the "Metroid" cartoon. They're both about video games. I think I actually heard this joke before. It was Stephen Colbert joking about making a movie based on Tetris. Well, this wasn't a movie, but an anime. The voices were great too.

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