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I thought this was better than the previous installment. I just wish the main character was back. There's a lot of potential with him. Of course, this is better in later episodes. I do think this had some good jokes. It was mostly just one, but still very good. I love these old movies.

The song was pretty good. I wasn't expecting that much gore. It was nice how unexpected it was. The animation is pretty good. You still need work with the lipsync.

This is probably my favorite entry in the series. I just love the guy who keeps changing into a girl. It's just too hilarious! The animation is really great in this one. I am starting to understand the story. The voices are just perfect. I really am wondering who will show up next.

Everything moves so wonderfully. I really am rooting for these characters. Everyone is just so nicely established here. There's a lot of funny stuff going on. You deserved this Daily Feature.

I'm not the biggest fan of this, but it certainly looks good. I have mixed emotions about the animation. For the most part, it was good. There were some times it didn't quite work out. I still appreciate how it was quite unique. The voice acting was quite good.

It's a pity that you didn't make more of these. They definitely had potential. I'm always glad to at least see how something went out. It's great this won these awards. The music was nice too.

I feel bad for not remembering the previous cartoon. I still thought this was good. It probably could have been longer, though. It's sort for a second episode. I don't know how that spider hair thing works. I guess I'm just not into spider anatomy.

I really do like the animation! This is definitely something new from you! I'm sad these will never be as appreciated as your older stuff. I like the idea of a whisperer like this. It was pretty fun.

DragoonFenix15 responds:

The sad thing is due to my busy day-to-day career, even a very short simple animation like this can take a month to make. I would LOVE to make some longer movies, so I'm trying to work towards that. Sadly, this also means long periods where I don't publish anything new. I think it'll be worth the wait though :)

I really do like this guy's weapons. It's probably because it's something that seems pretty obvious. Other than that, there wasn't much memorable about this. It was just too short. Yeah, I'm still in October reviewing this! The animation wasn't bad.

There was almost no dialogue in this. The first one was so much longer. I think you need to work with the length. It at least created some interesting ideas. I've just seen a lot better.

I'm not even quite sure if this was so much a parody. It just seemed more like an alternate take on the bounty hunters. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this. The second part was better. It was a tad slow at first. It was just great to see all those "Star Wars" characters interviewed.

The prequels taught us a lot more about the bounty hunters than the original trilogy. In fact, they barely do anything there. It was just nice to see all the stuff in the background. I'm just really in the mood for "Star Wars" right now. It's probably because I just recently saw the latest Episode VII trailer.

I admit that as the first entry in this series, it seemed to be mostly exposition. I still appreciated this. It's mostly because I'm watching it at an appropriate time. The animation seems to be pretty good in this. I especially like the way the lips move. It's really noticeable.

It still seems like this was necessary. You have definitely set the story and characters up. Again, I'm glad it's October! I always love that movie. You're taking a nice direction with this.

I really enjoyed this! It's mostly because it's so different than the other stuff you've done. It's lots of fun to see these characters mock themselves. This is the only time ordinary people appeared in the series. Well, you didn't see most of them. It actually did make sense.

A pickle is pretty different for a design. I thought no one would die in this. I should have known better. At least it wasn't that violent. It's great to have another great author in on the fun.

I thought this was one of the best things you ever worked on. It's mostly because it actually made sense! It wasn't overly violent or anything. See, there are some things I like about you. The colors were so vivid in this. The best part was probably how nice the main character was.

There WAS in fact some violence, but it seemed appropriate. It just seemed to make sense in this strange world. The animation could be a tad better. The lack of dialogue gives it a lot of personality. I think it's your best submission.

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