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I thought this was the best because of how much action in it. I really like the idea of his arm working like that. I appreciate the animation. I do wish it was longer. It's still fine for what it is. I'm glad to be around reviewing this for Halloween.

I am starting to like this character more. These zombies are designed pretty well. It's fairly unique. I'm just really into that zombie stuff. Thanks for getting me in the mood!

I admit that the animation was a bit annoying. The huge eyes were a bit weird. This was still a great cartoon. I especially appreciate all the jokes. There are such a wide variety of them. My favorite would probably be the poop one.

Yeah, I'm just childish. Yoda's voice was great. The new Star Wars trailer got me in the mood. Who wouldn't be? I think it's obvious that he's Yoda. It seems weird to call him "Gnome".

I admit this was a step down from the previous cartoons. I loved that music at the credits! The whole thing should have been like that! I thought they had some interesting new abilities. It was just a bit too short. The animation was mostly good.

I liked how they went into different environments. It's neat to see this as an ongoing story. The music is mostly food in the fight scenes. It's cool the way they move. It could have used sound effects.

I love this idea and how it's taken so far here. I guess they ultimately failed to make him smile. It helps that the animation is great. I will admit that the ending isn't that good. It seemed too silly. Well, that may have been the point.

Everything just flowed so well. I guess he would have died anyway. I really do like all the little details in this. The music was great too. You really did, uh, know how to show expression without dialogue.

I believed this was the best recent cartoon you ever did. It helps that the animation was drop dead gorgeous! I have never seen artwork like this before. While short, it definitely gave its purpose. I guess I'm not that sad that you left sprite work after all. I see a bright future for you.

It's sad your work is now mostly forgotten. As of now, I'm the only one reviewing it. The sounds were great. I know how busy you are. Well, I'm off to a con now!

DragoonFenix15 responds:

I'm glad you left a review, it's not a lonely review-less video anymore :)
I'm stoked you liked it that much! I'll definitely be trying that soft-shading pass on other cartoons in the future.
While it is a bit sad I lost a lot of followers from 10 years ago, I'm pretty confident that if I keep up appearances here and keep submitting fun stuff just like I did before, I can probably become relevant again. Enjoy the convention!

This is a really gorgeous cartoon! It's just great how serious everything is. It never got funny or anything for a moment. It's probably the most serious Mario cartoon (series) I've ever seen! What's even more amazing is how you used these old graphics. These are the least story based games of them all!

You made the emotions so strong. The battle scenes were great. It dragged on a little, but still fantastic. I also love how Mario wasn't in this and you gave the other characters some screen time. It was cool to see the Mushroom people shrink down like Mario.

This is a really funny song. I just like the idea of this cat being like Droopy. He will always be there no matter what. I admit that the animation could have been a bit better. It was still great to hear this song again. You definitely have something going with it.

I like the cat sounds. I'm not sure if that was you who put them in. It was just fun to see this cat survive everything. I would never want a cat to be hurt. People, on the other hand, are obviously scum.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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