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I could tell this was you, Hinca. I liked this, but I didn't love it. I think it's mostly because it kind of got too graphic. There were too many rape jokes. They were admittedly funny. I even found myself rooting for Lindsay.

Glad she got consensual sex at the end. She died a lot. I still don't think it's going to pass "Demented Cartoon Movie!". Now that was a classic. It was definitely well animated.

Yeah, I knew this wouldn't end well. It reminds me of a McDonald's creepypasta. Oh, everything has a Creepypasta. I even like the title. This had such good animation. You know how to create atmosphere.

RomeoJR knows how to act. Or I guess voice. I knew he'd give her a drug. Or I guess give me one. I just realize Big Macs aren't some of my favorite McDonald's food either.

I thought this would feature references to the Sonic movie. Well, I really think that of everything in this day and age. It's still fresh in our minds! I admit it seemed kind of lame to make fun of furries. They're too easy a target. It's not like I'm one of them.

How can I say I think any cartoon animals are attractive? Except Rouge. And Krystal. Anyway, this was beautifully animated as always. There should be a Warhammer 40K section.

It was weird how it was just whistling for the first thirty seconds. Well, the whole thing was weird. Really, nothing made any sense at all. I was thinking at first that it would have no dialogue. It still didn't make much more sense. I did like the designs.

I guess you had to see the other installments. Then again, I didn't want to go through all that. It's impressive you made a series with such high numbered entries. Well, the Star Syndicate's done much more. This was still worth watching.

Dude, that was freaking hilarious! I know what this is like. Everyone says we should just wash our hands. I've never seen a Newgrounds submission about a virus ripped from the headlines. It seems like an easy idea. I love the animation.

For something only a minute long, it had tons of great jokes. My favorite is probably the end. These voices are freaking hilarious too. It kind of reminds me of "The Amazing World Of Gumball". You know, with the live-action background. Don't worry, we won't freak out.

I was very impressed by the score in this! It was completely deserved! Ollie & Scoops didn't even appear in this episode! Well, I wasn't a fan of the series...until now. I love the animation! It's some of the most authentic throwbacks to old cartoons I've ever seen!

The colors are absolutely gorgeous! It's just an amazing cartoon filled to the brim with creativity. I really do like Poopsie too. I thought some of these voices sounded familiar. Adam McArthur, the voice of Marco from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil"? I love that guy!

This was hilarious! I thought it would reference the Sonic movie. Well, I think every Sonic thing does at this time. The animation was gorgeous. I so appreciate the different ways they're drawn. It's freaking unique!

Seriously, even cut makes them look different. I like how Dr. Robotnik is their doctor. Well, he is the only doctor there. This didn't really have to do with fanfiction. Well, it's still awesome.

Wow, that was amazing! I can't believe you got so much done in less than two minutes! I loved every second of this! It was just nothing but pure action! Was this a reference to "Super Smash Bros."? Honestly, it seems like any massive video game cartoon is about that.

They've referenced literally hundreds of video games! Yep, it's true! This was so unpredictable too. You definitely deserve your Daily Feature. Yeah, I remember one of these. The Tyranitar bit especially.

These are always getting better. Or I guess worse, seeing as how I'm watching them in reverse order. I just love the goofy animation. My church did the 2020 vision joke. Don't copy them! I know what this is like.

I just work in food service. We still have to attend meetings like this. They're usually not that important. I like the lower case letters here. The co-workers are so funny.

Wow, I didn't realize how many great cartoons you made. How'd I miss a Weekly User's Choice? This was really funny. I could associate more with this one. I think the best part was the animation. It didn't really seem CGI this time.

I think it was part stop motion. Yeah, I've forgotten everything from Spanish class too. It's sad when that's one of the few school subjects that will actually be useful. I do live in Florida. The voices were nice as well.

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