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Okay, rewatching it made me feel better. I especially appreciate the music used. SMW is so awesome, anything with it will be good. I loved the setup. I am still not a furry. It was good for a short cartoon.

I just find it cute okay. I wonder if a toothbrush can be used to clean a computer mouse? Well, I don't have one anyway. I imagine it probably could though. I like the tail too.

Dang, I really shouldn't be giving this such a high score. It's only because it features a great scene from "Tangled". That is one of my favorite Disney movies. Lexie seems like a great character. It was nice how "Tangled" didn't have a twist villain. You rarely see that in Disney movies anymore.

I have forgotten how great that movie was. You get the emotions down so well. It is a pretty good villain song. I'm glad to have come by this. Even if it's forgotten, I'll always love it.

JulieDraws responds:

im actually not really good at expressions, im glad you like it at least! QWQ

Damn it, how good can these cartoons get?! This is freaking amazing! This isn't even a parody of "Breaking Bad" anymore. It's just sheer awesomeness as it goes on. I was thinking his health would go down to zero. This still leaves a lot.

I'm so impressed at how there's nothing but action every second! Even if it's short, that's still a lot of seconds! Hands can indeed be very destructive. Any object can be made dangerous and scary by you. Please make a game out of this! It's still not as good as "Ozymandias".

Actually, it was more like five minutes. I thought this would be based on "Super Mario 64" at first. I guess the 4 in the title confused me. I loved seeing how Bowser caught Peach. The game never did show that. Oh yeah, it was a speedrun!

Well, it didn't actually show how the shortest speedrun could be. I loved the "Powerpuff Girls" reference. It was certainly unpredictable. You can do anything with Mario. I liked his cute design.

Oh, this wasn't the actual animated pilot. I admit I was disappointed by that. This is still quite interesting. I especially enjoyed seeing the layouts. I thought the first cartoon was longer than that. I guess it was so good the length didn't matter.

I won't donate money. I don't make much of it. I like your sincere voice. I didn't know a cartoon that short could take that long to animate. Webcomics should get more animated adaptations.

Yeah, I have to admit I'm getting tired of these cartoons. It's mostly just because they're these same simplistic designs with feces. You have this weird scat fetish. At least there was some farting. That's less disgusting than feces. I do admit it's an original concept.

It reminds me of "John's Arm". It's sad how a flying penis would be less disgusting. Feces is the most disgusting bodily fluid of all. Is it "body" or "bodily". Well, you've done some great cartoons.

I liked this, but I didn't think it was great. I guess it just needed more different styles. It does seem appropriate for the Lock Legion. I liked the CGI transitions the best. It's probably been too long since I've seen something from the Lock Legion. It doesn't have to be on Lock Day.

Well, most people have forgotten that anyway. I at least remember the song. I just don't remember the members of the Lock Legion. A lock with a butt is pretty weird. The animation's not the best, but it's still very watchable.

LazyPix3l responds:

Thanks for the review! The reason you probably don't remember most of the members is because this collab is mostly comprised of newer members of the Lock Legion. Most of the older members are either inactive, not wanting to do anything, or not in the legion anymore.

NatimationArts responds:

as the guy that animated the really bright red 3d scene, thank you!

This was a funny little cartoon. I assume all blue genies are like the one from "Aladdin". I was half expecting an Oscars joke. This was still quite funny. The animation was nicely exaggerated. Maybe it could have had more jokes.

I'm not the biggest fan of Big Macs. I like McDonald's though. I like the idea of a genie granting two wishes. Now that's an original idea! Well, he did get to three wishes eventually, I guess.

This definitely seemed familiar. I was finally able to remember it more at the end. It was certainly interesting. I had no idea what going to happen next. It got better towards the end. I could feel sympathy for the protagonist.

It's weird to have a whole season of cartoons. Here, they're just numbered by their title. I loved how the dragon looked or whatever that thing was. The action certainly got better. Maybe the animation isn't the best.

Yeah, I saw a previous entry in the series. I have to admit it would be hard to surpass the "Toy Story 2" collab. Then again, even that wasn't as good as the Spongebob movie collab. How did that not have a single preview? That was the best collab for most people here. Anyway, this still looks great.

I've heard it's one of the strangest movies ever. Nothing could surpass "Bobobobo Bobobo". I loved the usage of the Adult Swim voice. It sounds just like it. You show great scenes already.

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