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I was pretty impressed by this. I will admit that the animation doesn't hold up. Well, you make a better version later. I knew you weren't really a clock hater. Well, you used to be. It's just like "Stick Slayer".

The action was fairly good in this. I always like seeing how the old website looked. We've gone through such dramatic changes in just this year! That's easy to see. For its time, the animation isn't bad.

F*ck yeah indeed! What makes this cartoon so great is the animation. It just seems like everything is bouncing out at the viewer. It seems like there's movement going on in every inch of this cartoon. I really hope this becomes a series. It's so awesome!

It's the best cartoon submitted in a long time. Fewer people come to this website every year. I love the live-action guy too. The details are incredible. It just never lets up for a second. Something this fast paced has to be good.

Boy, was that weird. It's been too long since I've seen an animutation. I wish they were still around. What's incredible is that they're so amazingly unpredictable. I just love how random they are. Nice thing at the end with "Doctor Who" as well.

It's hard to even describe these cartoons. They're so insane! While not as good as "SHS" still great. The running time was great too. You seem to like Beavis.

Well, I guess this was as useful as any other tutorial. It isn't for me. There should have been sound. Well, music at least. I'm saying "Well" a lot. I like how you want to help people.

That's always nice. I would never be able to make a flash game. Maybe a flash cartoon possibly. I have no idea what program to use. I notice how it's all lowercase.

What a coincidence! I was just looking up Homestar Runner! You know the "Eh Steve" bit at the end. I love those blue hats. That's a good color. I only wish it was longer.

I can tell which animator made an animutation. I knew it was you Toxic-AKA-Bob-Barker! Even the title's funny. I didn't think it would be relevant anyway. This is animutation!

That was rather odd, but still very entertaining. The best part is probably the goofy voice. You know how to make good atmosphere. So does the cartoon. I admit it doesn't seem to have much point. It's still quite watchable. The music's nice.

I like how slowly the action builds up. It was kind of unique for you guys. I always like that. Maybe it could have used more sounds. I like how goofy it is.

That was a ton of fun! It's great to know you guys were always talented! You've improved from the last cartoon. The animation is quite unique. My favorite bit is probably the head crashing towards the screen. It works so well as an action cartoon.

It's even funnier how the guy is still bored as he does it. If only you guys would submit "Shut Up Cartoons" here. Well, no one comes here anyway. Obviously, you go onto bigger stuff. Nice to know you started here!

This was even shorter than the first tutorial. I am at least impressed that you kept it up. Maybe you should have physically shown us. Well, that would have required something live-action. No, just show us your screen. That still probably wouldn't be wanted here.

Why is your name lower case? Dang, you were prolific. Everyone seems to be when they first start out. You need music. It's too boring.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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