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That day is today!

I had no idea there was going to be an episode after the last one. It was weird how you showed the trailer for the live-action movie here after just showing it. The best thing was being able to see all those villians back, even though they mostly got eaten by the Pac people. It's nice to see that all of these characters are going to be in the movie. I doubt I will buy this, but I might be able to find it. I thought you would show the fate of the villians.

Maybe they go to the same place the Pac-Man ghost lookalikes go to. The voice work is as great as ever and the way the characters play off each other is great. Johnson is especially funny and it's neat to see his human form, which I never saw before. It's about time you worked on a pokemon parody. It seems like you did every popular video game series except that.

How unexpected!

I seriously think you guys come up with cartoons simply by looking at random objects. You could make a funny cartoon about absolutely every thing in the Universe. I'm looking at a wallet, keys, and a glasses case. If you guys ever make songs about those objects, I want credit! Anyway, this was a great cartoon by itself. I suppose it would be gauche for me to suggest you make a sequel called "Beards".

Seeing as how it had a "Start" button, I thought it would not be an infinite loop, but it was. There seem to be several different animation styles in this. The girl looks like she was inspired by Spumco while the singer looks more standardized. The best part was probably when that girl talked about the different kinds of mustaches. The use of colors and shadings is really well done, too.

How immature

I was looking forward to something that might come off as being good, but it was really not. The coolest thing was the intro where it showed the NG logo on its side. I would think it was going to be about a barbershop with that candy cane thing. At least the animation you did have actually wasn't half bad. It just seems that in order for you to make a "Take That" to Phoenix Wrong flashes, you would point out why they are so bad. I do not think they are as popular as they used to be, anyway.

I image of Wright with that coffee cup on his head is kind of a funny one. If only it did not go on forever. At least you were able to make it into the Phoenix Wright collection. The music used at the end wasn't half bad but there should be more happening in the final screen. I could see you guys making a real parody that could be good.

You did miss it

I guess you're one of those users who will simply never die? Of course, myself as a reviewer will never die too! This was decent in its own right because it had some impressive animation. While I doubt you were intending to make something that great, it is nice for you to submit something that's nice for a quick laugh. I am used to seeing clock submissions get high scores I was confused as to why this was not on Clock Day. Seriously, this is probably the highest rated flash on Lock Day!

I guess people were just eager to give out some 5's to you and you are talented enough to deserve them. It's impressive with how you've manged to become so popular. I liked the contrasting style that was shown on the card's font. The loading screen was also very creative. I would not know if the Locks have an intro everyone uses on their day like the Clocks do.

Tails-Lock responds:

A user who will never die? I guess so. Kinda makes me imagine myself as a zombie though, refusing to fianlly succumb to death, when I actually wanted to be a super famous Flash animator. Also as for teh score, most of my movies have the highest score out of all Lock and Clock movies submitted on the same day as I am a 5 addict. That's right, I vote 5 on my own movies. I am a horrible person.
This movies was much shorter than I remember, but then it was made in almost no time at all as well. It really does not deserve it's score. Heck, it probably should have been blammed.
I think there was an official Lock Day preloader, but I made my own because I am cool and...Actually I made it a while ago I think and never got a chance to use it, so I did. I didn't know where to get the official preloader anyway.

Seeing these poor attempts at movies really get me down. I'm meant to be better than this.


When I first saw this with the name "Hyadain" in it, I thought it was going to be that some Mario song. I guess those are probably the same people who made this, as it turned out to be just as awesome! This was really cool because it was just fun seeing those characters. Everyone just looked so adorable in this, especially Chun-Li. I love how you used the original cast and every character described himself. My only complaint is that there should have been more of a background.

These voices are brilliant and while you did not make them, it's still great you used them. Not only is this in the "Street Fighter" section, but it has a very high rating as well! I am surprised underrated submissions like this get no awards. Another cool thing is how the song itself just describes the genre so well. It was barely even violent!

R-Taco responds:

Hyadain is one guy. He makes remixes and sings all the lyrics himself.

That includes Chun-Li's.

Tron Legacy to be correct

I am so glad ZekeySpaceyLizard is sticking around to do some stuff with TheWeebl. Anyway, this was great to watch because it had some of the best visuals in the Weebl cartoons. I felt the same way about the movie and did not care much for its plot. The funniest part was when Bob had to use that tricycle. It was also funny to see all the eggs just kill themselves out of stupidity. It's great to see how much detail was put into every Cadbury creme egg in the crowd.

The eggs themselves are always great and you have totally convinced me they are not just for Easter. I have always listened to their speech and I can somewhat understand it. That is, I vaguely can make out what they are saying when I see the words. Do not let anyone tell you these guys just speak nonsense. The credits were nice and had more detail in them than usual.

He did it!

I was thinking that parrot was going to have its eyes stung out before it talked! It's great that you keep the great animation as usual. Even when it's something as mundane as a parrot, detail can always be an important part in anything. I can tell the parrot learned it from his master as he spoke in his master's voice. I can even imagine the master saying that if the same thing happened to him. The funny thing was how well it was delivered at the end and how it was built up.

You have written single punchline cartoons before and they work. It is mostly because they come unexpected and there is a lot of tension building up to them. Jokes always work better if you establish exactly what is going on. This was more about delivery in its appeal, so it's hard to even judge it as a joke. The censored bar was funny.

No meaning indeed

It seems like you deliberatedly made this movie to be bad, so I have to give you props for that. If there was anything good about this, it was that it was kind of unexpected. I seem to think everyone came from stock sounds from certain movies. At least you were nice enough to warn us that a loud noise was coming. I actually did not even find it that annoying. It seems to actually fit well for the experimental genre.

If you do want to make a flash, you should probably put more effort into it. I guess the occasional pointless one can make for good filler. In case anyone's wondering, it does not end with Hitler talking. Try to work on having a background and to put more things on. At least you had the nice intention of offending Nazis and neo-Nazis.

straberrykiler6789 responds:

i actually want to make a movie that is decent but there is not much time
i know im not winning any awards for my flashes and probably never will

but i try to make a movie every once in a while just to see if i can make a few ppl lol

however i am planning to make a flash game

a windows game
Not the lame worn out
error message followed by

but maybe something that gives a basic idea what win 98 was like

i believe that this movie had to be made
it'll cause problems IN the future
and it is only going to make the new slogan every thing by everyone more true

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