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I wish it was finished!

It is too bad that you were not motivated to continue making this, as the whole thing looks fantastic! Since it has been so long, I doubt you will ever be motivated to do it. At least you gave us one fantastic preview. It was even hard for me to believe that it was a Clock Day flash as the animation was so graceful it seemed like something more professional! This was probably the best submission for Clock Day 2004. The voice work is simply flawless and even the information about the artists is great!

That song forever!

That audio was from "The Lord Of The Rings" but I am pretty sure the movie that originally had it was "Requiem For A Dream". This was the first in many LOTR flash clocks. StrangeClock seemed to have the baton passed to him to finish this series. This was not the best of it, as there was not that much action. Of course, it is a trailer so at least it managed to have good animation with what it did have. The most impressive bit might even be how the suspense is built up with the well animated ring at the beginning.

It works so well!

I could not help but be reminded of the "Lord Of The Clocks" series made by StrangeClock, and I am glad he is finishing it. It has been awhile since the last installment but great things are worth waiting for! I was very impressed by how good the animation was and how everything flowed! The best part was how the female voice in this sounded exactly like something used in an actual movie. The best scene of animation is when the clocks are shown in shadow at the beginning. I guess I have also set a new record: 39 reviews in one day!

Now that was funny

I can understand why you consider yourself a clock as it was quite masterful in its design. I had never even heard of "Theodore Rex" before I saw a review of it by the Nostalgia Critic. The only thing I did not like was that annoying sound at the end. This had some very funny moments, simply because it was so insane in its delivery. This was not a joke a minute, but rather a great series of jokes. It really helps that the animation is absolutely insane and off the wall, showing your creativity!

It makes sense

Why would we want to spy on someone while they were masturbating anyway? I think this is sending a good message to the kids. I can understand why you would make this with few clothes on, as that is the theme of the entire cartoon! I always make sure to look out for other people when I do that. It was really cool with how he literally broke the fourth wall by attacking the cameraman. I thought maybe there was something extra at the end but him masturbating from the back is only the replay button...thing.

Doesn't get any better!

This was one of my favorite bits from "The Ren And Stimpy Show" when I was a kid. It has been such a long time since I saw that stuff it is great to see it here in its raw audio form. It is especially fantastic with all the crazy animation that goes with it. The funniest part was probably when you were threatening to shoot someone. I loved the animation technique with their butts hitting each other like that. There were tons of things going on and everything flowed so well even in its insanity!

Was not expecting that

It was weird to see StrawberryClock treat TurdClock so nice in the beginning. Of course, he went back to his old self when the actual cartoon started. I was waiting to hear the extended version of that Journey song. This movie heavily relied on heartwarming songs and it did that perfectly. It seems like you simply avoided crude humor in this (although there was some) but instead really looked for creating something that would make us feel good. It is probably the best thing you have ever done for StrawberryClock.

Quite deranged!

This has some of the most insane animation I have ever seen in a Clock flash. It manages to be at its highest quality when they are eating the pop tarts. I love how the title actually does make sense at first, but then it becomes completely irrelevant. The colors just seemed to be jutting out of their lines, especially when they had their penises out. CarrotClock is insane in this one and his animation fits his theme. I was almost afraid that there would be no sound in this at the beginning.

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