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0:38 I noticed the cameo by that dinosaur. I also noticed of course that other cameo. I appreciate this animation. I was wondering if this was done in celebration of the movie. Of course it was! I heard the movie wasn't even good.

The animation was quite charming. Aww, I brought the score down to 4.19. I'm sorry. I just don't think it's great. It's still a good little cartoon.

Hey, a bunch of Satina cartoons to recommend! How cute! Anyway, this was a great one. It was short, but it was great with its joke. Aww, no Thanksgiving cartoons for today. I appreciate how great the animation was.

I knew it wouldn't end well for that guy. At least most of them were organized. Rock and Stone seems kind of redundant. I'm glad it wasn't too long. I needed a shorter one now.

Dang, that was probably the best one ever! I mean, that was mostly just because it was all the other ones put together...I think. It still worked beautifully. The Nois? She really does look like the Noid from Domino's. Also Louise. You should know that already.

There was just so much going on here. I loved the part where she used the puppet. She already looks like a puppet! Happy Thanksgiving 2023! I ate a ton of food tonight, so this is appropriate enough!

Damn, this might be the best entry yet! I was amazed at how beautiful everything looked! My favorite was probably the Pac-Man one. I was amazed at how great the animation was in that one. Of course, they all had great animation. I admit that at 3:21 I had no idea who the villain was.

I would have failed at this game! There should be an actual game version of this! All of you at 64 bits will never run out of ideas. Even the intro was amazing! This is the best submission I've seen today for uh, Thanksgiving? Happy Thanksgiving, whatever!

I liked this because of how unpredictable it was. I was impressed to see her actually lose. Then again, that was also a bit depressing. The dragon wasn't slain! What a misleading title! This had pretty good animation.

These aren't the best cartoons, but they're serviceable. I thought he was done for when he lost his horn. He looked more like a chameleon. I guess they're both reptilian. The colors are quite good too.

Wow, this was a great cartoon. I was impressed by how much happened in such a short time. I didn't even notice it was Lucario at first. Dogs don't like chocolate! Well, he's more like a jackal. I don't like what jackals are like.

The ways you used simple black and white as colors were great. Seeing all those Magnemites was cool too. It's just great artwork. Stealing chocolate is cool. Thief thief is a cool name too.

As an earlier episode, this isn't as good. It was still fun to see how some of the story started. I don't know where the "elderly" comes from. They were right! His head really does look like a toothpick! The designs are always funny.

I just missed the puppetry. I didn't recognize any stop motion in this. The animation has improved. It's interesting to note you escalated in running time with each submission. This was still fun.

TheFroginator responds:

yeah probably my least favorite of the bunch. I completed this one in under 2 months and it shows hahah

That was quite good. I liked how you showed the original scene side by side. Wait, why would you need to show that part at the beginning? I mean, it was still interesting. It seems like you guys could just submit each part and not the whole thing. This is still nice.

I'm not a fan of this movie. I appreciate how loyal you are to the original movie. I do understand people like it. Again, I'm more into "The Emperor's New Groove". It's just funnier.

violxiv responds:

It's just a nice reference to have so people can compare the original to the reanimated. It's not in the final product.

Wow, I loved how wacky this was! Yeah, that must be a shout out to "The Hobbit". These characters looked and kind of acted like Mr. Meseeks from "Rick And Morty". Pity what happened to Justin Rioland. Bilbo looked like a long bean or a small sausage. I loved how you mocked videos that mention links in the description.

We can already watch free movies on YouTube! The animation was just wonderful. He seemed like an animated actor in that one scene. I don't know what this has to do with hobos. It doesn't really matter.

It's interesting to see how the animation has improved. I mean, it was in fact already great with the puppetry. I just wish there was more detail with the actual animation. Of course I got what I wanted! Being the first episode, I knew this would be shorter. I thought it would be more of an origin story.

I mean, Drake just came out of nowhere. I really liked the animation and puppetry interaction. This didn't have that much of a story. It still worked very well. The other installments are better.

TheFroginator responds:

Hehaha thank you for the feedback! Yeah this was actually more a of a proof of concept. Maybe try to view it more as a pilot! Perhaps one day I'll get around to animating the origin story, I can assure you there is a proper one!

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