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Great cartoon!

Wow, in the light of all these great Madness Combat cartoons, it is cool to come across something different that is so good! At least this managed to get a really high score. Even the names of the characters are ridiculously cool! These have to have some of the most original designs for any stick figures I have ever seen. I think my favorite part was probably when Nhazul took Mr. Pix out from beneath the ground and just pulled him through it! The characters have fantastic depth in thier fighting moves, too.

It was a story

As this was your first flash, I would have to say that I thought it was alright. It seems like there really could have been some more color. It was kind of weird to see the dog become brown but have only the outlines of his body become brown. I do have to give you credit for having a really cool title that perfectly fits the cartoon. The animation was not that great, but you can certainly improve from there. Just work on your coloring and animation effects and with a few more jokes, you could make great work!


I think this may in fact set the record for the most voices ever used in a flash cartoon here! I kept thinking again of "Neon Genesis Evangelion" especially when you mentioned the angel or something like that. The animation was not great, but it was fairly satisfying. It is a bit hard to get into the story but what matters is that you put so much emotion into these characters and their facial features. Everyone really gave depth to the character he or she was voicing. I am surprised this series is not more popular.

AdamTilford responds:

It's a bit hard because each scene of an entire episode is broken up. So it drags.

http://www.azure-productions.com/vide os/videos.html

I really recommend watching the full episode versions. I have them streaming on my site.

Nah, the "Angels" is just the name of a special forces like team. Nothing like Eva.

I knew it

I knew there would be at least one guy who had a great Madness flash to submit the day after the holiday. It was especially fun with how you really put an emotional side to this. I could not help but be reminded of the movie "Machete", although that did have a pretty cliched backstory to begin with. I was seriously not expecting that awesome twist. While it ended on a downer, that did seem to make it faithful to the Madness Combat style. The action was really good and so were the character designs, especially the main villian.

Great as ever

Happy Madness Day, my excellent friends! Alpha-Nuva, I am really impressed that you managed to make not just one, but TWO great Madness things on the same day. What really struck me was how awesome everybody worked together while my favorite was probably GabrielBarsch. It was so high graphic intense it was one of the first flashes in a long time that managed to put some lag on my computer. Alpha-Nuva did have the honor of having the most variations as the stuff he made really stood out.

Guess who?

This was great to watch because it was excellent to focus on just Tricky and Hank. The animation was flawless and I really like it how you played up the action, especially with how the characters do not have their limbs attached to their bodies for some reason. I was not expecting Hank to grow a tentacle arm. There is not much else to say, as tons of action is all you need to say to describe a great Madness cartoon. Congradulations on having your flash become the preview icon for Madness Day 2010 (for now)! Happy Madness Day!

Happy Madness Day indeed!

I am very proud to be giving you the first review I have for this year's Madness Day. I can seriously not imagine any submission managing to be better today than this one. It goes on awhile, but it manages to be exciting every second of the way! The animation is really good, especially how the characters seem to have more depth. I was confused as to what was going on and who was on who's side, but it was brilliant all the same! The lobster monster, the Jebus-like guy, the guy who kept coming back were all flawless!

Just great

All I have to do is simply mention all of the funny stuff you said during this. Some of the best lines were probably when Edward kept making Bella less safe and stuff like that. It was also funny to mention how pathetic the ordinary humans must seem at this point. While not one of the best, it was certainly enough to bide me over until I happen to bump into your next movie. I was wondering about the full moon myself. My only complaint is that it is a bit too long and it seems like there could be more action.

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