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Kind of seems silly to make another trailer. Still, I liked this. It was better than the original. The best part is probably when showing the actual gameplay. The game looks very well done. Maybe it could just be 3.0?

I'm understanding the characters more. Okay, they really don't have backstories. I can at least remember their names more. I thought this said, "trailer". That's the proper spelling.

I did not care that much for this. The audio seemed off. I couldn't understand it! I am impressed at how much you did for this series. There are indeed a lot of characters. You do want to give them backstories.

At least there's some new footage. The games are more interesting. I guess you're not that good at trailers. Well, we don't really focus on them here. You are still talented.

It's always nice to learn film history. I'm surprised you didn't put "The Jazz Singer" from 1927 up there. It was the first sound movie! Then again, you do have "Don Juan". Well, that's not as significant. It's pretty cute.

I love that thing on the bottom of the screen. It's nice to know the time frame. I thought maybe you could control it, but you can't. It's still a nice little cartoon. I'm used to black and white parodies.

I knew it was TmsT! I can recognize people's art styles more. I am glad to look at your artwork seeing as how you just used clip art in your animutations. The joke was pretty good. It's set up well.

You can make cartoons based on single jokes. I liked that goat. I don't know much about New Zealand. I don't camp much. Maybe this is why.

That was weird. I could tell from the animation it was you. At first I thought DrunkMagiKoopa made this. Ford dealt with Fidel Castro? Well, he was the leader of Cuba forever. I couldn't even find the "Play" button at first.

Godfart? What a strange name. This was certainly creative at least. It was a bit too short. It was still watchable.

Well, the artwork was great. I just didn't understand the joke. A kid gets a dead rat from Santa. That's it. It didn't seem particularly interesting in any way. At least it was short.

The music was good. Well, people love this at least! Then again, there's few votes. Your outlines are great. Christmas was at least kinda close.

This was pretty good. It wasn't a classic, but I enjoyed it. It's mostly because of the great colors. Why is he called Jalapeno? He's a lizard! That has nothing to do with jalapenos!

Oh, I'm just overanalyzing it. There were many installments in this series. Where's its own section? You're pretty popular here! It was just good.

That looks like Seraph. Wait, I recognize that character from your other works. I guess it's just a popular design. It's fine for a quick joke. The voices at the end are kind of annoying. Well, they do go away eventually.

I don't see characters chopping down wood much. It was just fine for something short. It's always nice to see improvement. This just wasn't that memorable. The colors are fine, though.

I'm glad to increase the score to a 3.70. It's a great cartoon! It's impressive how you included the real life footage. Of course, why make the cartoon? Well, we love these cartoons. I am glad to say I never had this happen to me.

I have had clogged toilets, too. Everyone has. You mentioned Number 1 and Number 2 at the end. Makes sense, given that it's about a toilet! This was as fun as ever.

I'd like to comment on how this was way more elaborate than the last one. It had dozens of guys! The other one only had like five of them. I can see why the score is so low. The best part is the disclaimer at the end. Luckily, stickmen are expendable.

I loved the more detailed place. It's great to create your own world like this. Well, it's really a big room. It's still a great environment. This was tons of fun.

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