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Uh, I don't have Flash. That is, I don't even know how to use it. I guess I have to buy it. I still can't say this was a bad game. I mean, it taught you how to use it. Only problem is, I don't know how to use it.

Still, it helps a lot of other people use it. I'll give you that. Maybe you should have demonstrated it. There should have at least been some effort. You still have great submissions.

I didn't care for this game, because I suck at it. The worst part was the spaceship game. I couldn't get a single hit! You'd think with all that firing, I'd at least get one hit! The German language annoyed me. Not that I'm racist or anything.

At least the designs are good. These really are creative. It just isn't for me. The music was okay. Dang, you made everything at this time.

I liked this more than the other ones. It had a lot more adventure. Granted, it still wasn't great. At least it was watchable. Dang, that's one long word. Possibly the longest word used in any submission ever.

Well, you didn't make it up. I want this to be bigger. Make full cartoons out of this! Don't always do demos. Oh, I don't care for 3D.

Yeah, another test. I look for more in Newgrounds submissions. I hope it led to a game. The music was okay. Everyone gets better later. The graphics were good.

Why are there so few CGI things here? Movies have adopted it. I guess it's nice to look at. Don't make it a loop. That should only be for songs.

Huh? I'm confused as to why the rating is so high. Well, you are very talented. I did like the CGI. Kind of weird how you used it though. I thought this was a game at first.

That's what you're more well known for. The song was okay. I like the shift in art tones. I don't know what this word means. It must be German.

I liked how it didn't have any poop. Whoops, spoke too soon. This was still nice. At least it wasn't mostly about bodily fluids. It's a pretty sweet video. We should all like our pets.

Well, love them of course. That guy looks like Ernie from "Sesame Street". Something about the nose. Not one of your best, but good. You're a pretty good singer.

Wow, this was 2003! I can't believe the animation! Well, CGI was in most cartoons at this point. The music was great too. I admit it was short. It was still awesome.

I remember this character. Why don't these guys have their own section? This guy has a long history. At least there's a good number of views. It holds up.

I thought this would be a comedy at first. I'm just so used to parodies here. I still liked this. I admit the drawings could be better. I like the simplistic title. It is a pretty nice tribute.

I've never played "Max Payne". Well, I've never played most of the games that I see being parodied here. I like that song. It was probably too short. Still watchable.

Where was the candy? When I heard this title, it reminded me of "Adventure Time". Princess Bubblegum could shoot candy out of her palm! This had little to do with candy. I just thought it was okay. It was nothing too interesting.

The animation was just okay. It's nothing to really remember. I did like that rocket at the end. At least the ending was good. You get better later, duh.

That was incredible! This has some of the best animation I've ever seen! It seems like there's fewer and fewer great cartoons on this website. This on the other hand was so awesome! I just loved every character! The great voice acting made the characters so real!

I also loved the setup. I really had no idea what would happen next! A pity this was released shortly after Halloween. Close enough I guess. I love how it's labeled "Episode 1". Hopefully, there will be more!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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