View Profile Ericho

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Wow, this is probably the best lyrics video I've seen on Newgrounds! Then again, I haven't seen many. You still manage to show so much in this cartoon. I especially like how everything flips around. Maybe a little redundant, but still great. At 1:16, it looks like it says, "Join Us Crazy In This Jazzy Ride".

You create some great visuals in this. It's probably your best submission ever! Then again, I'm not aware of your other stuff. I'm certainly glad to have come by it. It's so uplifting.

Wow, that was incredible! I just had no idea this was going to be something so great! The characters were just wonderfully detailed in this! They each had so much personality! I liked how the protagonists were clearly the good guys. I just rooted for everyone!

I'm even glad the bad guys didn't die in the end. The colors were absolutely fantastic! You knew how to create a great world in such a short time! Well, it wasn't short in comparison to most other submissions here. I'm glad this has received recognition. I'm glad posters have already been created.

Well, that was weird. I liked it, but it wasn't quite that funny. I was expecting something crazy to happen at the end. Instead, it was rather mundane. It's still pretty good. I liked seeing this animation. That guy looked like he had a giant hole in his head.

Maybe he really did have no brain. He looked like the pooh-head. I liked "Stuart Little". I'm not sure if that was the joke. The animation was pretty good though.

Yeah, I knew I had seen this before. I thought that maybe it was just the same as the original. I know realize this is twice as long! Thank you for having more depth. I guess it must be better than the original. I thought it would be bloodier.

It had some good variety like that. It wasn't all bloody at all. I guess that makes sense given what these characters are. The ending animation wasn't as good though. Remakes can be great too.

Hey, "Spider-Man 2" was awesome! Well, it's not a dig at the movie itself. It was amazing to see that live-action footage again. It's probably the most awesome thing you've ever filmed! I have really come to like your dog. Hey, you have a wife and kids, you're not off that bad.

It reminds me of how I fell down a manhole cover a few days ago. Well, that really has nothing to do with it. I just wanted to tell an amazing thing that happened to me. You have a pool? I liked how the objects were shown in different styles.

The last joke made it. I was afraid this would be too short. I should have realized it would be a parody of "Johnny Bravo". I can usually tell things by the thumbnail. I have never seen the show, but I love "Breaking Bad". I know enough to love this.

It's quite faithful to the intro. If I know one of the things being parodied, I can like it. I thought it would say, "If Cartoon Network made better shows". They have declined...again...a bit. This might be a series.

So there is a God after all? I appreciate the artwork in this. It's absolutely amazing! I had no idea little Gru would be in this! I didn't see the last Minions movie. I can see more of this happening.

I love how violent it is. You show a lot of good stop motion with this violence. I'm glad this won an award! I don't even remember this coming out a few days ago. Well, there's a time for everything to be reviewed.

Okay, rewatching it made me feel better. I especially appreciate the music used. SMW is so awesome, anything with it will be good. I loved the setup. I am still not a furry. It was good for a short cartoon.

I just find it cute okay. I wonder if a toothbrush can be used to clean a computer mouse? Well, I don't have one anyway. I imagine it probably could though. I like the tail too.

Dang, I really shouldn't be giving this such a high score. It's only because it features a great scene from "Tangled". That is one of my favorite Disney movies. Lexie seems like a great character. It was nice how "Tangled" didn't have a twist villain. You rarely see that in Disney movies anymore.

I have forgotten how great that movie was. You get the emotions down so well. It is a pretty good villain song. I'm glad to have come by this. Even if it's forgotten, I'll always love it.

JulieDraws responds:

im actually not really good at expressions, im glad you like it at least! QWQ

Damn it, how good can these cartoons get?! This is freaking amazing! This isn't even a parody of "Breaking Bad" anymore. It's just sheer awesomeness as it goes on. I was thinking his health would go down to zero. This still leaves a lot.

I'm so impressed at how there's nothing but action every second! Even if it's short, that's still a lot of seconds! Hands can indeed be very destructive. Any object can be made dangerous and scary by you. Please make a game out of this! It's still not as good as "Ozymandias".

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