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It's been awhile? It would be a lot longer than that later on! Anyway, this is a great animutation. I don't recognize these characters from your other ones. I love the idea of Fred Flintstone appearing. Such an iconic character should be here.

I like the crazy visuals. Was this the Japanese version of Ernie's Rubber Ducky song? It was probably translated there. You do say they're mostly from "Pokémon". Boy, were we wrong when we thought Michael Jackson was the worst celebrity rapist!

Congrats on the award and high rating! This seemed like a cut scene for a game here. I still enjoyed it a lot. It's mostly because of how beautiful everything looks. I though there would be words in this. It still works great as a music video.

The colors are wonderful. I guess purple could be the color of the future. It has so much heart in it. I've never heard of a song submitted here through parts. I look forward to the next ones!

I think I ended up liking this. The author comments are great. It's great to see where you guys all started out. This was certainly your first Thanksgiving. I like the music. It's a nice little sincere cartoon.

It had nothing offensive in it. I liked it for its simplicity. True, other cartoons are much better. It just seems like Thanksgiving is a holiday not as popular as Christmas or Halloween. We're approaching the holiday seasons ourselves soon!

RadishClock responds:

This is one of the nicest reviews I've ever read. Thank you!

I like the widescreen. I admit it didn't seem to have much point. It wasn't a particularly epic cartoon. At least you have a good set up. I did like seeing George W. Bush at the end. Hey, that's actually the most positive thing I've seen of him in a long time!

The music is also nice. I just think there should have been more going on. It is just one single joke. At least it's done pretty well. That's what he gets for not wearing a costume!

I did not go on the website this far back. I can believe we had ads like this. That Bonzi Buddy guy was everywhere. It's always nice to see how the website looked in the older days. I didn't like how you had to replay the whole video just to get to that one part. The animation was pretty poor her as well.

It didn't have that much going on. Wow, the Clock Crew were huge even back then. I don't know how Mark Goff is. There wasn't that much interesting about this. It probably needed to be shorter, too.

It's been too long since I've seen a cartoon from you. I was truly impressed at how unique this was. It seemed like nothing you had done before. I had no idea you were the one making this, until I saw the other stuff you made under the recommendations. The thumbnail might be the best part.

The shades of blue are amazing. This wasn't a song. It was a poem! It's so great that people harken back to classic literature. It deserves its Daily Feature.

That was a very cute cartoon! I admit it didn't have much point, but I didn't care. It really did tell a sweet little story. It was fun just to see these animals jumping around. It's weird to see something with no conflict at all. It's just nice to watch characters having fun.

The music seemed a little creepy. It still fit the mood pretty well. I like your simplistic style. I think this holds up after all these years. The turtle was probably the best.

At first, I thought this was the old version. I knew from the animation it couldn't be! It's great that you update such a beloved series here. My only problem is that I didn't like the computer voices. It just seems more appropriate for clocks. Everything else works great, though.

I love the CGI effects with the car. The music sets the tone well. Joe works great as a silent antagonist. It's good to see this set the series up. It may not have the most action, but the buildup is great.

It's weird that you would wait a year for this. I still enjoyed it. It's mostly because of the good slapstick. I do admit it's a little too short. The animation really does hold up! I appreciate how fluid it is.

The sound effects were quite effective as well. It knew how to deliver its message. I guess it is becoming close to Halloween. Happy very early Halloween to you! There isn't much else to say about this.

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