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I admit that this didn't seem that appealing at first, but it definitely got better. It's probably because of that awesome joke near the end. It isn't quite the final punchline, however. I vaguely recall the previous installment. It's hard to remember all of your cartoons. It kind of reminded me of "VG Cats".

I think the animation is pretty good. I like all the things going on. I don't like this new format of seeing cartoons here. I like that thing at the end showing the other thumbnails. The sounds were nice too.

I thought this was lots of fun! It reminded me of "Hotel Transylvania". Then again, I haven't ever seen that movie. I think the animation is pretty good. I really do love all the ideas used. A vampire mosquito?

It's a pretty obvious idea. It's cool to see how they fight. There's just a lot of action going on in this. I like stuff that's nice and goofy. It's really a pleasant cartoon.

I did not like this at all. Even the author comments didn't make any sense! I can understand why this is the lowest ranked of Halloween 2015. The animation was pretty bad, too. It just didn't have a point. What's a skunk got to do with Halloween?

Maybe they're just talking about being out on Halloween. The voices weren't that good either. It was too short. It just doesn't seem to amount to much. You should have better lines.

flashmakeit responds:

Well that is news. I didn't know the my cartoon was the lowest ranked for Halloween 2015. The boy wanted to go in the woods for Halloween and he was so bad he chased some animals out of the woods but not the skunk that give him a funky treat.

Yep, this one's a classic! I have to admit it's great to see Tifa. She's still really hot... The funniest bit was probably the joke at the end with Aeris and the phoenix downs. Then again, the most memorable might be the one about why these animals have gil. I don't understand the game.

Don't worry, I've seen the other scenes elsewhere. It's great to see a "Final Fantasy VII" spoof. It's been so long since we've made those. The voice is really funny. It's great to get a good look at the series as a whole. I have yet to play any of these games.

I'm so glad that you are back with this series. You have just no idea at all what would happen next. The best part was probably Yoda. It was just great to see those cats. I don't know why they were killing him in that one scene. Then again, nothing makes any sense in this.

I liked all those things at the end. It was just nice to hear the standard "Made ya think" at the end. I didn't quite get the sick part. You have a very creative animation style. It's so unique I can immediately recognize it.

Wow, I really feel bad about not giving this a higher score. It's definitely good. It's great to have insight on the animation world. I just didn't like how it wasn't that autobiographical. Your other cartoons certainly were. I thought the animation was, ironically, great.

Wait, wouldn't it be more ironic if it was bad? Anyway, the voice was quite good. This actually does have very few views for something that won all three main awards. It's still good, just not great for me. Well, other people love it!

I did like this because of the animation. It's mostly because you show that live-action stuff in the background. The actual content wasn't that good, though. I mean, it was just a brief cartoon about a dragon scaring someone. I liked the story book opening at least. The drawings were nice.

The dragon scared someone and that was it. I guess you usually make mediocre stuff. This had a lot of potential. It just didn't amount to much. The voices were fairly good. You just needed more of a joke.

This was back in the days where everything was a sprite movie. Your author comments would make more sense now. I admit that the beginning of this movie was really boring. I KNEW there had to be a battle or something. Then again, the battle wasn't that good.

I guess I've just seen these things before. The "Rise Of The MK" series did this really well. This just didn't seem to have much aim. I guess the sprite work was pretty good. The action just wasn't that much.

I like the animation. I admit that it was weird with how Sonic wasn't in that at first. I guess they don't always have to have Sonic in them. He appeared later of course. I guess I didn't like this as most people. It's still impressive how you have over a million views.

Rouge is as hot as ever. I like Shadow getting angrier. The lack of dialogue creates good mood. Then again, so does the music. It just flowed well.

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