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Aww, yes I remember the Rich poster! Damn, that was a long time ago. Then again, that was when the series had its own Wikipedia article and I could follow it better. I loved how this had more depth. You could literally see more perspective. The time travel angle was great too.

I guess he was supposed to be Rich? Then again, they all look the same. This had great action as usual. Happy Madness Day + 1! This is when they win all the awards anyway.

Wow, you made something really amazing and it was Madness Day! How courageous! Well, we just give high scores to everything then. Okay, enough of that, this is great. I thought it said elephant at first. I mean, you use a bunch of other animals.

I notice the "Xoxo" signs, which makes it look like "Ox". It's funny because the horns do make her look like an ox. It was indeed very elegant. I'm glad you didn't use an elephant. If only you used Rouge.

This might be my favorite submission for Madness Day 2022! The best part is probably how it has the most action! How is it even possible to come up with new designs? Even with simple circles, you do so much with this. I love how he just killed the guy who was talking to him. The animation is fantastic.

It reminded me of "Kill La Kill". Well, mostly the design of the protagonist. That sword might be the most color I've seen in a Madness cartoon. We need tons of pure violence in these! You can just pause to read all the stuff in the background. I was almost losing my faith in Madness!

Awww....THAT'S more like it! This was an amazing cartoon for Madness Day! You really do give a lot of personality to these guys with just faces. I was amazed at how there was barely any blood in this. You still managed to have a ton of action. Well, the original cartoon didn't have blood either.

It's amazing to see how much this series has evolved over the years. My favorite was probably 2:20. It seems like this was influenced by all of your other cartoons. You did the best parts of your most recent ones for this. Everything was so unpredictable! This is truly worthy of me saying Happy Madness Day 2022!

It sure was great to see this new kind of animation! Happy Madness Day! It could have been longer. It still had a lot of effort put into it. Anyone can appreciate that. I'm glad there was some action it.

Some Madness flashes don't have any at all. That's Deimos? I'm starting to lose track of the characters. There's just been so much mythology built up in this series. They did look a bit blocky.

Happy Madness Day 2022! I have to admit I was underwhelmed by this. It was just a loop of a fat guy walking around. There was no action. Maybe it could have been shorter. I wish we had those old loop things back.

I know you've made much better Madness cartoons. Still, you can do whatever you want. It is labeled as spam after all. People still seem to love it! This is just nothing special.

That was one of the greatest 30 second cartoons I've ever seen. I mean, there must be a lot of those, right? I mistook you for gildedguy. I thought this would just be a reference to an old meme. Instead, it turned out to be something completely new and different. Beloved films never die.

Okay, I don't think "300" is a classic. This was better than the actual movie. Given how awesome some tributes have been, many people can do that. That's a lot of action crammed into 30 seconds! We get a lot of unique characters too. Honestly, any tribute to a great army can go like this.

This is only hilarious because of the very last part. I was hoping there'd be something more of a gag. I know this is from a meme. It's just hard to keep up with all the memes nowadays. The animation was great. I guess it was long enough.

It's great to see this message across so quickly. Well, a lot of messages here are like that. Pacing is important in these cartoons. You didn't need to promote your other social networking profiles. There need to be more Donkey Kong flashes.

Wow, you rarely see Mod stuff here. I'm almost afraid this will get deleted. I found it to be hilarious. It's as funny as other mod stuff. I haven't seen "Max Payne" related stuff in a long time. Luckily, I have good memory.

My favorite part was 2:26. It was exaggerated even by the rest of the cartoon's standards. The voices were really funny too. At least YouTube stuff is uploaded here eventually. Hey, we got actual scores here unlike YouTube's removal of likes and dislikes!

CanofBeansNewgrounds responds:

Don't worry. I remember having my videos being removed on newgrounds because of copyright. also about the mods. I downloaded the max payne pack and bigcity. and record the footages. Hope you enjoy the video. original video was made in YouTube

Heh heh, 420. Heh heh, 69. Heh heh, 69420. Anyway, I love how topical this is. I guess technically Fidel Castro had an even more unexpected death. He survived 638 assassination attempts!

Well, Elizabeth II's death is still quite important. She did what most politicians should do. Nothing. I loved the Princess Diana joke. Her death on the other hand, was really noteworthy.

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