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Oh, it was just a teaser. This is still freaking awesome, though! I'm surprised you didn't have a lot of people under "Credits & Info". It's probably just as well. It would be silly to have a long list of something this short. Aww, I'm sure people have done sillier.

It was fun to see all these styles. You even have different franchises mashed together! I thought it would be nothing but stick figures. I wasn't expecting stuff like pokemon. This certainly looks great.

Wow, this was beautiful! I appreciate how it didn't look that good at first. Then again, many cartoons are like that. I had no idea when the baseball would stop. It ended on a rather heartwarming note. That alien seemed rather lonely.

48 hours is pretty impressive. The satellite was drawn wonderfully. It worked well in contrast to the more simplistic animation. You really made it work. We don't get many sports-related submissions here.

This was the longest "Pizza Tower" cartoon ever made! I do in fact remember "WarioWare". Well, I saw some other parodies. This was great with how it just kept going on. 3:19, hey it's Mr. Krabs! Then again, we got a lot more cameos on the last segment.

That was easily the best one. It might have ended abruptly, but it was certainly fun. It was great to see all these genres together. 4 lists already? I'm getting more used to seeing those lists.

Dang, I noticed there were 35 seconds of logos! I've never seen them go on so long! Oh no, now I'm turning into "CinemaSins"! Anyway, this was a great cartoon. It could be a full cartoon in itself. We have a lot of short ones winning Daily Feature.

I don't know what language this is. It certainly looks nice. I already feel sorry for this guy. At least he didn't die. Hey, that rhymes!

mohdfikree responds:

Thank you! Also, I apologize for the 30+ second intro—won't happen again, I promise. This is just a concept, but I'm hopeful that the full animated feature will be more captivating, especially with the lore I've crafted for it.

As for the language, it's a completely new language I've developed for this project, both for this conceptual piece and the upcoming full-length animated feature.

At 00:29, I believe there were some backwards words. I won't bother to find out what they are. I loved the animation. The rough parts make it the best. I kept thinking it was a reference to Queen Elizabeth II. I mean, she's the longest reigning queen, like ever.

I do think the ending was kind of abrupt. I know enough about "Undertale" to love this. I just need to love animation! Even in this short time, you get some character development. I'm just noticing the lists.

Hmmm, you don't have all the chapters up here. I thought they were games. Still, this was quite fun. It's mostly due to the awesome animation. I'm used to short stuff from other people. This still managed to be unique.

It kind of reminded me of the intro to "Dexter's Laboratory". You got some great colors here too. I was thinking there might be no music at first. This looked like he had Pac-Man's head. Oh, he's got a Tetris tongue!

Damn, I thought this was amazing! I can't believe the score isn't higher! Anyway, all of these letters and numbers had so much personality! I loved how big the dots were. You really have given this a story. Vanolbike?

What does that mean? It's a shame there's only one of each letter. Hey, I'm using letters to type this review! Uh...how meta! Whatever, this had absolutely amazing animation and it might be my favorite in the series. I really felt for F and N.

I have to admit that I wasn't loving this. I mean, it was basically just too slow. It's still nice to see a parody of "The Twilight Zone". It just could have used more jokes. Maybe you could trim it by a minute. I guess it didn't work out that well in the end.

Honestly, this seemed like a legitimate horror submission at first. Don't worry, the spirit of Halloween lives on! I thought the dog with the human face was scary. I was thinking HE was the demon. I found this to just be okay.

This was my favorite in the series. It still wasn't great, though. I appreciate how there's an intro! Wait, this is the last in the series? Well, great to end on a high note. Hmmm, is it okay for me to say "First review"?

We should all know "first comment" is frowned upon. There was a lot more emotion in this. I'm glad to make this the highest rated in the series! You even included a nice scene near the end. The voices were the funniest they've ever been.

I'm surprised the score isn't higher. Yeah, it's not a classic, but it was pretty enjoyable. It's been awhile since we've since a "Flappy Bird" parody. We need to mock it. I love the guy at the end who wet his paints. I don't think that's paint.

It's pretty impressive this has only three entries for a series. Well, the format was changed. I could never get far on games like that. No one on Earth can. It is that hard.

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